BiologyScientific Name of Lizards

Scientific Name of Lizards

Scientific Name of Select Lizards

The scientific name of the common five-lined skink is Eumeces fasciatus. These lizards have five stripes running the length of their backs, hence their name. They are typically gray or brown in color, with a light-colored stripe down the center of their heads. They are common in the eastern United States, and can be found in a variety of habitats, including woodlands, meadows, and open fields.

The scientific name of the common American alligator is Alligator mississippiensis. These reptiles can be found in freshwater habitats throughout the southeastern United States. They are typically dark green or black in color, with a light-colored belly. They can grow to be quite large, measuring up to 14 feet in length.

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    The scientific name of the common anole is Anolis carolinensis. These lizards are found throughout the eastern United States, and can be identified by their distinctive green color and long, slender body. They are typically found in trees and other vegetation, where they use their coloration to blend in with their surroundings.

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