BlogIIT-JEEDimensions of Electric Charge

Dimensions of Electric Charge

Dimensions of Charge: Once placed in an electromagnetic field, the physical property of matter known as electric charge causes it to experience a force. A positive or negative electric charge can exist (commonly carried by protons and electrons respectively). In fact, the charges that are similar repel each other, while charges that are dissimilar attract each other. Also, the phrase “neutral” refers to an object that has no net charge. Classical electrodynamics refers to early knowledge of how charged substances interact, and it is still accurate for problems that do not require consideration of quantum effects.

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    Electric charge is indeed a conserved property; the net charge of an isolated system, which is the sum of positive and negative charges, cannot change. Subatomic particles carry electric charges. In regular matter, electrons carry a negative charge, while protons carry a positive charge in the nuclei of atoms. When a piece of matter has more electrons than protons, it has a negative charge; if there are fewer, it has a positive charge; and if there are equal numbers, it is neutral.

    Dimensions of charge

    The coulomb (C), called after French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, is the SI-derived unit of electric charge. The ampere-hour is also commonly used in electrical engineering (Ah). The elementary charge (e) has been commonly used as a unit in physics and chemistry. The Faraday constant is often used in chemistry to calculate the charge on a mole of electrons. The lowercase letter q has been frequently used to represent charge.

    Even though the net charge of an object is zero, the charge can be distributed non-uniformly within the object (e.g., due to an external electromagnetic field, or bound polar molecules). The object seems to be polarized in such cases. The charge generated by polarization is known as a bound charge, whereas the charge produced on an object by electrons gained or lost from outside the object is known as free charge. Electric current is indeed the movement of electrons in conductive metals in a specific direction.

    Dimensions of Charge

    Dimensional Formula of Charge

    The dimensional formula of charge can be represented as:

    [M0 L0 T1 I1]


    M = Mass

    I = Current

    L = Length

    T = Time

    Dimensions of Charge Derivation

    We have, Electric Charge (Q) = Electric Current × Time . . . . (1)

    Then, the dimensional formula of Current and Time is [M0 L0 T0 I1] and [M0 L0 T1] respectively . . . . (2)

    Now, when substituting equation (2) in equation (1) we get,

    Electric Charge = Electric Current × Time

    That is, Q = [M0 L0 T1 I1]

    Thus, the charge has been dimensionally represented as [M0 L0 T1 I1].

    Also read: Dimensions of Coefficient of Friction

    Dimensions of Charge FAQs

    , where M is mass, L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. This shows that charge is dependent on time and current, but independent of mass and length.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”How do you obtain the dimension of charge?” answer-2=”The dimension of electric charge can be derived using the formula Q = I × T, where Q is the charge, I is current, and T is time. Thus, the dimensional formula of charge is the product of the dimensions of current I and T.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=” Is electric charge a fundamental dimension?” answer-3=”No, electric charge is not considered a fundamental dimension. It is derived from the fundamental quantities of electric current and time.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”What can electric charge be measured in?” answer-4=”Electric charge is measured in Coulombs (C), which represents the quantity of charge transferred by a steady current of one ampere in one second.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]
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