We all know we have a heart in our body which is very crucial for blood circulation and keeping us alive. But how does it actually provide blood to all parts of our body? The size of our hearts is very small. How can it supply blood to a huge body? What’s the process of supplying it? Do they have any types in that? By what does our circulation go on? What is blood circulation first of all? How is our heart designed for blood circulation? What are veins and arteries which are helping with blood circulation and what is their process?
Answers to all these questions are going to be clarified here. This article provides you with information about blood circulation and mainly double circulation, how the process goes in our body, how it is classified, and all. The heart is the main and important part of our body. It circulates blood to all parts of our body. If blood circulation stops our heart stops beating and the person won’t be alive. Blood circulation is a process where blood pumps by the action of the heart to all parts of the body.
Double circulation is a type of circulatory system in which blood flow meets the heart twice so, we call this double circulation. The circulatory system is made up of arteries and the heart. The function of the circulatory system is to transport oxygen, nutrients to muscles, tissues, and organs. While transporting oxygen to the cell it collects carbon dioxide and waste products. The circulatory system has blood vessels, blood, and lymph vessels. The circulatory system is often conceived as the vascular network that links the heart which is the principal cardiac organ.
The heart and lungs play a vital role in purifying and circulating blood flow. We have different types of blood circulatory systems. In animals, there are two types of circulatory systems: open and closed circulatory systems. Double circulatory systems are mostly seeds in mammals. The closed circulatory system is further divided into two types: single circulatory system and double circulatory system based on the number of times blood circulation takes place through the heart.
In this system, blood passes through the heart to gills, after purification blood will be distributed to different parts of the body. Only one cardiac cycle happens. It is mostly seen in birds, reptiles, fishes, etc.
These are the four chambers of the heart which are playing an important role in circulation.
Blood vessel which is taking place in this process are:
It carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the tissue’s capillaries. Oxygen-rich blood is transferred to the aorta for circulating. Later the veins and venules collect deoxygenated blood. Deoxygenated blood is pumped back into the superior vena cava and then to the right atrium. The right atrium carries blood to the right ventricle for pulmonary circulation.
In this path blood circulation starts from the right atrium to the left atrium. The pulmonary artery collects the blood from the right ventricle and carries it to the lungs for purification. After purification oxygenated blood is pumped back to the left atrium through the pulmonary vein which carries into the left ventricle. The left ventricles pump oxygenated blood to the aorta for systemic circulation. The two pathways go on like this.
The circulation helps in maintaining higher blood pressure. It allows the great flow of blood to tissues. It helps in creating more pressure to pump blood. Separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood takes place. It also helps in producing large amounts of energy. These are some signs of blood circulation in our bodies.
This chapter is very crucial as it explains the importance of the circulatory system and our heart functions. The circulatory system is very important in our body and also in exams. They can ask questions in many ways like the flow of oxygenated flood done through blood vessels and also about deoxygenated blood flow.
Which blood vessel carries which type of blood. There are many chances to ask many questions from this area. So, questioners definitely give questions from this area. We can expect five to ten bits which are easy to score. Don’t neglect this chapter as it is to score and to understand.
Here we have discussed heart blood circulation mainly about double circulation and its pathways, their mechanism, and significance. Double circulation is a type of circulatory system in which blood flow meets the heart twice. The heart is divided into two halves where the right side pumps deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary portion and the left side pumps oxygenated blood into the systemic circulation. Oxygenated blood is rich in oxygen, Deoxygenated blood is high in carbon dioxide and low in oxygen.
The left pump sends oxygenated blood throughout the body whereas the right pump sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs and it becomes oxygenated and comes back to the heart. By separating oxygenated blood from deoxygenated helps in maintaining the constant temperature of the body.
Double circulation is a type of circulatory system in which blood flow meets the heart twice so, we call this double circulation. The circulatory system is made up of arteries and the heart. The function of the circulatory system is to transport oxygen, nutrients to muscles, tissues, and organs. While transporting oxygen to the cell it collects carbon dioxide and waste products. The circulatory system has blood vessels, blood, and lymph vessels. The circulatory system is often conceived as the vascular network that links the heart which is the principal cardiac organ.
The circulation helps in maintaining higher blood pressure. It allows the great flow of blood to tissues. It helps in creating more pressure to pump blood. Separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood takes place. It also helps in producing large amounts of energy. These are some signs of blood circulation in our bodies.