BiologyProteins of the Blood Serum – Serum Globulin, Serum Albumin and FAQs

Proteins of the Blood Serum – Serum Globulin, Serum Albumin and FAQs

What is Blood Serum?

Blood serum refers to the clear fluid that separates from blood cells when they are placed in a centrifuge. It is a straw-colored liquid that contains proteins, electrolytes, and other substances dissolved in it.

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    What is the Alpha-Globulin Fraction of Blood Serum?

    The alpha-globulin fraction of blood serum is a group of proteins that are produced by the liver. These proteins are important for the immune system and help to fight infection.

    What are Serum Proteins?

    Serum proteins are a group of proteins that are found in the blood serum. They are responsible for a variety of functions, including transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, fighting infection, and clotting blood.

    What is Serum Globulin Meaning?

    Serum globulin is a type of globulin that is found in the blood serum. It is a protein that is responsible for transporting lipids and other molecules around the body. It is made up of four different proteins: alpha-1 globulin, alpha-2 globulin, beta globulin, and gamma globulin.

    Serum Globulin Low

    A low serum globulin level may be due to a number of factors, including malnutrition, liver disease, and kidney disease.

    Serum Creatine Kinase

    Creatine kinase is an enzyme that is found in muscle tissue and the brain. It is used to help convert creatine into phosphocreatine. Phosphocreatine is then used to help create energy in the body.Creatine kinase levels can be elevated in the blood if there is damage to the muscle tissue. This can be caused by a number of things, such as a muscle injury, a heart attack, or a stroke. Elevated creatine kinase levels can also be a sign of a problem with the kidneys.

    Low Serum Albumin

    A low serum albumin level is a sign that something is wrong with the liver or the kidneys. Albumin is a protein made by the liver. It is released into the blood and helps to keep the blood from clotting. Albumin also helps to keep the fluid in the body balanced. A low serum albumin level may be a sign of liver disease or kidney disease.

    What Happens When Gamma Globulin is High?

    If gamma globulin levels are high, it could be a sign that the person has an autoimmune disease.

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