BiologyBiomagnification – Meaning, Example, Causes and Effects

Biomagnification – Meaning, Example, Causes and Effects


Biomagnification – Meaning: The process of biomagnification occurs when toxins or pollutants become increasingly concentrated in the tissues of organisms as they move up the food chain. The process is particularly concerning for pollutants that are known to be carcinogenic or toxic to the nervous system, as they can become increasingly concentrated as they move up the food chain. For example, a toxin that is released into a lake by a factory may be ingested by a small fish, which is then eaten by a larger fish, which is then eaten by a human. If the toxin is carcinogenic, it may cause cancer in the human.

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    Biomagnification - Meaning, Example, Causes and Effects

    What is Biomagnification?

    • The process of biomagnification occurs when harmful toxins or chemicals accumulate in the tissues of an organism as they pass along the food chain. This is often a problem with pollutants such as mercury or PCBs, which can become increasingly concentrated as they move up the food chain.
    • For example, a small amount of mercury released into a river may be ingested by a fish, which in turn is eaten by a larger fish, and so on. The mercury may become increasingly concentrated as it moves up the food chain, so that the final fish may have levels of mercury that are many times higher than the original source.

    A Real-Life Example of Biomagnification

    In the Great Lakes, there are many types of contaminants that have been found, including PCBs. PCBs are a type of persistent organic pollutant (POP) that have been linked to many adverse health effects. PCBs are lipophilic, meaning they are attracted to fats, and they are therefore able to accumulate in fatty tissues. This means that they biomagnify as they move up the food chain. For example, a small fish may consume a small amount of PCBs, but a larger fish may consume many times more PCBs. This is because the larger fish has a greater body mass and therefore has a larger surface area for the PCBs to accumulate. The higher up in the food chain you go, the more PCBs you will find. This is why it is important to know where your food comes from, because you may be inadvertently ingesting high levels of PCBs.

    Causes of Biomagnification

    The main cause of biomagnification is the accumulation of toxins in the tissues of animals that are higher up in the food chain. This is because the toxins are not broken down as they move up the chain, and they become more and more concentrated as they go.

    Effects of Biomagnification

    • The process of biomagnification occurs when toxins or pollutants accumulate in the tissues of an organism as they move up the food chain.
    • The process is accelerated by the fact that predators typically eat many more prey than they need to survive, allowing pollutants to accumulate in their tissues.
    • This can be dangerous for the predators, as the toxins can reach levels that are toxic or even lethal.
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