BiologyBotany QuestionsCell Cycle And Cell Division Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Cell Cycle And Cell Division Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Division of centromere is absent in

Match the following with respect to cell cycle: Column I Column II (a) G 1 phase (i) Inactive stage called quiescent stage (b) G 0 phase (ii) Most dramatic period of the cell cycle (c) S-phase (iii) Interval between mitosis and initiation of DNA replication. (d) M-phase (iv) DNA synthesis or replication takes place.

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    In which stage of cell cycle number of centrioles of an animal cell is doubled?

    Prophase – I of meiosis is a long and complex phase in which many events occurs. Arrange the following events of meiosis in the correct sequence and select the correct option. (i) Crossing over (ii) Synapsis (iii) Terminalization of chiasmata. (iv) Disapperance of nucleolus

    Which stage of Mitosis is just reverse to Prophase?

    A cell at telophase stage is observed by a student in a plant brought from the field. He tells his teacher that this cell is not like other cells at telophase stage.There is no formation of cell plate and thus the cell is containing more number of chromosomes as compared to other dividing cells. This would result in

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to Mitosis

    These living cells never enter into cell cycle.

    Bivalent with four chromatids are clearly visible for the first time in which of the following stages of Meiosis?

    Centromeres split and chromatids separate in:

    G 0 phase is an:

    Which of the following options gives the correct sequence of events during prophase-I of meiosis?

    Pairing of homologous chromosomes during meiosis takes place in

    During Anaphase I of Meiosis I

    Identify the correct statement.

    A gamete contains 22 pg DNA. What will be the amount of DNA present in its somatic cells after completion of the S phase of the cell cycle?

    Identify the correct statements: (a) In higher plants there is anastral mitosis (b) Kinetochores serve as the sites of attachment of spindle fibres (formed by the microtubules) to the chromosomes that are moved into position at the centre of the cell during metaphase. (c) At the beginning of telophase, the chromosomes that have reached their respective poles decondense and regained their individuality and become distinct.

    Which of the following event is not done if Anaphase promoting complex (APC) is not formed?

    Which is the best phase to study the shape of the chromosome?

    Cytokinesis of animal cells is described as

    Match the following: Column I Column II (a) Prophase (i) Organisation of chromatin as chromosomes (b) Metaphase (ii) Shape of chromosome is best studied (c) Anaphase (iii) Arrangement of chromosome at the metaphasic plate (d) Telophase (iv) Decondensation of daughter chromosome.

    M phase of mitosis is also called equational division because:

    The amount of DNA present in each daughter cell or nucleus after meiosis I is:

    Arrange the following events of meiosis in correct sequence

    The amount of DNA in a cell at the end of S phase is 48 pg. Calculate the amount of DNA in each of the daughter cells after meiosis I.

    Choose the event of meiosis that brings about the formation of recombinant non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes of bivalents.

    Bivalent of meiosis is

    Which of the following stage is marked by terminalisation of chiasmata?

    Meiosis takes place in

    During the metaphase stage of mitosis, spindle fibres attach to chromosomes at

    Which is the most common mechanism of genetic variation in the population of a sexually reproducing organism?

    A somatic cell that has just completed the S phase of its cell cycle, as compared to gamete of the same species, has

    During cell growth, DNA synthesis takes place on

    Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis of animal cell. If APC is defective in a human cell, which of the following is expected to occur?

    The stage of cell cycle which is relatively metabolically less active compared to other stages.

    Cells in G 0 phase

    Some dividing cells exit the cell cycle and enter vegetative inactive stage. This is called quiescent stage ( G 0 ). This process occurs at the end of :

    Identify the correct statement with regard to G 1 phase (Gap 1) of interphase.

    Crossing over takes place between which chromatids and in which stage of the cell cycle ?

    At what phase of meiosis homologous chromosomes are separated?

    Which of the following statements is correct with respect to cell cycle?

    Select the correct option. Column I Column II A. Synapsis aligns homologous chromosomes (i) Anaphase- II B. Synthesis of RNA and protein (ii) Zygotene C. Action of enzyme recombinase (iii) G2-phase D. Centromeres do not separate but chromatids move towards opposite poles (iv) Anaphase -I (v) Pachytene

    Identify the stage in which the cells remain metabolically active but no longer proliferate unless called on to do so depending on the requirement of the organism.

    Tetrad of chromosome and tetrad of cell is observed in:

    A stage of mitosis is shown in the diagram. Which stage is it and what are its characteristics?

    Arrange the sequence of meiosis in correct order.

    Congression of bivalent chromosomes in meiosis cell division occurs in:

    The key feature of anaphase in mitosis are: a. Completion of chromosome condensation b. Splitting of centromere c. Chromosomes with single Chromatid move to opposite poles. d. Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle poles and their identity is lost as discrete elements.

    During cell growth, duplication of DNA takes place in

    Which of the following is not under regulation of Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC)?

    If a daughter cell of a plant after mitosis contains 8 chromosomes and 16 pg DNA, then the number of chromosomes and the amount of DNA respectively at the end of S phase is:

    The centromere is split during

    How many generations of mitotic divisions are needed for a single cell to make 128 cells?

    During Anaphase I of Meiosis I

    Statement A: Movement of chromosomes is seen in anaphase. Statement B: Movement of centrosomes is seen in prophase.

    The stage in karyokinesis where the cell becomes binucleate is:

    Cytokinesis takes place by cell plate method in:

    The number of mitotic divisions required to produce 64 cells is:

    Identify the correct statement(s): (a) Division of cytoplasm is called cytokinesis (b) Interphase represents the phase between two successive M phase (c) Interphase is called the resting phase as there is no significant metabolic activities taking place within the cell.

    Match the following: Column I Column II (a) G 1 phase (i) Differentiation of cells occur (b) S phase (ii) Phase where actual cell division occur (c) G 0 phase (iii) The amount of DNA doubles (d) M phase (iv) Interval between M phase and S phase

    Identify the incorrect statement

    Match the following: Column I Column II (a) G 0 stage (i) Histone synthesis (b) Animal cells (ii) Reverse of prophase (c) S phase (iii) Quiescent phase (d) Telophase (iv) Amphiastral mitosis

    Identify the correct statement:

    The site of attachment of spindle fibres to the chromosomes is:

    Which of the following statement is correct regarding Prophase?

    Meiosis occurs in: (a) Sporangiospore of fungi (b) Spore mother cell in the sporophyte of bryophytes (c) Conidiospore of Penicillium (d) Basidium of Agaricus

    During Meiosis, there is:

    The stage in between two meiotic divisions is called as

    The enzyme involved in crossing over is:

    In which stage of Prophase-I of Meiosis-I the chromosomes appear as relatively longer and slender threads?

    At which phase of meiosis does the microtubules from opposite poles of the spindle get attached to the kinetochores of sister chromatids?

    Which statements are correct w.r.t significance of meiosis? (a) It increases the genetic variability in the population of organisms from one generation to the next. (b) It results in reduction of chromosome number by half. (c) It leads to growth of multicellular organisms.

    Find the correct match

    Which is not the characteristic feature of telophase?

    Identify the correct sequence of events taking place during prophase I of meiosis.

    The amount of DNA present in each daughter nucleus or cell after meiosis I is

    Which is the shortest phase of cell cycle?

    An example of syncytium is

    The complex formed by a pair of synapsed chromosomes is called a

    During meiosis, a microspore mother cells has 12 bivalents, the number of chromosomes in its pollen grains will be :

    The sequence of events by which a cell duplicates its genome, cell contituents, and finally divides into two cells is termed as a cell cycle, and which of the following phases is not a part of this process?

    Select the incorrect statement with respect to mitotic anaphase.

    The complex formed by a pair of synapsed homologous chromosomes is called

    During meiosis I, the chromosomes start pairing at

    A stage in cell division is shown in the figure. Select the answer which gives correct identification of the stage with its characteristics.

    Select the correct option. Column I Column II A. Synapsis between homologous chromosomes (i). Anaphase- II B. Synthesis of RNA and protein (ii). Zygotene C. Action of enzyme recombinase (iii). G 2 -phase D. Chromosomes with sister chromatids move towards opposite poles (iv). Anaphase -I (v) Pachytene

    During which phase(s) of cell cycle, amount of DNA in a cell remains at 4C level if the initial amount is denoted as 2C?

    A stage of mitosis is shown in the diagram. Which stage is it and what are its characteristics?

    In ‘S’ phase of the cell cycle

    The enzyme recombinase is required at which stage of meiosis?

    Arrange the following events of meiosis in correct sequence (i) Crossing over (ii) Synapsis (iii) Terminalisation of chiasmata (iv) Disappeara nce of nucleolus

    If the diploid cells are metabolically active and the amount of DNA is 2C, it corresponds to the following stage of cell cycle.

    Spindle fibres attach on to

    Which of the following is not a characteristic feature during mitosis in somatic cells?

    In meiosis crossing over is initiated at

    When cell has stalled DNA replication fork, which checkpoint should be predominantly activated?

    Match the stages of meiosis in column I to their characteristic features in column II and select the correct option using the codes given below. Column-I Column-II A. Pachytene (i) Pairing of homologous chromosomes B. Metaphase I (ii) Terminalisation of chiasmata C. Diakinesis (iii) Crossing-over takes place D. Zygotene (iv) Chromosomes align at equatorial plate

    Which of the following options gives the correct sequence of events during mitosis ?

    The stage during which separation of the paired homologous chromosomes begins is

    Match the following List – I List – II A) Interkinesis i) Movement of chiasmata B) Pachytene ii) Chiasmata formation C) Diplotene iii) Period between Meiosis I and II D) Diakinesis iv) Dissolution of synaptonemal complex

    The correct sequence of phases of cell cycle is

    In animal cells the doubling of centrioles takes place during

    Shortening of microtubules attached to kinetochore takes place during

    Choose the correct sequence of stages of cell cycle.

    How many chromatids are seen in a diploid meristematic cell of onion during metaphase.

    Most of the cell organelles are doubled during this stage of cell cycle.

    Arrange the various stages of human cell cycle in correct ascending sequence of time taken for the completion of each stage.

    Match the following with respect to Mitosis List I List II A) Prophase I) Daughter nuclei formation B) Metaphase II) Division of centromere C) Anaphase III) Association of each chromosome with two chromosomal spindle fibers D) Telophase IV) Organisation of chromatin as chromosomes

    Interkinesis is

    Statement A: Previously Interphase was referred as resting phase. Statement B: Interphase is metabolically more active than M phase.

    Arrange the following events of meiosis in correct sequence. I. Exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. II. Separation of sister chromatids. III. Formation of synaptonemal complex. IV. Total disappearance of chiasmata.

    Match the following with respect to meiosis : Column-I Column-II (a) Zygotene (i) Terminlization (b) Pachytene (ii) Chiasmata (c) Diplotene (iii) Crosing over (d) Diakinesis (iv) Synapsis Select the correct option from the following :

    Dissolution of the synaptonemal complex occurs during :

    In a mitotic cycle, the correct sequence of phases is

    Attachment of spindle fibers to kinetochores of chromosomes becomes evident in

    During Meiosis I, in which stage synapsis takes place?

    Match the following events that occur in their respective phases of cell cycle and select the correct option : (a) G 1 phase (i) Cell grows and organelle duplication (b) S phase (ii) DNA replication and chromosome duplication (c) G 2 phase (iii) Cytoplasmic growth (d) Metaphase in M-phase (iv) Alignment of chromosomes

    After meiosis I, the resultant daughter cells have

    The time taken for the completion of cell cycle in a yeast cell is

    This is not a feature of meiotic cell cycle

    The enzymes that mainly regulate the cell cycle and by associating with various types of cyclins are

    P is stage of meiosis in which the crossing over takes place and Q is the stage in which the terminal chiasmata are at the equator. P and Q are respectively

    Match the following with respect to cell division List – I List – II A) Condensation of chromatin I) Anaphase B) Decondensation of chromosomes II) Prophase C) Separation of sister chromatids III) Metaphase D) Completion of organization of spindle apparatus IV) Telophase

    Statement A: Events of cell cycle do not occur in the G 0 stage. Statement B: Cells do not show metabolic reactions in the Quiescent stage.

    Yeast cells can progress through the cell cycle in

    Match the stages of mitosis in column I to their characteristic features in column II and select the correct option using the codes given below. Column I Column II A. Prophase I. Centromeres split and chromatids separate B. Metaphase II. Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle poles and their identity is lost as discrete elements C. Anaphase III. Nuclear membrane disappears D. Telophase IV. Spindle fibres attach to kinetochores of chromosomes.

    Statement A: In G 0 stage, there is no metabolism in a cell Statement B: In Quiescent stage of cell cycle there is no replication of DNA

    Chromosomal movement towards the equator of cell is seen during

    Statement A: Compared to G 1 stage, the amount of DNA in G 2 stage is two times more. Statement B: DNA replication takes place prior to G 2 stage of cell cycle.

    In a stage of mitosis, there is division of centromere. The chromosomes are drawn towards the respective poles. Chromosomes attain their characteristic shape. The stage of mitosis is

    Read the following statements. A: Meiosis is known as reductional division. B: Meiosis produces four genetically dissimilar cells.

    If a cell has 2n number of chromosomes in G1 phase, then what is the number of chromosomes in cell after S phase?

    Amount of chromatin of nucleus is doubled at the end of the following stage of cell cycle.

    Which among the following is not related to significance of Meiosis?

    Interphase (A) Is a biosynthetic phase in which the cell duplicates its organelles. (B) Constitutes more than 95% duration of cell cycle (C) Is the phase between two successive M-phases

    Arrange these events in the sequence in the cell cycle : (A) Synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides. (B) Synthesis of tubulin protein (C) Synthesis of histone protein

    Which of the following is the major check point for regulation of cell cycle ?

    All are correct w.r.t significance of mitosis except

    A cell in quiescent stage is

    If the initial amount of DNA is denoted as 2C then it increases to during S phase.

    Match the following columns and select the correct option : Column -I Column -II (A) G 1 – phase (i) Cell quiescence (B) M-phase (ii) Longest phase of the cell cycle (C) S-phase (iii) Less than 5% of total duration of cell cycle (D) G 0 – phase (iv) DNA content doubles A B C D 1. ii iii iv i 2. ii iii i iv 3. iii ii iv i 4. iii i iv ii

    Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t cell cycle

    All statements are incorrect w.r.t mitosis except

    Read the following statements, and select the correct option : Statement (A) : Complete disintegration of nuclear envelope marks the starts of the second phase of mitosis. Statement (B) : Metaphase chromosome is made up of two sister chromatids.

    During mitosis, cytokinesis is achieved by cell furrow formation in

    Consider the following statements and select the option that correctly fills the blank : (i) The disintegration of the nuclear membrane marks the beginning of (A) . (ii) The ( B) ends when the sister chromatids reach the respective poles. (iii) (C) marks the end of karyokinesis. A B C 1. Metaphase Anaphase Telophase 2. Prophase Anaphase Telophase 3. Prophase Metaphase Anaphase 4. Metaphase Telophase Prophase

    Identify the stage of the cell division and select the option that is true for it

    Following events represent which stage of mitosis? (i) Spindle fibres attach to kinetochores of chromosomes (ii) All the chromosomes coming to lie at the equator.

    The events shown below occur during different phases (A) Chromosome identify is lost as discrete elements. (B) Condensation of chromosome is completed, and they can be observed clearly under the microscope. (C) Chromosomal material becomes untangled. (D) Centromere split and chromatids separate A B C D 1. Telophase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase 2. Telophase Metaphase Prophase Anaphase 3. Anaphase Prophase Telophase Metaphase 4. Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

    Read the following statements and identify which ones are true(T) and which ones are false(F). (A) Equational division is usually restricted to the diploid cells only. (B) In some lower plants and in some social insects ,haploid cells divide by mitosis. (C) Cell divides to restore nucleus cytoplasmic ratio (D) The cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, cells lining the gut and blood cells are being constantly replaced by mitotic divisions. A B C D 1. T T T T 2. F T T T 3. F F T F 4. T F T F

    A stage of cell division is depicted in the given figure. Select the most appropriate option as answer which gives the correct identification of the stage.

    Match the given columns and choose the correct option Column I Column II (A) Zygotene (i) Formation of recombination nodule (B) Diakinesis (ii) Synapsis (C) Diplotene (iii) Dissolution of synaptonemal complex (D) Pachytene (iv) Terminalisation of chiasmata

    Nature of four daughter cells formed after meiosis are

    The anaphase promoting factor is activated when:

    The bivalent chromosomes align on the equatorial plate in:

    Statement A: Tubulins are synthesized in G 2 phase. Statement B: Proteins required for preparing the cell for M-phase are formed in G 2 phase.

    Choose the stages of Mitosis in which one can observe the of spindle fibers attached to kinetochores.

    A stage of mitosis where spindle fibres attach to kinetochores of chromosomes is:

    A stage of mitosis where spindle fibres attach to kinetochores of chromosomes is:

    Statement A: Doubling of nucleosomes of a Eukaryotic cell takes place in S stage. Statement B: Nucleosomes are units of chromatin consisting mainly of DNA and Histones.

    During which stage of Meiotic cell cycle there is formation of phosphodiester bonds between different DNA strands of different DNA molecules?

    The major event occurring during anaphase of mitosis is

    Which stage of mitosis is referred as the reverse of prophase?

    If the number of chromosomes in G 1 phase of a cell is 22. Then what is the number of chromosomes in G 2 phase of the cell?

    Which structure of an angiosperm is suitble to stydy meiosis

    Statement A: Movement of daughter chromosomes is seen in anaphase. Statement B: Movement of daughter centrosomes is seen in prophase.

    The difference between interphase and interkinesis is :

    Synaptonemal complex is formed between

    In one of the following stages of M phase of meristematic cell the functional role of Golgi complex is clearly understood.

    DNA content is doubled during

    The duration of cell cycle in humans and yeast is:

    Identify the correct statements regarding G 0 phase

    Identify the incorrect match:

    Identify the correct statement.

    A cell has 20pg of DNA and 4 chromosomes in the G 1 phase. Calculate the number of chromosome and the amount of DNA in at the end of S phase.

    Identify the correct statement: (a) Spindle fibres are chemically made of proteins. (b) The term mitosis was coined by Strasburger. (c) Best material to observe mitosis is onion root tip cell. (d) The longest phase of karyokinesis of cell division is prophase.

    Which stage is the best to study the morphology of the chromosome?

    The start of metaphase is characterised by:

    Identify the correct match:

    Identify the correct statement: (a) First gap phase in cell cycle is interval between mitotic phase and DNA replication phase (b) The two chromatids of a metaphase chromosome represent non homologous chromosomes joined at the centromere (c) A cell at G 1 phase has 10 chromosomes. The number of chromosomes present at G 2 phase is also 10.

    Which phase is the reverse of prophase?

    The precursor of middle lamellum is:

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II (a) Cell plate (i) microtubules radiating from centrosome (b) Cell furrow (ii) formed on plasma membrane (c) Middle lamellum (iii) formed by Golgi complex (d) Aster (iv) composed of calcium and magnesium pectate

    Identify the correct statements: (a) Colchicine is an inhibitory chemical that prevents the spindle formation in mitosis (b) Mitogens are substances that induce mitosis (c) Chromatids start moving towards opposite poles in telophase

    Identify the correct statement.

    The term meiosis was coined by

    Identify the correct statement.

    Identify the correct statements.

    The number of cycles of DNA replication taking place during the two sequential cycles of nuclear and cell division in meiotic cell cycle is :

    Meiosis is (a) Reductional division (b) Heterotypic division (c) Homotypic division

    The cell which undergoes meiosis is called

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II (a) Diakinesis (i) Clear visibility of Chiasmata (b) Pachytene (ii) Synapsis (c) Zygotene (iii) Terminalisation (d) Diplotene (iv) Crossing over

    A leaf cell of an angiosperm has 44 chromosomes and 50 pg of DNA. What will be the amount of DNA and number of chromosomes in each of its daughter cells after meiosis I in the dyad stage of its meiocyte?

    The number of chromosomes in the rhizoids of bryophytes is 20. Calculate the number of chromosomes present in the antherozoids of bryophytes.

    Anaphase I is characterised by

    Identify the correct statement with respect to Meiosis I of meiotic division.

    During anaphase I of meiosis:

    Tetrad nature of bivalents is very clearly visible in which stage of prophase I of meiosis?

    Identify the wrong match

    Identify the incorrect statement with respect to Meiosis.

    Identify the correct statements. (a) By the end of diakinesis, the nucleolus disappears and the nuclear envelope also breaks down. (b) Diplotene represents transition to metaphase. (c) Diakinesis is marked by terminalisation of chiasmata.

    In which phase(s) of cell division do we observe splitting of the centromere of each chromosome which is holding the sister chromatids together? (a) Metaphase of mitosis (b) Anaphase I of meiosis (c) Anaphase of mitosis (d) Anaphase II of meiosis

    Choose the correct statement with respect to meiosis.

    Statement A: Meiosis brings about variations in the offspring. Statement B: During meiosis the chromosomal independent assortment is seen.

    The principle of genetic engineering is based on one of the following events of meiosis.

    The cell organelle whose number is doubled during S phase of cell cycle is

    A gamete of bryophyte has 24 chromosomes. Calculate the number of chromosomes in the G 2 phase in the rhizoids of bryophyte.

    Statement A: In metaphase I of meiosis there is the formation of two metaphase plates. Statement B: During metaphase I the bivalent chromosomes are aligned at the equatorial line to form equatorial plate.

    At which phase of the cell cycle is the tubulin protein synthesized?

    How many chromatids are present in the chromosomes during metaphase and G 1 phase of the cell cycle?

    If a cell has 48 chromosomes in the S phase. How many chromosomes will be present in the cell after meiosis?

    One of the following events takes place soon after dissolution of nuclear envelope during M phase of Mitotic cell cycle.

    Shortening of microtubules attached to kinetochores takes place in the following stages of meiosis A. Anaphase II B. Diakinesis C. Telophase I D. Anaphase I

    Mitosis helps in: (a) Reproduction in many unicellular organisms. (b) Healing wounds and regeneration. (c) Production of gametes in diploid organism.

    Attachment of spindle fibres to kinetochores of chromosomes takes place in the following stage of M phase during a mitotic division.

    Arrange the following events of meiosis I in correct sequence. A. Formation of synaptonemal complex between the homologous chromosomes B. Recombination of genetic material of homologous chromosomes C. Fully condensed state of chromosomes D. Reformation of nucleolus

    One of the following phases of cell cycle was described earlier as resting phase.

    Each chromosome is associated with only one Chromosomal fiber during the following stages of division phase of cell cycle. I. Mitotic metaphase II. Mitotic Anaphase III. Metaphase of Meiosis I IV. Metaphase of Meiosis II

    A cell has 22 chromosomes in the metaphase of mitosis. Calculate the number of chromosome present in cell during prophase of M phase.

    Read the following features and identify the phase of cell cycle it is in: (a) Each chromosome moves away from the equatorial plate. (b) Chromosomes split and the two daughter chromatids are now referred to as daughter chromosomes of the future daughter nuclei.

    Homologous chromosomes are those chromosomes which have

    Choose the correct one with respect to cell cycle of eukaryotes.

    Match column I with column II Column I Column II a. Nuclear division i. Bivalent b. Fusion of two nuclei ii. Karyokinesis c. Structure formed due to repeated karyokinesis not followed by cytokinesis iii. Karyogamy d. The complex formed by a pair of synapsed homologous chromosomes iv. Syncytium

    Find the correct match

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Statement A: Unicellular organisms have shorter span of cell cycle than multicellular organisms. Statement B: Cell cycle duration of yeasts is lesser than the duration of cell cycle of humans.

    How many generations of mitosis are required for producing 32 cells?

    All of the given are significance of meiosis, except

    Pairing of homologous chromosomes during zygotene is called

    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is synthesised during which phase of cell cycle in animal cells?

    A somatic cell that has just completed the S phase of its cell cycle, as compared to gamete of the same species, has:

    During meiosis, crossing over occurs between :

    Match the following column I with column II. Column I Column II A. Metaphase – II i Centromere with 2 kinetochores B. Anaphase – I ii Disjunction C. Mitosis iii Synapse D. Zygotene iv Plectonemic coiling A B C D 1. i ii iv iii 2. iii i iv ii 3. ii iii i iv 4. iv i iii ii

    In leptotene, the chromosomes are

    Which of following marks the phase of DNA replication?

    Four daughter cells formed after meiosis are

    The cells of the quiescent centre are in

    During meiosis I, the chromosomes start pairing at :

    Fill in the blanks (i) The morphology of the chromosome is studied at A (ii) Recombination nodule appears at B stage of prophase – I (iii) C induces polyploid by inhibiting polymerization of spindles. (iv) True reduction in number of chromosome occurs in D stage.

    Which of the following correctly related with given diagram? (i) Sequence of cell cycle = G 1 – S – G 2 – M phase (ii) A cell exits G 1 phase to enter an inactive state – Quiescent or G 0 (iii) G1 phase is the interval between mitosis and initiation of DNA replication (iv) In G1 phase DNA synthesis occurs

    During interphase, RNA and proteins are synthesized in :

    The assembly of spindle and disappearance of the nucleolus and nuclear envelope occurs in

    Identify the features present in meiosis but absent in mitosis.

    During which phase(s) of the cell cycle, the amount of DNA in a cell remains at 4c level if the initial amount is denoted as 2C?

    Chromosomes with two sister chromatids are found in

    The homologous chromosomes line up at the equator in pairs in

    During which phase of cell cycle amount of DNA in a cell remains at 4C level if the initial amount is denoted as 2C?

    At the end of the G 2 phase, the amount of DNA in a diploid cell having the amount of chromosome 2C will be

    Correctly identify the stage of cell division shown in the given diagram.

    Following are some events of mitotic cell division, select the correct order in which these events occur. (i) Condensation of chromosomes is completed. (ii) Chromosomes lose their identity as discrete elements (iii) Sister chromatids separate (iv) Initiation of the assembly of the mitotic spindle

    Identify the mitotic stage from the given features. (i) Nuclear envelope degenerates completely. (ii) Chromosomes are spread throughout the cytoplasm. (iii) Fully formed spindle apparatus consists of fine fibres.

    For a somatic cell with 2n = 4. Which of the following is true? (Note : G 1 – growth phase 1, G 2 – growth phase 2, M-Metaphase, P – Prophase and T – Telophase)

    Select the number of correct statements from the following: I. Cell-plate formation occurs in plant cell during cytokinesis. II. During cytokinesis mitochondria and plastids get distributed between two daughter cells in mitosis. III. Liquid endosperm in coconut is syncytium IV. Furrow formation occurs in animal cell during cytokinesis.

    Which of the cells stay in the G o phase?

    Select the correct match A. S phase DNA replication B. Zygotene Synapsis C. Diplotene Crossing Over D. Meiosis Both haploid and diploid cells E. Gap 2 phase Quiescent stage

    Identify the incorrect statement.

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