AnimalPolar Bear

Polar Bear

About Polar Bear

The polar bear is a large, white bear that is found in the Arctic. The polar bear is the largest land predator in the world. The polar bear has a very thick coat of fur that helps keep it warm in the cold Arctic climate. The polar bear’s fur is so thick that it can trap air and keep the polar bear warm even when it is wet. The polar bear’s fur also helps protect it from the cold Arctic winds. The polar bear’s fur is so thick that it can even protect the polar bear from frostbite. The polar bear’s fur is so thick that it can even protect the polar bear from the cold Arctic water. The polar bear’s fur is so thick that it can even protect the polar bear from the cold Arctic air.

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    What is a Polar Bear’s Habitat


    A polar bear’s habitat is the Arctic Circle.

    Where Do Polar Bears Live?

    Polar bears live in the Arctic Circle.

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