

Titanosaur: Learn All The Details About This Dinosaur

Titanosaurs were a group of large, long-necked dinosaurs that lived during the late Cretaceous period, around 100-66 million years ago. They were some of the largest land animals to ever live, and the largest known to have ever existed. The largest titanosaurs weighed up to 100 tons, more than twice the weight of the largest elephant ever recorded!

Despite their size, titanosaurs are not very well understood, as only a few fragmentary remains have been found. What is known about them comes from examination of their bones and teeth. Based on this, it is believed that titanosaurs were herbivores, and that they likely ate leaves and other plant material. They may have also been able to chew their food using their powerful jaws, which were equipped with batteries of up to 800 teeth!

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    Titanosaurs were likely very slow-moving animals, due to their large size. However, they would have been very difficult for predators to take down, as they would have been able to use their long necks to reach high into the trees for food, and to defend themselves against attack.

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