MathsFactor of 105

Factor of 105

Explain in Detail :Pair Factors of 105

The factors of 105 are 1, 3, 5, 7, 21, 105.

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    The first factor is 1, because 1 multiplied by 105 equals 105. The second factor is 3, because 3 multiplied by 105 equals 315. The third factor is 5, because 5 multiplied by 105 equals 525. The fourth factor is 7, because 7 multiplied by 105 equals 735. The fifth factor is 21, because 21 multiplied by 105 equals 2,105. The sixth factor is 105, because 105 multiplied by 105 equals 10,525.

    Factor of 105

    All Factors of 105 in Pairs

    1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 105. There are a total of six factors of 105 in pairs. These are: 1 and 105, 3 and 35, 5 and 21, 7 and 15, and 9 and 11. There are a total of 21 pairs of factors for the number 105. The pairs are: 1 & 105, 3 & 35, 5 & 21, 7 & 15, 9 & 10, 11 & 9, 13 & 8, 15 & 7, 17 & 6, 19 & 5, 21 & 5, 23 & 4, 25 & 4, 27 & 3, 33 & 3, 35 & 3, 39 & 2, 45 & 2, 51 & 2, 55 & 2, and 63 & 2.

    Factor Tree of 105

    The factors of 105 can be listed with a factor tree. The number 105 is a composite number, and the factors of 105 are 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 21 and 35. A factor tree is a tree-like diagram that is used to list the factors of a number, starting with the prime factors. The prime factors of 105 are 3 and 7. To create a factor tree, start with a circle and write the number inside of it. Then, divide the number into two factors, and write those factors in two additional circles. Continue dividing the factors of the number into two factors, and writing those factors in two additional circles until all of the factors are prime.

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