BiologyBright’s Disease – Meaning, Symptoms, Signs and Scurvy Disease

Bright’s Disease – Meaning, Symptoms, Signs and Scurvy Disease

What is Meant by Bright’s Disease?

Bright’s Disease is a kidney disorder caused by inflammation and damage to the filters in the kidneys. This can lead to a build-up of waste products and fluids in the body. Symptoms can include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, and swelling in the legs and ankles. Treatment options include medications to control inflammation and fluids, and dialysis or a kidney transplant for those who no longer have a working kidney.

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    Bright’s Disease Symptoms and Signs

    The symptoms of Bright’s disease vary depending on the severity of the disease and the organs affected. The most common symptoms include:

    -Loss of appetite
    -Pain in the back or side
    -Frequent urination
    -Pale skin

    The signs of Bright’s disease vary depending on the severity of the disease and the organs affected. The most common signs include:
    -Changes in urine color
    -Frequent urination
    -Pale skin
    -Pain in the back or side
    -Loss of appetite

    Scurvy Disease;

    A condition caused by a severe lack of vitamin C in the diet.
    Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and vegetables. Scurvy results from a deficiency of vitamin C in the diet.
    Symptoms may not occur for a few months after a person’s dietary intake of vitamin C drops too low. Bruising, bleeding gums, weakness, fatigue and rash are among scurvy symptoms.
    Treatment involves taking vitamin C supplements and eating citrus fruits, potatoes, broccoli and strawberries


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