MathsKnowing Our NumbersKnowing our Numbers – Expanding Brackets- Part 2

Knowing our Numbers – Expanding Brackets- Part 2

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    • Examples
    • Summary
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    In our previous segment, we were introduced to the concept of expansion of brackets. We also used it to simplify the multiplication of two numbers. In this segment, we will look at a few more examples.

    Example 1: 23 x 106

    Unlike the previous examples, where only one number was expressed in brackets, in this example, both numbers will be expressed in brackets.

    23 x 106

    = (20 + 3) x (100 + 6)

    Here we are splitting 23 as (20 + 3) and 106 as (100 + 6) because it is easier to multiply numbers that are multiples of 10 or 100.

    We will now multiply the expression in the first bracket with every term in the second bracket.

    {(20 + 3) x 100} + {(20 + 3) x 6}

    We will now solve the two terms individually and add them.

    {20 x 100 + 100 x 3} + {20 x 6 + 3 x 6}

    = {2000 + 300} + {120 +18}

    = 2300 + 138

    = 2438

    Example 2: 17 x 109

    17 x 109 = (10 + 7) x (100 + 9)

    = {(10 + 7) x 100} + {(10 + 7) x 9}

    = {10 x 100 + 7 x 100} + {10 x 9 + 7 x 9}

    = {1000 + 700} + {90 + 63}

    = 1700 + 153

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