BiologyBotany QuestionsPrinciples Of Inheritance And Variation Questions for CBSE Class 12th

Principles Of Inheritance And Variation Questions for CBSE Class 12th

The husband and wife are respectively homozygous to A blood group and B blood group. The expected blood group of their offspring is

During his experiments with pea, plant, which of the following characteristics was not used by Mendel?

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    Both the alleles express themselves equally in F 1 generation, except

    How many phenotypes are possible if a character is controlled by four pairs of polygene?

    Identify the chemical mutagen.

    The phenotypic ratio of F 2 generation of Mendelian monohybrid cross is

    In a typical monohybrid cross, what will be the percentage of the F 2 progeny resembling the recessive parent genotypically?

    In a typical monohybrid cross, what will be the percentage of the F 2 progeny resembling the recessive parent genotypically?

    Which of the following is not true for a pair of genes for different characters showing one percent recombination frequency?

    Identify the incorrect statement w.r.t. polygenic inheritance.

    A couple with blood group AB and B cannot have a child with blood group

    What is a true breeding line?

    How many types of gametes will be produced by a genotype AaBbCC if all the genes are showing incomplete linkage?

    Morgan chose fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) as the study model for his experiment. Certain reasons made this organism suitable for the study. Which of the following is not one such reason?

    Assertion (A) : Offspring have characteristics of both the parents. Reason (R) : Characters pass from the parents to their progeny.

    The following phenomenon of meiosis was selected by Sutton to explain Mendel’s principles.

    UV radiation brings about mutations by causing the formation of

    The genotypes of a husband and wife are I A I B and I A i Among the blood types of their children, how many different genotypes and phenotypes are possible?

    Among the following characters, which one was not considered by Mendel in his experiments on pea?

    How many true breeding pea plant varieties did Mendel select as pairs, which were similar except in one character with contrasting traits ?

    Match the following with respect to Mendel’s inheritance of one gene experiments. List – I List – II A) P generation I) All tall or tall and dwarf in 1:1 ratio B) F 1 generation II) Heterozygous tall are double the number of homozygous tall plants. C) F 2 generation III) Only true breeding lines D) Test cross progeny IV) Only heterozygous plants

    Chromosomal mapping was first carried out by

    Mendel’s work was unrecognized till 1900 A.D. because I. In those days, communication was not easy II. Genes that control the expression of traits as stable, was unacceptable because of continuous variations in nature. III. Mendel’s approach of using mathematics to explain biological phenomenon was not accepted by biologists of his time. IV. Mendel did not provide any chemical or physical proof for the existence of unit factors.

    Parallelism existing between genes and chromosomes was founded by

    Multiple allelism and co-dominance are associated with

    Select the correct match.

    Select the correct statement.

    In chromosomal mutations, translocation means movement of genes from

    In a plant, red fruit (R) is dominant over yellow fruit (r) and tallness (T) is dominant over shortness (t). If a plant with RRTt genotype is crossed with a plant that is rrtt, then

    All are the reason for adopting garden pea as experimental plant in genetics, except:

    In a typical monohybrid cross what will be the percentage of the F 2 progeny resembling the F 1 generation phenotypically?

    A heterozygous tall pea plant was crossed with a homozygous tall pea plant. What percentage of the offspring would have homozygous tall genotype?

    Which of the following statement is correct about hybridisation experiment carried out by Mendel? (a) When Mendel crossed tall and dwarf pea plant he observed that all the F 1 generation were tall (b) The tall and dwarf traits that appeared in F 2 generation were identical to their parental type and did not show any blending. (c) Mendel performed monohybrid cross with several contrasting characters and observed that F 1 always resembled either one of the parents, and that the trait of the other parent was not seen in them.

    In a typical dihybrid cross what percentage of the F 2 generation resembles the parental character phenotypically?

    Find the incorrect statement w.r.t. chromosomal theory of inheritance.

    A homozygous round and yellow seeded pea plant was crossed with another round and yellow seeded pea plant which was heterozygous for both the traits. Which amongst the following is true for the genotypic ratio of offspring?

    Which one of the following is an example for polygenic inheritance?

    How many true-breeding pea plant varieties were selected by Mendel, as pairs which were similar except for one character with contrasting traits?

    Read the following four statements (A – D) 1. The characters blend in the heterozygous condition during Mendelian inheritance. 2. Change in a single base pair of DNA does not cause mutation. 3. Cancer cells can show chromosomal aberrations. 4. In insect, sex chromosomes in the male are ZZ and in females are ZW.

    Morgan explained linkage on the basis of

    Co-dominance is seen in the person who has a blood group.

    In man, four phenotypes of blood groups are due to the presence of antigen ‘A’ and antigen ‘B’ on the surface of RBCs. The chromosome that has the gene to control these antigens is

    According to Mendel’s law of segregation,

    An interaction between non-allelic genes in which an allele at one locus prevents expression of an allele at another locus, but not vice versa , is called

    How many pairs of true breeding varieties were selected by Mendel for his experiment on pea plant?

    Mendel’s hybridisation experimental material was

    The tendency of offspring to differ from their parents is called

    How did Mendel obtained recessive (dwarf) character in F 2 -generation?

    Genetics is the branch of biology which deals with: (a) Variation (b) Inheritance (c) study of human genome project only

    The term “linkage” was coined by

    Match the components of List I with List II and choose the correct match. List – I List – II A) Skin color in Man I) Pleiotropic gene B) Flower color in Antirrhinum majus II) Codominance C) Blood group AB III) Partial dominance D) Phenylketonuria IV) Polygenic inheritance

    Select the correct statement.

    Which one from those given below is the period for Mendel’s hybridisation experiments?

    Experimental verification of the chromosomal theory of inheritance was done by :

    A man with blood group ‘A’ marries a woman with blood group ‘B’. What are all the possible blood groups of their offspring?

    Choose the incorrect option in terms of Mendelian pattern of inheritance of one gene.

    The phenotypic ratio of F 2 generation in mendelian pattern of dihybrid cross is

    If a trait is influenced by more than two genes of different loci, the phenomenon is called

    A gene showing incomplete dominance

    What percentage of offspring would have genotype RrYy if parents are having genotypes RrYy and RrYy?

    When a single gene product exhibits multiple phenotypic expression. It is called:

    ABO blood group system is an example of

    True breeding plants

    Mendel’s law of independent assortment is applicable for

    How many different types of genetically different gametes will be produced by a heterozygous plant having the genotype AABbCc?

    In Mendelian dihybrid cross, how many of progeny in F 2 generation possess genotype rryy?

    Mendel carried out his experiments on a plant belongs to family

    If a cross is made in a pea plant between round yellow parent with a genotype Rr YY another Round Yellow parent with Rr Yy, what is the phenotypic ratio of resultant offspring?

    Among the following identify the genotype which shows the individual is with relatively lightest skin color

    True breeding tall and dwarf pea plants are crossed and total 2000 seeds were obtained in F 2 generation. Find out the number of seeds that will resemble phenotypically with F 1 parent.

    Which of the following genotype will be producing 4 different types of gametes?

    When a true breeding violet flowered pea plant is crossed with white flowered pea plant all the members of the F 1 generation will have violet flowered pea plants. When self- fertilization is done in these plants what will be the genotypic ratio of the violet flowered pea plant in the F 2 generation?

    If we spray a genetically dwarf pea plant with gibberellin it grows tall. Now we cross fertilize this tall pea plant with a homozygous tall pea plant. The offspring will have:

    Which of the following crosses would result in 1:2:1 genotypic ratio in the offspring?

    In a typical monohybrid cross, what will be the percentage of the F 2 progeny resembling the recessive parent genotypically?

    Match Column I with Column II with respect to dihybrid cross Column I Column II A Rr YY i Wrinkled yellow B RR yy ii Round yellow C rr Yy iii Wrinkled green D rr yy iv Round green

    Pea plant with genotype Rr yy shows the phenotype

    Identify the correct statement.

    The experimental organism used by Mendel was

    Who is considered as father of genetics?

    Variation in characters in the off spring compared to parents is brought by

    All the following characters were considered by Mendel in his experiment except:

    When a cross was made between a true breeding round seeded plant and a wrinkled seeded plant, we observe

    Which of the following statement is correct about hybridisation experiments carried out by Mendel? (a) When Mendel crossed tall and dwarf pea plants he observed that all the F 1 generation plants were tall. (b) The tall and dwarf traits that appeared in F 2 generation were phenotypically identical to their parental type and did not show any blending. (c) Mendel performed monohybrid cross with respect to seven characters showing contrasting traits for each character and observed that F 1 always resembled either of the parents, and that the trait of the other parent was not expressed in them.

    When Mendel self-pollinated the F 1 plants of monohybrid cross, the F 2 plants showed both the parental traits in the proportion of:

    Identify the correct statement.

    Identify the correct statement

    Statement A: Mendel’s focus on single difference between pea strains and similarities with respect to other traits to other characters allowed him to study the inheritance of one pair of traits of a character at a time. Statement B: The results of Mendel’s experiments went unappreciated until the turn of the 19th century.

    Match the following Character Dominant trait (a) Flower colour (i) Axial (b) Flower position (ii) Violet (c) Pod shape (iii) Inflated (d) Stem height (iv) Terminal (v) Tall

    When a heterozygous pea plant for plant height is self-fertilized, one can obtain the following in the offspring.

    Which of the following statements are correct w.r.t. unit factors described by Mendel? (a) These factors serve as the basic units of heredity. (b) They are passed unchanged from generation to generation. (c) They occur in pairs.

    When Mendel self-pollinated the tall F 1 plant he observed:

    Gregor Mendel conducted hybridization experiments on garden peas for:

    Forms of a gene which have information for a pair or more of contrasting traits are known as:

    Select the correct match:

    The genetic makeup of an individual for the trait or traits is called:

    How many of the following is true for a homozygous organism? (a) It is true breeding organism. (b) Contains a pair of identical alleles of a gene for a character or trait. (c) Homozygous condition is not mandatory for expression of a recessive or dominant character.

    Law of independent assortment states that

    A graphical representation to know the various gametic combinations and calculate the probability of all possible genotypes of offspring in a genetical cross is called:

    Statement A: Alternative forms of genes account for variations in inherited characters. Statement B: Alternative forms of genes arise due to slight change in the nucleotide sequence.

    The genotypic and phenotypic ratio of Mendel’s monohybrid cross is:

    When the maternal and paternal chromosomes carry different alleles at the same locus, the genotype is called:

    If a cross is made between pea plants with the genotypes Yy RR and yy rr for seed color and texture, what are the phenotypes of resultant offspring.

    If a cross is made between the pea plants with the genotypes for seed color and texture as Yy RR and YY Rr, the off spring of the cross has the following genotypes

    Which is true for law of independent assortment?

    Statement A: A heritable feature that varies among individuals, such as flower color, is called a character. Statement B: Each variant for a character, such as purple or white color for flowers, is called a trait.

    Which of the following statements hold true for alleles: a. They are different forms of a gene b. Occupies same loci on homologous chromosomes c. Can exist in two or more forms

    The cytological evidence to understand law of independent assortment of two pairs of chromosomes is

    Who argued that the pairing and separation of a pair of chromosomes would lead to the segregation of a pair of factors they carried?

    If a tall plant of genotype TT is testcrossed with a dwarf plant all offspring will be phenotypically:

    In Drosophila melanogaster , the genes for eye color, body color and length of wings are linked on

    If a pea plant having heterozygous condition for yellow seed colour is crossed with a pea plant having green seed colour, we obtain 54 plants having yellow seed colour. Calculate the probability of having plants with green seed colour from this cross.

    In Drosophila melanogaster , the % of recombination frequency with respect to genes for body color and eye color is

    Match column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Test cross i. RR b. Homozygous Round seeded pea plant ii. RR x rr c. Monohybrid cross iii. rr d. Wrinkled seeded pea plant iv. Rr x rr

    When a tall pea plant of heterozygous genotype is testcrossed, we obtain 100 pea plants in the progeny. Calculate the number of pea plants that will be tall and dwarf respectively.

    In testcross :

    How many types of genotypes can exist in human population with respect to skin color?

    Which of the following pattern of inheritance not only takes into account the involvement of genes but also environment?

    Law of segregation states that:

    The violet coloured flower in pea plant is test crossed and the progenies obtained had violet and white coloured flowers in equal proportion. What is the genotype of the violet coloured flower in pea plant?

    The inheritance of flower colour in Antirrhinum is a good example of

    Choose the genotypes that impart similar skin tone in human population a. AABbcc b. AaBbCc c.aabBCC d.AaBBcc

    How many types of phenotypes are existing for skin color in human population?

    Phenotypic expression of phenylketonuria includes A. Mental retardation B. Reduction in hair C. Reduction in skin pigmentation.

    Phenylketonuria is due to accumulation of amino acid

    Gene for phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme formation is present on the chromosome

    In which amongst the following crosses the genotypic ratio is equal to phenotypic ratio in the offspring? a. Heterozygous monohybrid X Recessive parent b. Heterozygous monohybrid X Heterozygous monohybrid c. Double heterozygous hybrid X Double recessive parent d. Incomplete dominance

    The phenotypic ratio of incomplete dominance in F 2 is

    Which of the following examples follow the inheritance pattern of incomplete dominance?

    Identify the non-ionizing radiation that acts as mutagen.

    Identify the incorrect statement

    Calculate the number of genotypes possible for a character controlled by 4 alleles

    In multiple allelism,

    Theoretically, the modified form of a gene for enzyme production could be responsible for production of: (a) The normal/less efficient enzyme (b) A non-functional enzyme (c) No enzyme at all Identify the correct statements.

    Which amongst the following leads to variations in the sequence of DNA of chromosomes? a. Recombination b. Mutations c. Micropropagation d. Prophase of mitosis

    Identify the physical mutagen.

    A typical dihybrid cross is done between a pea plant having round and yellow seeds with a pea plant having green and wrinkled seed. What is the probability of the seeds having wrinkle phenotype in the F 2 generation.

    Match column I with column II Column I Column II a. Alleles i. Slightly different forms of the same gene. b. Test cross ii. Phenomenon which results in alteration of DNA sequences and consequently results in changes in the genotype and the phenotype of an organism. c. Mutation iii. Quantitative inheritance. d. Polygenic inheritance iv. Organism showing a dominant phenotype whose genotype is to be determined is crossed with the recessive parent.

    Mendel has not considered one of the following characters of pea plant in his hybridization experiments.

    Statement A: Dominance is not an autonomous feature of a gene or the product that it has information for. Statement B: If the modified allele is equivalent to the unmodified allele, it will produce the same phenotype/trait.

    Which one of the following crosses would have 1:1:1:1 genotypic ratio ?

    Select the correct statement from the ones given below with respect to dihybrid crosses carried out by Morgan.

    How many different types of gametes will be formed by a heterozygous individual having the genotype ZzYyCc?

    The graphical representation to calculate the probability of all possible genotypes of offspring in a genetic cross, from a diagram was developed by

    How many different genotypes and phenotypes are possible in the ABO blood grouping types in human beings?

    From a single ear of corn, a famer planted 200 kernels which produced 146 tall and 44 short plants. The genotypes of these offsprings are most likely.

    A plant with genotype AABbCcDD is self-pollinated. Provided that the four genes are independently assorting, what proportion of the progeny will show the genotype AAbbccDD?

    How many given characters of garden pea express when the factors are in homozygous condition only? Terminal flower, Green seed, Yellow pod, Constricted pod, Violet petals, Dwarf stem

    Human blood grouping is common example of

    How many non-parental gene combinations were obtained in F 2 generation when Morgan crossed yellow bodied, white eyed female parent to brown bodied, red eyed male parent?

    “Each gamete is pure for a trait.” Given statement explains

    Gene for starch synthesis in pea plant is functionally connected with the

    Match Column – I with Column – II and select the CORRECT option from the codes given below. Column I Column II (P) Autopolyploidy (i) 2n + 1 (Q) Trisomy (ii) AAAA (R) Allopolyploidy (iii) AABB (S) Nullisomy (iv) 2n-2 P Q R S 1 ii i iii iv 2 iv i ii iii 3 ii iv iii i 4 ii i iv iii

    Mendel’s law of independent assortment does NOT hold true for the genes that are located closely on

    Segregation of Mendelian factor (Aa) occurs during

    When both parents are of blood type AB, they can have children with

    Father has blood group A and mother’s blood group is B. Both are heterozygous. If they have identical twins, the percentage probability of both twins having blood group A is

    A mother with B blood group has two children, one with A blood group and other with O blood group. Her husband has O blood group. The correct sentence regarding the above data is that the

    F 1 -progeny of a cross between pure tall and dwarf plant is

    Number of gametes produced by a homozygous and a heterozygous individuals of genotype AA and Aa, respectively are

    Assertion (A) : Gametes receives only one allele of a gene. Reason (R) : Mitosis occurs during gamete formation leading to the formation of haploid gametes.

    What contributed to Mendel’s success? I. Selection of pure line pea varieties. II. Knowledge of history. III. Selecting one character at a time. IV. Statistical analysis and mathematical logic. Choose the correct option.

    The proportion of plants that were dwarf and tall, respectively in F 2 -generation of Mendel’s inheritance of one was

    During his experiments, Mendel used the term factor for

    Assertion (A) : Genes are not passed on from one generation to the next. Reason (R) : Genes serves as the units of inheritance.

    The passing down of characters from parents to offspring is

    Which idea is depicted by a cross in which the F1 generation resembles both the parents?

    If two persons with ‘AB’ blood group marry and have sufficiently large number of children, these children could be classified as ‘A’ blood group: ‘AB’ blood group : ‘B’ blood group in 1 : 2 : 1 ratio. Modern technique of protein electrophoresis reveals presence of both ‘A’ and ‘B’ type proteins in ‘AB’ blood group individuals. This in an example of

    Alleles are

    The movement of a gene from one linkage group to another is called

    Which of the following statements is not true of two genes that show 50% recombination frequency?

    Multiple alleles are present

    A man with blood group ‘A’ marries a woman with blood group ‘B’. What are all the possible blood groups of their offsprings?

    How many pairs of contrasting characters in pea plants were studied by Mendel in his experiments?

    Fruit colour in squash is an example of

    A gene showing codominance has

    In his classic experiments on pea plants, Mendel did not use:

    A Pleiotropic gene

    When a pea plant with genotype TtRr (Tall and round) is subjected to selfing what is proportion of dwarf plants with round seeds in the progeny

    Law of segregation is based on the result of monohybrid cross which indicates that

    Linkage was discovered in Drosophila by

    A tall true breeding garden pea plant is crossed with a dwarf true breeding garden pea plant. When the F1 plants were selfed the resulting genotypes were in the ratio of

    The mechanism that causes a gene to move from one linkage group to another is called

    A true breeding plant is

    Match the terms in column I with their description in column II and choose the correct option. Column I Column II A. Dominance (i) Many genes govern a single character B. Codominance (ii) In a heterozygous organism only one allele expresses itself C. Pleiotropy (iii) In a heterozygous organism both alleles express themselves fully D. Polygenic inheritance (iv) A single gene influences many characters

    In a test cross involving F1 dihybrid flies, more parental­ type offspring were produced than the recombinant-type offspring. This indicates

    Which of the following pairs is wrongly matched?

    Which of the following characteristics represent ‘inheritance of blood groups’ in humans? (i) Dominance (ii) Co-dominance (iii) Multiple allele (iv) Incomplete dominance (v) Polygenic inheritance

    In Antirrhinum (Snapdragon), a red flower was crossed with a white flower and in F 1 generation all pink flowers were obtained. When pink flowers were selfed, the F 2 generation showed white, red and pink flowers. Choose the incorrect statements from the following.

    Among the traits used by Mendel in pea plant for his hybridization experiments, identify the ones that resulted as dominant traits. A. Green Pods B. Violet flowers C. Terminal flowers D. Green seeds

    Chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by

    What map unit (Centimorgan) is adopted in the construction of genetic maps?

    The frequency of recombination between genes present on the same chromosome as a measure of the distance between genes was explained by

    A gene influencing many traits is

    Genetically how many different types of gametes can be formed by a pea plant with the genotype RRGgTt

    Which among the following characters was selected by Mendel in his experiments on pea?

    When a cross is made between red flowered snapdragon and white flowered snapdragon, the phenotypic ratio of F 2 generation is

    Statement A: Genes for body color and eye color in Drosophila are strongly linked than the genes for eye color and length of wings. Statement B: There is formation of more recombinants with respect to body color and eye color than eye color and length of wings.

    Observe the pattern of inheritance in the following Punnet square where Y (yellow) is dominant over y (green) and R (Round) is dominant over r (wrinkled) seeds in a Pea plant. The punnet square shows the following F 2 progeny. Gametes ♂ ♀ yR YR yr Yr YR A B C D Yr E F G H yR I J K L yr M N O P The type of genotype shown by C is also shown by

    Morgan selected Drosophila to verify chromosomal theory of inheritance because of how many of the following reasons I. They could be grown easily in the laboratory II. They have shorter life span III. Larger number of progeny organisms is formed in a single mate. IV. Females are smaller than males. V. Sexes are easily distinguishable. VI. It shows several hereditary variations that can be noticed with low power microscope.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to Mendel’s work

    Choose the correct statement with respect to Blood groups in man

    In Drosophila genes for body color, eye color and length of wings are present on

    The genes for the seven characters chosen by Mendel are present on chromosomes

    UV radiation brings about mutations by causing the formation of

    In one gene inheritance pattern, if a yellow seeded pea plant is crossed with green seeded pea plant, the inferences that can be made from the F 2 generation individuals are I. All plants are yellow seeded II. Yellow and green seeded plants are obtained in 3:1 ratio. III Yellow seeded homozygous and heterozygous plants are obtained in 1:2 ratio. IV. Half of the plants are homozygous and half of them are heterozygous for the character.

    In Mendel’s experiment with garden pea, round seed shape is dominant over wrinkled seeds, yellow cotyledon is dominant over green cotyledons. When a pea plant with genotype RrYy is crossed with the one having genotype Rryy, what are the expected phenotypes in the resultant cross.

    If the F 1 hybrid shows the features of both the parents, it is called

    Law of dominance does not say that

    Choose the correct statement with respect to one gene inheritance of Mendel’s experiments.

    Who discovered incomplete dominance?

    The recombination frequency with respect to genes P and Q is 15%, Q and R is 11% and P and R is 4%. The possible sequence of linked genes on a chromosome must be I. P, Q, R II. Q, P, R III. P, R, Q IV. Q, R, P

    Sickle cell anaemia is an example for the following type of mutations

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dihybrid crosses.

    Identify the wrong statement with reference to the gene ‘I’ that controls ABO blood groups.

    Alleles of a gene are segregated in

    Genotypically the types of gametes produced by a pea plant with RrYY genotype for shape and color of seed are I. RY II. RR III. rY IV. ry

    Formation of recombinants with respect to linked genes in a species is due to

    In Pea, the gene for starch synthesis influences the following phenotypes in the plant A. color of the seed B. shape of seed C. size of starch grains D. stem height

    Chromosomal theory of inheritance was proposed by

    The number of contrasting characters studied by Mendel for his experiments was

    The best example for pleiotropy is:

    In a marriage between male with blood group A and female with blood group B, the progeny had either blood group AB or B. What could be the possible genotype of parents ?

    The production of gametes by the parents, the formation of zygotes, the F 1 and F 2 plants, can be understood using

    Which one of the following is not true for the experiments of Mendel on pea ?

    A cross between a plant with dominant trait with unknown genotype and a true breeding recessive one is called

    Chromosomal theory explains that I. Genes occur in pairs II. Chromosomes occur in pairs III. Behaviour of a pair of chromosomes is independent of another pair of chromosomes

    How many types of genotypes of F 2 progeny of Mendelian dihybrid cross are neither seen in F 1 generation nor in parental generation of the cross?

    In the binomial expression ( ax + by ) 2 , ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘x’ and ‘y’ are respectively equal to the following in Monohybrid mendelian cross with respect to height of stem.

    The inheritance pattern in dog flower or Snapdragon with respect to flower color is an example for

    In Pisum sativum, yellow seeds are dominant over green seeds. Round seeds are dominant over wrinkled seeds. If a true breeding Round green seeded plant is crossed with wrinkled and yellow seeded true-breeding plant, the phenotype of F 1 hybrids is

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to monohybrid cross.

    Among the following genotypes, individuals with which genotype for skin color can show relatively light skin?

    Mendel called genes as

    The disease in which affected individual lacks an enzyme that converts the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine is an example of:

    Hybridisation experiments on garden peas to give idea of inheritance patterns was done by:

    A person having homozygous A blood group marries a woman with AB blood group. The phenotypes of the offspring will be:

    How many characters were considered by Mendel in his experiments on pea?

    The genotypes of a husband and wife are I A I A and I B i . Among the blood types of their children, how many different genotypes and phenotypes are possible?

    In Antirrhinum majus when a pink flower was crossed with a red flower. Identify the correct statement w.r.t to this line:

    When a yellow body, white eyed female is crossed with brown body, red eyed male, there was the formation of only 1.3% recombinant. This indicates:

    An undesired, unexpected sudden change in the gene for beta globin chain that results in the change of amino acid residue glutamate to valine is a classic example of:

    The chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by:

    In Mendel’s classic experiment on pea plant, all the characters mentioned below are present on same chromosome except:

    Polygenic trait:

    When the genes are completely linked the F2 dihybrid test cross ratio is:

    When a heterozygous tall pea plant is crossed with dwarf pea plant, how many types of genotypes and phenotypes are obtained from the cross.

    Which of the following is mutagen?

    With respect to Pea plant the characters and the respective traits are given below Character Contrasting traits Flower color A / white Pod color Green / B Seed color C / Green A, B and C are respectively

    Each gamete is pure for a trait. The statement explains

    When Mendel carried out various crosses with respect to single gene inheritance, the traits of pea plant that disappeared in F 1 generation were A. Dwarf stems B. Violet flowers C. Inflated pods D. Terminal flowers

    Among the following which ones do not show true breeding nature? A. Snap dragon plant with Pink flowers B. Dwarf pea plants C. People with AB blood group D. People with ‘O’ blood group

    Inheritance of skin color in human beings is an example for one of the following patterns of inheritance.

    What is the genotype ratio of Mendelian monohybrid cross?

    Inheritance of skin colour in humans is an example of

    Observe the following diagram related to genotype of Drosophila and what is the phenotype of the organism.

    Pea plant with true breeding nature for yellow and wrinkled seeds is crossed with another true breeding plant with green and round seeds. The F 1 individuals are intercrossed and there is formation of 240 pea plants in F 2 generation. How many of the F 2 plants have the genotype YY Rr

    According to chromosomal theory of inheritance, the following statements are correct. A. The maternal chromosomes of both the bivalents always move towards one pole and paternal chromosomes towards another pole. B. The maternal chromosome of one bivalent and paternal chromosome of another bivalent always moves towards a pole and another combination of paternal of one bivalent and maternal of another bivalent to another pole. C. The movement of maternal and paternal chromosomes of a bivalent towards respective poles is independent of movement of maternal and paternal chromosomes of another bivalent.

    Mendel proposed which of the following terms for hereditary units?

    In 1900 CE, three biologists independently discovered Mendel’s principles. They are

    In genetics, the use of chequer board was done by

    Mendel is famous for his work on

    The alleles are

    An allele is said to be dominant if

    The main reason for the success of Mendel was

    When a true breeding pea plant that has yellow seeds is pollinated by a plant that has green seeds, then all the F 1 plants have yellow seeds. This means that the allele for yellow is

    An organism’s genetic constitution is called its

    An organism with two identical alleles for a given trait is

    Which genotype characterizes an organism that is heterozygous for two genes?

    What type of gametes will be formed by genotype RrYy?

    Mendel’s principle of segregation was based on the separation of alleles in the garden pea during

    The genotype of an individual is Rr Bb. How many different types of gametes will it produce based on the law of independent assortment?

    A cross between plants having RRYY and rryy composition will yield plants with

    In Mendel’s experiment, nature of seed coat, flower colour, position of flower, pod colour, stem height, etc., are referred to as

    A cross between a homozygous recessive and a heterozygous plant is called

    Self-pollination between Tt plant results into the genotype ratio of

    From a cross Aa BB × aa BB, which of the following genotypic ratio will be obtained in F 1 generation?

    Mendel crossed a pure white-flowered recessive pea plant with a dominant pure red-flowered plant. The first generation of hybrids from the cross should show

    In a monohybrid cross, 120 plants are obtained. The ratio of homozygous and heterozygous will be

    Mendel did his experiment on

    All statements are correct for Drosophila except:

    In which of the following crosses tall and dwarf pea plants are produced in equal proportions?

    A person having genotype I A I B would show the blood group as AB. This is because of

    Experimental verification of ‘Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance’ was done by

    A man having blood group O marries a woman having blood group A. What are the probable phenotypes of the offspring?

    Identify the recombinant type of progeny obtained by Morgan after carrying out dihybrid cross.

    Match the following: Column I Column II (a) Mendel (i) First chromosomal map (b) Sturtevant (ii) Chromosomal theory of inheritance (c) Sutton and Boveri (iii) Discovery of incomplete dominance (d) Karl Correns (iv) Conducted hybridisation experiments on garden peas

    In a monohybrid cross, the pink flowered Snapdragon is crossed with Red flowered Snapdragon plant. The offspring of the cross shows

    One of the following were instrumental in pioneering the union of fields of Cytology and Genetics.

    A chromosomal mutation known as duplication is more commonly associated with the genes that have information for the formation of the following in many a organism.

    When ppQQrr is crossed with PpQqRR then the ratio of hybrid for all the genes is:

    Identify the trait that is expressed both in homozygous and heterozygous condition.

    Heterozygous tall pea plants were selfed and total 100 seeds were obtained. What is the total number of seeds heterozygous for the trait?

    Classic example of pleiotropy is:

    The factors for these characters identified by Mendel in Pea are not linked to factors for other characters. A. Seed shape B. Pod color C. Seed color D. Pod shape

    Choose the correct statement with respect to mutation in a wild gene.

    Among the following phenotypes which can be determined as true breeding line with respect to the trait that it has

    What do we mean by monohybrid cross and dihybrid cross ?

    Mendel conducted hybridisation experiments on garden peas for seven years from :

    Mendel selected characters with pea plant varieties.

    What can be the probable reason that Mendel selected garden pea ( Pisum sativum ) for his experiments ? a. It is an annual plant. b. Pea possess clear contrasting traits and flowers show self pollination, thus true breeding. c. It is easy to artificially cross-pollinate the pea flowers.

    With respect to seed color and texture of pea plant, the phenotype of the genotype rR yy is

    The F 2 generation offspring in a plant showing incomplete dominance, exhibit

    Choose the incorrect match

    If husband has AB blood group and wife has O blood group. Their offspring do not show the following blood groups. I. A II. B III. AB IV. O

    In pea plant the gene that determines the following character can also determine the size of starch grains. The other character that can be determined by the gene is

    A cross is made between pea plant having round and yellow seeds with pea plant having wrinkled and green seeds. What is the probability of obtaining yellow-colored seeds in the F 2 generation?

    Individuals homozygous for linked ‘p’ and ‘q’ genes were crossed with wild type (+ +). The F 1 hybrid thus produced was test crossed. It produced the progeny in the following proportion: ++=800 pq= 900 +p= 100 +q= 200 Calculate the distance between p and q genes present on the same chromosome.

    Mendel did not select the following character for his experiments on pea plant

    Match column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Hugo de Vries i. Linkage in Drosophila b. Sutton and Boveri ii. Mutations in Oenothera lamarckiana c. Mendel iii. Experiments on Pisum sativum d. Morgan iv. Chromosomal theory of inheritance

    How many types of gametes will be produced by an individual having AABBccDdEe genotype?

    Which of the following cross would result in 1:1 Genotypic ratio in the offspring?

    How many genotypically different types of gametes are formed in a plant with genotype Rr?

    For any gene with a dominant allele P and recessive allele p, what proportions of the offspring from a PP X Pp cross is expected to be homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive, and heterozygous?

    How many types of gametes will be produced by a diploid organism having genotype PPQQRR?

    If we spray gibberellic acid on a dwarf pea plant, it becomes tall. This tall pea plant is crossed with a dwarf pea plant. What is the probability of the offspring that you obtain from this cross?

    In a typical monohybrid cross what will be the percentage of the F 2 progeny resembling the F 1 generation phenotypically?

    What percentage of progenies in F 2 generation of a typical monohybrid cross exhibits homozygous condition?

    The degree by which progeny differs from their parents is called

    Sahiwal cows were developed through: (a) Mutation breeding (b) Micropropagation (c) Artificial selection (d) Domestication

    The branch of biology that deals with the inheritance and variations of characters from parents to offspring is:

    Statement A: Offspring formed as result of sexual reproduction are not identical to their parents; they show differences in some of their characters. Statement B: Through artificial selection and domestication from ancestral wild cows, we have well-known Indian breeds like Sahiwal cows in Punjab.

    Identify the reasons for Mendel’s success. (a) Application of statistical analysis and mathematical logic to problems in biology (b) Large sampling size (c) Usage of true breeding pea plants (d) Immense knowledge about linkage

    How many pairs of contrasting characters in pea plants were studied by Mendel in his experiments?

    All are the reason for Mendel’s selection of pea plant for his experiments except:

    A true breeding line is one that

    In the inheritance of two genes with respect to seed color and seed shape of pea, the following genotypes neither seen in F 1 generation nor in Parental generation. A. Rr Yy B. rrYy C. RRYy D. RR YY

    Identify the dominant trait w.r.t. pea plant.

    Identify the option w.r.t. pea plant which represent a dominant and a recessive trait respectively:

    The genes of pea for inflated pods and round seed shape are respectively present on chromosomes numbers:

    Genes for how many traits studied by Mendel are situated on chromosome 1?

    Choose the correct statements with respect to dihybrid cross. I. The both phenotypes seen in P generation are also seen in F 1 generation. II. The phenotypes seen in F 1 generation are also seen in P and F 2 generation. III. The genotypes of P and F 1 generation are also seen in F 2 generation. IV. The probability of appearance of F 1 genotype in F 2 generation is 1 4 .

    Select the correct statement

    Emasculation is a technique of :

    Which of the following traits of garden pea studied by Mendel are recessive? (a) Round seed shape (b) White flower colour (c) Yellow pod colour (d) Axial flower position

    The phenotypic ratio of Mendelian dihybrid cross in F 2 generation is

    P and F 1 used in genetic crosses represents:

    Which phenotype with respect to seed color and texture has highest number of individuals in F 2 generation of inheritance of two genes.

    Whenever a pea plant with homozygous dominant trait for a character is cross-fertilized with the plant having contrasting recessive trait, we observe:

    Selfing of F 1 pea plants is:

    Genes are:

    Mendel proposed that something was being stably passed down, unchanged, from parent to offspring through the gametes, over successive generations and Mendel called it as:

    Among the following which genotypes show the phenotype round and green pea seeds? A. RR yy B. rr YY C. Rr yy D. Rr YY

    Who coined the term gene?

    Dominant allele in heterozygous condition:

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II (a) Homozygous (i) External manifestation is noticed in homozygous condition only (b) Heterozygous (ii) The allelic pair of genes are identical (c) Recessive allele (iii) Observable morphological character (d) Phenotype (iv) The allelic pair of genes are dissimilar

    Choose the pair of characters of pea plant to which law of independent assortment is not applicable.

    Homozygous plants “breed true” because:

    The location of a particular gene on a given chromosome is called:

    In a dihybrid cross between TT VV X tt vv, F 2 progeny of Tt vv, tt VV, Tt Vv and TT VV occur in the ratio of

    Which of the following represent homozygous condition?

    If pea plant produces 2560 seeds in F 2 generation when a dihybrid cross is done between homozygous Round and Yellow seeded plant and wrinkled and green seeded plant, how many of them have the phenotype wrinkled yellow seeds?

    If a pea plant produces 1616 plants in F 2 generation with respect to dihybrid cross for seed color and shape, how many of them have parental genotypes?

    Mendel’s results were not rediscovered by

    Drosophila melanogaster was found suitable for genetic studies by Morgan because A. They could be grown on simple synthetic media. B. They complete their life cycle in about two weeks. C. A single mating could produce a large number of progeny flies. D. Males and females are clearly demarcated as females are smaller than males.

    In Morgan’s experiments on Drosophila , the strength of linkage between w and m is

    Who for the fist time mapped genes on a chromosome and in which organism?

    Example of polygenic inheritance in man is

    Among the following genotypes which one impart same skin tone in human beings? A. AA BB cc B. Aa BB Cc C. AA bb cc D. AA BB Cc

    Using the consistent pattern of results in the monohybrid crosses, Mendel derived which of the following postulates? (a) Genetic characters are controlled by unit factors existing in pairs in individual organisms. (b) During the formation of gametes, the paired unit factors separate, or segregate, randomly so that each gamete receives one or the other with equal likelihood. (c ) When two unlike unit factors responsible for a single character are present in a single individual, one unit factor is dominant to the other, which is said to be recessive. (d) During gamete formation, segregating pairs of unit factors assort independently of each other.

    The environmental factor that influences skin color in man is mainly

    In snapdragon, the flower colour is shown as RR genotype for Red, Rr for Pink and rr for White. What are the predicted phenotypes for the offspring from the cross between a pink flowered plant and white flowered plant?

    Phenotype of the heterozygote reflects the phenotypes of both homozygotes for different traits in:

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Dominance i. Phenotype of the heterozygote is intermediate between the phenotypes of the two homozygotes b. Incomplete dominance ii. Phenotype of the heterozygote includes the phenotypes of both homozygotes c. Codominance iii. Phenotype of the heterozygote is the same as the phenotype of one of the homozygotes

    Identify the incorrect statement regarding incomplete dominance.

    If starch grain size is considered as phenotype in a pea plant, then genotype Bb shows:

    All are correct w.r.t. multiple alleles except

    Chaplin met a young actress named Joan Barry, with whom he had an affair. The affair ended in February 1942 but, 20 months later, Barry gave birth to a baby girl and claimed that Chaplin was the father. Barry had blood type A and Chaplin had blood type O. If the child was actually fathered by Chaplin what would be the blood group of the girl?

    If a child is born with AB blood group whose father has B blood group. What would be the possible blood group of the mother? a. B blood group b. O blood group c. A blood group d. AB blood group

    The substances that cause mutations are called

    Mutation is defined as:

    The most commonly observed mutations that lead to formation of cancer cells is:

    A classic example of point mutation is:

    Point mutation is

    Find the incorrect match

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Missense mutation i. Changes a sense codon into a synonymous codon, leaving unchanged the amino acid sequence of the protein b. Nonsense mutation ii. Changes a sense codon into a different sense codon, resulting in the incorporation of a different amino acid in the protein c. Silent mutation iii. Changes a mutant phenotype back to the wild-type phenotype d. Reverse mutation iv. Changes a sense codon into a nonsense codon, causing premature termination of translation

    When there is a cross between pink flower and white flower plants of Antirrhinum majus, the progenies obtained would have phenotype in the ratio of:

    In the cross performed by Morgan on Drosophila between yellow-bodied, white-eyed females and brown-bodied, red-eyed males it was observed in F 2 generation that the percentage of progenies having parental characters was 98.7% and the percentage of progenies having recombinant characters is 1.3%. What can we conclude from this cross?

    The progenies from which amongst the following cross would lead to the formation of homozygous dominant individuals with respect to characters and traits of pea plant as noticed by Mendel.

    Identify the character of pea plant that always occur as a pure line.

    When a plant of unknown genotype expressing dominant trait for a character is crossed with a plant having recessive trait for the same character, the cross is known as :

    Identify the incorrect statement

    Identify the correct statement

    Identify the scientists that individually rediscovered Mendel’s results on the inheritance of characters.

    Example of polygenic inheritance:

    If a F 1 hybrid round and yellow seeded pea plant is selfed, what would be the ratio of wrinkled and yellow seeded pea plant and wrinkled and green seeded pea plant in the resultant offspring.

    In incomplete dominance, the F 1 generation resembles

    Gregor Mendel, conducted hybridization experiments on garden peas for:

    Identify the incorrect statement

    Identify the incorrect statement regarding linkage.

    A man with blood group A marries a woman with blood group AB. Which amongst the following cannot be the blood group of the offspring?

    In Antirrhinum majus , red flower colour (R) is incompletely dominant over white flower colour (r), the heterozygous produces pink flowers. The pink flowers are back crossed to the red parent, what are the possible phenotypes of the offspring?

    Mendel worked with which of the following characters?

    What is the probability of getting double homozygous recombinants in the F 2 generation of a Mendelian dihybrid cross?

    People with following blood group do not have dominant alleles for the gene ‘ I’ ’.

    Among the following, choose the genotypes of green and round seeded plants obtained in F 2 generation of dihybrid cross carried out by Mendel. A. yy RR B. Yy rr C. yy rR D. YY Rr

    In a cross made between true breeding tall pea plant and dwarf plant, 620 plants are obtained in F 2 generation. How many of these plants have the genotype similar to the genotype of F 1 generation plants.

    Statement A: In Drosophila, the distance between the linked genes y and w is more than the distance between the genes w and m. Statement B: In Drosophila , the recombination frequency with respect to genes y and w is 1.3% and with respect to w and m is 37.2%.

    Calculate the percentage of recombinants in the F 2 generation in a typical Mendelian dihybrid cross.

    Which amongst the following blood groups can only be expressed in heterozygous condition?

    Which type of gene interaction is seen in flower colour of Lathyrus odoratus ?

    Among the following, choose the traits of pea as identified by Mendel, whose genotypes may be either homozygous or heterozygous. A. Yellow pods B. Yellow seeds C. Green pods D. Green seeds

    Among the given below traits of organisms, identify whose phenotypes are always in heterozygous condition but never in homozygous condition. A. Red flowered snapdragon B. Pink flowered snapdragon C. AB blood group individual D. O blood group individual

    In an experiment on Drosophila, the true breeding red eyed female is crossed with true breeding white eyed male and all the progeny of F 1 generation were red eyed. When inter crossing is done between the individuals of F 1 , what is the ratio of obtaining red eyed females, red eyed males, white eyed males and white eyed females in F 2 generation.

    The genotypes of husband and wife are ‘ii’ and I A I B . How many different types of genotypes and phenotypes are possible in the blood group types of the offspring?

    Who observed that the behaviour of chromosomes at meiosis can serve as the cellular basis of both segregation and independent assortment?

    A gene showing codominance has :

    Which of the following is not correct pair for dominant and recessive traits observed by Mendel in pea plant?

    The phenomenon of a gene influencing more than one characters is referred as

    One of the following was not postulated by Mendel.

    Find the correct match:

    Select the correct statement.

    Which one of the following blood groups is not possible in children from parents with combination B × AB ?

    If a cross is made between a F 1 hybrid pea plant for seed color and seed texture with a homozygous F 2 plant for green and round seeds, which phenotypes of the offspring are seen in the progeny?

    Identify the traits of pea found by Mendel, which can exist genotypically in heterozygous as well as homozygous condition. A. White flowered plants B. Yellow seeded plants C. Inflated poded plants D. Yellow poded plants

    The phenotype of F 1 hybrid resemble both of the parents in

    Chromosomal theory of inheritance was proposed by

    If single gene can exhibit multiple phenotypic effect then such gene is called :

    Distance between the genes and percentages of recombination shows :

    In sweet peas, genes C and P are necessary for colour in flowers. The flowers are white in the absence of either or both the genes. What will be the percentage of coloured flowers in the offspring of the cross Ccpp x ccPp?

    In Drosophila, a gene for white eye mutation is also responsible for the depigmentation of body parts. Thus a gene represents

    Sickle cell anaemia is:

    The total number of progeny obtained from a dihybrid cross is 1280 in the F 2 generation. How many of them are recombinant ?

    The mutation is the phenomenon which results in alteration of DNA sequences and consequently results in a change in the

    In a Mendelian dihybrid cross, when heterozygous round yellow seeded plants were selfed, round green seeded offspring is represented by the genotypes

    Which of the following laws do not show any deviation?

    What is the phenotypic ratio in a cross between dihybrid and homozygous recessive individual?

    With respect to blood groups, the person having blood group is definitely homozygous

    In garden pea, starch synthesis is regulated by B and b alleles. Bb genotype produces :

    Select the correct statement

    In heretozygous condition, the individual expression of both the alleles in the phenotype is exemplified by

    What is the main purpose of a test cross?

    Which of the following is incorrect about the Chromosomal theory of Inheritance?

    Match the terms given in column-I with their appropriate meaning in Column-II and select the most suitable option. Column I Column II a. Alleles (i) F 1 always resembles either of the parents b. Co-dominance (ii) F 1 was in-between the parents c. Incomplete dominance (iii) F 1 resembles both parents d. Dominance (iv) Slightly different forms of the same gene a b c d 1 iv iii ii i 2 i ii iii iv 3 ii iv i iii 4 iii i iv ii

    Find the odd statement w.r.t. Genetics.

    Select the incorrect statement from the following options.

    Consider the following statements on genes and chromosomes. a. Sutton and Boveri noted that the behaviour of chromosomes was parallel to the behaviour of genes b. The two alleles of a gene pair are located on homologous sites of non-homologous chromosomes c. Sutton united knowledge of chromosomal segregation with Mendelian principles and called it chromosomal theory of inheritance d. Experimental verification of chromosomal theory of inheritance was done by T.H. Morgan Which of the above statements are correct ?

    Which of the given cross will result in 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 phenotypic ratio?

    Who among the following used the frequency of recombination between gene pairs on the same chromosome as a measure of the distance between genes and mapped their position on the chromosome?

    The pleiotropic disease phenylketonuria, which occurs in humans is caused by a single mutation in the gene that codes for the enzyme.

    Select the odd statement w.r.t. polygenic inheritance.

    T.H. Morgan and his group, while working on Drosophila found that even when genes were grouped on the same chromosome, some genes were loosely linked and showed

    Find the incorrect statement w.r.t. mutations.

    When closely placed genes on the same chromosome are inherited together the phenomenon is known as:

    If a black man marries a white skin female, the mulattoes are born. If such mulattoes intermarry, the progeny will show a gradual gradation of skin colour in the ratio of

    What type of gametes will be formed by parent with genotype RrYy?

    What will be the distribution of phenotypic features in the first filial generation after a cross between a homozygous recessive female and a heterozygous for a single locus?

    Mendel proposed that the factor controlling any character is discrete and independent. This proposition was based on which of the following observations?

    Frame shift mutation occurs when

    Select the correct traits (A – D) chosen by Mendel. Characters in a pod of Pisum sativum Dominant Recessive 1. Colour P Q 2.Shape R S

    A recessive allele is expressed in :

    A man with genotype EEFfGg can produce a P number of genetically different sperms and women with genotype LLMmNn can produce a Q number of genetically different eggs. Determine the values of P and Q.

    Distance between gene and percentage of linkage shows :

    The size of the starch grains in pea is an example of

    During Mendel’s investigations into inheritance patterns it was for the first time that were applied to problems in biology.

    The modified allele is equivalent to unmodified allele when it

    Find the correct number of statement(s) w.r.t. test cross. a. It is cross between dominant unknown genotype and recessive parent. b. It is cross between the progeny of F 1 generation and recessive parent. c. To determine the genotype of a tall pea plant at F 2 generation. d. To find out the genotype of dwarf pea plant in F 2 generation.

    What is the ratio of homozygous genotypes for flower colour in F2 generation for snapdragon?

    Many traits which are not so distinct in their occurrence and are spread across a gradient is due to

    In a plant, red fruit (R) dominant over yellow fruit (r) and tallness (T) is dominant over shortness (t). If a plant with RRTT genotype is crossed with a plant that is rrtt. Then

    Mutation which commonly observed in cancer cells is

    Find out the F 2 phenotypic ratio, when a mulatto individual is crossed to its homozygous dominant individual. (Given that skin colour is controlled by three gene pairs).

    A heterozygous individual ++/ab is crossed to its recessive parent and has produced the offsprings in following proportion ++/ab – 200 a+/ab – 50 +b/ab – 30 ab/ab – 100 What is the expected distance between the two gene loci?

    Experimental verification of ‘chromosomal theory of inheritance’ was done by

    Alfred Sturtevant is known for his contribution

    Which of the following pair of characters studied by Mendel will not show independent assortment?

    Find the incorrect match.

    Which of the following is the main reason that contribute to the success of Mendel in his hybridization experiment?

    Which one of the following is not a genotype in Punnett square when cross is made between AaBBCc and Aabbcc ?

    Sutton and Boveri gave the parallelism between

    The following blanks can be filled only by numbers. 1. Gregor Mendel conducted hybridization experiments on garden peas for (P) years. 2. Mendel selected (Q) true-breeding pea plant varieties 3. In a human population, there are (R) alleles for ABO blood group. 4. In Drosophila , genes for white eye and yellow body show (S)% recombination. The correct arrangement is

    Which of the following is a correct statement?

    In a pea plant, the genotype Rr will be expressed as

    The shape of seed and starch grain size in Pisum sativum is controlled by gene Bb, so the inheritance of seed shape shows relationship, while the inheritance of starch grains show

    In a typical Mendelian dihybrid cross, one parent is homozygous for both dominant traits and another parent is homozygous for both recessive traits. In the F 2 generation, both parental combinations and recombinants type appear. The phenotypic ratio of parental combinations to recombinants is

    The genotype of pea plant that does not indicate the phenotype round and yellow seeds is

    Child has blood group O and his father is ‘B’ type. Then genotype of the father should be

    ln ABO blood group, how many phenotypes are found?

    Parents with blood group O will have children with blood groups

    A man with type A blood married a woman, who has type AB blood. We do not know either the man is homozygous or heterzygous for the ‘I’ alleIe. Which one of the following types in the progeny of this couple would indicate that the man is heterozygous?

    A man and woman both have Bb genotypes at a locus will produce what proportion of bb children?

    A man of blood group A, marries a woman of blood group B and both of them are heterozygous for blood groups. The chances of their first child having blood group AB will be

    A woman with straight hair marries a man with curly hair and, who is known to be heterozygous for the trait. What is the chance that their first child will have curly hair?

    Sita and Ram have their first child. Sita knows her blood type is A, but Ram does not know his blood type. However, Ram knows that both his mother and father have type B blood. The first child is a boy named Kush. Kush has type O blood. Sita and Ram do not understand how this happened. Which of the following is the best explanation?

    The gene for brown eyes is dominant over the gene for blue eyes. Following are given some statements. I. For the child to be blue-eyed, at least one parent should be blue-eyed. II. Both parents with blue eyes will have a blue-eyed child. III. Blue-eyed person will always show both the alleles different from brown-eyed person. IV. Identical twins of blue-eyed parents will both have either blue or brown eyes. V. For the child to be brown-eyed, one parent should be brown-eyed. The correct statements are

    What phenotypes are possible from the cross, between round seeded plant and wrinkled seeded plants if both the parents are homozygous?

    Mendel developed his basic principles of heredity by

    Find the correct match.

    Using the results of his experiments with pea plant crosses, Gregor Mendel discovered the

    All genes located on the same chromosome

    Person having genotype I A I B would show the blood group as AB. This is because of

    How many genetically different kinds of gametes will an individual with genotype AAbb produce?

    How did Mendel’s studies in genetics differ from earlier studies of breeding and inheritance?

    A true breeding fruit fly would be……… for a certain characteristic.

    When two or more non-allelic gene pairs affect the same character in the same way, this is called

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Which is correct about traits choosen by Mendel for his experiment on pea plant?

    Which one from those given below is the period of Mendel’s hybridisation experiments?

    A true breeding line is characterised by the presence of

    Among the following characters, which one was not considered by Mendel in his experiments on pea?

    Out of 7 contrasting trait pairs selected by Mendel, how many traits were dominant and recessive?

    Assertion (A) : True breeding lines have stable trait inheritance for several generations. Reason (R) : Mendel conducted cross-pollination experiments on true breeding lines.

    Mendel crossed tall and dwarf plants. In F 2 -generation both the tall and dwarf plants were produced. This shows

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