First Law of Thermodynamics

The laws of thermodynamics govern the interactions of heat with mechanical, electrical, and other types of energy or work. The […]

Moment of Inertia of a Cone

The rotational analogue to mass (which determines an object’s resistance to linear acceleration) is the moment of inertia, denoted by […]

JEE Main Cutoff

JEE Main 2022 cutoffs are divided into two categories: qualifying cutoffs and admission cutoffs. The qualifying cutoff for JEE Main […]

Sigma bonds and Pi bonds

The overlapping of atomic orbitals distinguishes sigma and pi bonds from other types of covalent bonds. This same overlapping of […]

Intensive and Extensive Properties

Physiological properties of materials and systems are frequently classified as intensive or extensive based on how the property changes as […]

Properties of Gases

Properties of Gases: Gas is a condition of matter in which the particles are widely apart, fast-moving, and unorganized in […]

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