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Focus on In-Depth Learning, Not Just Grades

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    Focus on in-depth learning, not just grades

    When it comes to learning, most of the students are more concerned about their grades and less about what they’ve learned. We’ve been trying to satisfy our ego by scoring well in exams, but when it comes to knowledge, we realize we’ve not learned much. We live in the dilemma of becoming the most intelligent student in the room by scoring an A+ in all the subjects. Ask yourself if this is what you agreed upon when you went to school for the first time, and when did this transformation of chasing knowledge to grades take place? What compelled you to seek grades and not the proficiency and understanding of the subject? That neighborhood geek or his pompous parents? Of course, good grades are required so that you can proceed to the next level of learning, but for that, you have to study and understand the basics of what you’re studying now, not just hustle to score well marks even if you’ve scored them through unfair means. Many students cheat in their exams so that they can be counted among the studious clan of the class. It is unfair. Rather than focusing on infidelity, it is better to divert your attention, energy, and time in the understanding of the subject. As a student, your focus should always be on in-depth learning, grades will automatically come along. Start appreciating the learning process, do not dwell on the results.

    Why should you focus on in-depth learning?

    When you will engage more in learning, you will remain focused and attentive to the knowledge you are getting. You are more likely to perform better when you will apply your theoretical knowledge to practical experience. By understanding and comprehending the subject to the roots, you can not only become informed but also motivated to study better. Knowledge will give you an edge over grades. Nobody remembers what grade you got in your 12th standard but day-to-day life will challenge you on your knowledge. Study better, focus on excellence, and the grades will follow. If you are honest with yourself while learning, you don’t need grades to approve your understanding, they will just be some letters on a piece of paper. In-depth learning will allow you to practice higher-level critical thinking and will promote significant learning experiences. Grades are important to mark the efficacy and accuracy of your subject understanding but to run blindly after them even when it comes to compromising your honesty to cheat, is not fair. When you cheat, you fail to understand its implication in the long run. You think that you’ve deceived the teacher, but it is you who you’re deluding. You keep running away from the mirror and end up standing on the edge of the ocean, which will reflect on the mess you created to avoid the mirror. So better face the mirror now than face the ocean ready to reflect on your treachery. Learn better, get better. Grades do not define your worth, but only knowledge does. Focus on learning, become good at, and learn how to learn more. Develop skills, chase excellence, grades will start to follow you.

    In-depth learning will help you to:

    1. Curtail stress and anxiety. You will not be worried about the results, but you will be focused on your learning efficiency.
    2. Measure what matters the most in your life. When you are clear on your objectives of understanding the subject matter, grades don’t matter.
    3. Become proficient learners. You will aspire to develop abilities. This perspective shift will immensely boost your confidence in learning.

    How to develop in-depth learning?

    1. Cut the societal norms of defining knowledge. Create your own definition. Do not study to seek the approval of others. Study for yourself, to educate yourself. Every time such a thought comes to your mind, replace it with in-depth learning and being honest with yourself
    2. Take your assignments or homework seriously. Do not copy it from your friend. Do it yourself. If you do so, you will have an affirmative knowledge of what you studied, which will distinguish you from the copy crowd. Even if you’ve done it wrong, have the courage to face criticism from your teacher and do it correctly. This way you’ll learn adequately and you will know what mistake to not repeat, you will have your doubts clarified.
    3. Ask questions. To be a good learner, you first need to become a good student. To become a good student, you should ask as many questions as you can. To understand a topic properly, you need to clarify all suspicions of that topic sitting in your mind. Never flinch to ask questions. This will also enhance your reasoning abilities. This will allow you to think differently and have your, as well as others’ doubts, cleared. Ask analytical, reflective, and credible hypothetical questions.
    4. Do not jump to conclusions immediately. Be patient and connect the dots then form your theory of understanding and then check with the studied concepts. If you have doubts, ask your teacher or professor.
    5. Teach yourself as you would teach to a five-year-old kid. When you learn something properly, explain it to yourself by rewriting it in your words.
    6. Practice the concepts as much as you can by revising them. Revision is the best strategy to become good at something. You want to develop in-depth learning of a subject or topic or whatever that you’re doing, revise it as many times as you can. This will help you to improvise or correct yourself wherever you go wrong. The revision will make you review your concepts better.

    In-depth learning is the foundation of expertise. It will help you define your learnings better. It will also distinguish you from the crowd that operates on the function of grades. Grades are barely a comparison factor, which was initially meant to assess you based on our performance. Changing times have changed the perspective towards grades. Grades no more assess our performance but they have become a judgment factor. So, focus on learning and the rest will be taken care of.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Que 1: My parents always say I don’t study because I get lower grades compared to my friends. How can I make them understand that my goal is to be better than what I was in the previous semester and not to score better than my friends?

    Ans: You have to make them understand and believe in you. Talk to them about what it is that you are chasing, tell them that you want to be better than who you were yesterday. Tell them that you’re running your race, not your friend’s. Ask them to read this article, it will definitely help them to understand your perspective.

    Que 2: Is in-depth learning going to help me in my professional life as well?

    Ans: Absolutely! Your in-depth knowledge will benefit you in the long run. You will have a better understanding of the work you will be into and so your performance will be the best. You will have higher chances of promotion also.

    Que3:How can I help my friend who cheats and gets good grades?

    Ans: Tell him about the long-term implications it might have on his life, especially in his or her career.

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