BiologyBotany QuestionsReproduction In Organisms Questions for CBSE Class 12th

Reproduction In Organisms Questions for CBSE Class 12th

How many chromosomes are present in a rat sperm cell?

Which of the following statement is related to sexual reproduction?

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    The number of chromosomes in the shoot tip cells of a maize plant is 20. The number of chromosomes in the microspore mother cells of the same plant will be

    The site of origin of the new plantlets in potato, dahlia, ginger and banana is

    Which one of the following generates new genetic combinations leading to variation?

    It is difficult to get rid of water hyacinth because: (a) Natural predators are absent in India (b) Propagates vegetatively at a phenomenal rate and spreads all over the water body (c) Rhizome helps in rapid vegetative propagation in water hyacinth.

    In animals exhibiting internal fertilisation a. There is no synchrony between the two sexes b. The male gamete is motile c. Number of sperms produced is very large d. There is a significant reduction in the number of eggs produced Choose the option with all correct statements.

    Select the option that shows the correct number of chromosomes in the meiocytes.

    The condition in which male and female parts are present on different organisms, is called: (a) heterothallic (b) dioecious (c) unisexual

    Assertion (A) : In perennial plant species, it is difficult to demarcate vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases. Reason (R) : Perennial plants have very short lifespan.

    Offspring formed by sexual reproduction exhibit more variation than those formed by asexual reproduction because

    The condition, in which, both male and female reproductive organs are found on the same plant, is called: (a) unisexual (b) bisexual (c) monoecious

    Sexual reproduction involves formation of male and female gametes by a. same individual b. different individual of opposite sex c. different individual of different species

    Lifespan of tortoise is

    Monoecious plant of Chara shows occurrence of

    Arrange the following in decreasing order of their life span. (1) Crocodile (2) Dog (3) Crow (4) Parrot

    Life span of a tortoise is approximately

    The given diagram shows

    Find the incorrect statement. (A) In yeast unequal division leads to bud formation. (B) When offspring is produced by a single parent with or without the involvement of gamete formation, the reproduction is asexual. (C) Size of crows and parrots are not very different yet their life span shows a wide difference. (D) In binary fission cell division is always unequal.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Bulbils i. Penicillium b. Zoospores ii. Turmeric c. Rhizomes iii. Agave d. Conidia iv. Chlamydomonas a b c d 1. iii i ii iv 2. ii iv iii i 3. iii iv ii i 4. iii iv i ii

    Which of following plants is monoecious ?

    The perennial plants that flowers once in 12 years and converts large hilly areas of Kerala, Tamil Nadu into blue stretches is:

    Match column I with column II Column I Column II a. Staminate i. Unisexual plant b. Pistillate ii. Unisexual male flower c. Heterothallic and dioecious iii. Morphologically similar gametes d. Isogametes iv. Unisexual female flower a b c d 1. iv ii i iii 2. ii iv i iii 3. ii i iv iii 4. i iv ii iii

    Identify figure A and B given below. A B

    The period between two flowering phases is called:

    The medium for gamete transfer is water for:

    Identify the monoecious and dioecious plants.

    Match the contents of column I with column II and choose the correct match. Column I Column II A Dioecious plant i Earthworm B Unisexual animal ii Chara C Monoecious plant iii Cockroach D Bisexual animal iv Marchantia

    In ginger, vegetative propagation occurs through

    Which one of the following is correctly matched?

    Name the type of gametes found in algae. a. Homogametes b. Heterogametes c. Anisogametes

    Assertion (A) : Zygote is the link between two generations. Reason (R) : Zygote is the product of fusion of two gametes of parental generation and the producer of the next generation.

    Match the following columns. Column I Column II A. External fertilisation (i) Human beings B. Internal fertilisation (ii) Algae and fishes C. Ovipary (iii) Bryophytes, pteridophytes and birds D. Vivipary (iv) Reptiles and birds Select the correct option: A B C D 1. iv i ii iii 2. iii i iv ii 3. ii iii iv i 4. iv ii i iii

    If a leaf cell of Agave have X number of chromosomes, then what will be the number of chromosomes in a cell of its bulbil?

    There are various types of reproduction. The type of reproduction adopted by an organism depends on

    Appearance of vegetative propagules from the nodes of plants such as sugarcane and ginger is mainly because

    Which of the following is hermaphrodite?

    There is no natural death in single-celled organisms like amoeba and Bacteria because

    Self-fertilisation occurs in the a. bisexual flowers b. unisexual flowers c. dioecious plants

    Assertion (A) : Papaya is a dioecious plant. Reason (R) : Dioecious plants are those that have their male and female reproductive structures on same plant.

    Which of the following flowers only once in its lifetime?

    Study the following figure. Identify the organism and A and B

    Vegetative propagation in water hyacinth takes place through

    Choose the correct one with respect to external fertilisation in organisms.

    Which of the following is not correctly matched?

    Endogenous budding occurs in

    External fertilization occurs in

    Sexual reproduction has the biological advantage of promoting genetic variability among animals because

    Which of the following is an incorrect statement?

    Which of the following is a correct statement ?

    In the body of the parent breaks into distinct pieces, each of which can produce an offspring.

    Development of female gamete into complete organism without fertilization is called

    Mark the wrong statement:

    Life span of an organism represents the period from its

    Read the following statements and select the correct option. A. Life span is a specific trait of each organism. B. Life span is not necessarily correlated with size and complexity of organisms.

    Which of the following statements is/are correct? A. Clone is a group of morphologically identical but genetically dissimilar individuals B. In protists and monerans, cell division is itself a mode of reproduction. C. Bud formation in yeast is also a kind of asexual reproduction.

    The process that ensures the continuity of species on earth is

    Asexual reproduction cannot involve

    Which of the following pairs of plants reproduces by sub–aeral vegetative propagation?

    Conidia and zoospores

    Water hyacinth or terror of Bengal A. Was introduced in India because of its beautiful foliage and flowers B. Is most invasive weef found growing wherever there is stagnant water C. Can propagate sexually by offset at a phenomenal rate Select the correct set of statements:

    Which of the following regulates the reproductive processes and the associated behavioural expression of organisms?

    Which of the following plants does not show clear–cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent phase?

    The end of juvenile phase marks the beginning of

    Read the following statements: (i) Polycarpic plants are always perennial or biennial. (ii) Annual plants show clear–cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases. (iii) All perennials have interflowering period as a part of juvenile phase. (iv)The male and female gametes in flowering plants are produced in embryo sac. How many above given statements are correct?

    Select the odd one out w.r.t pre – fertilization events:

    The given diagram shows

    Which of these organisms show budding?

    The term ‘Terror of Bengal’ is assigned to

    If soil around stem of potato plant is constantly removed from very young stage then only roots remain in the soil then the potato tubers in plant will

    Match the definition (given in column I) with their correct term (given in column II) and choose the correct combination from the options given. Column-I Column-II A. The pollen transferred from one flower to another I. Germination B. The process in which embryo develops into seedling II. Pollination C. The place where fertilized egg in humans gets implanted III. Menstruation D. The process occurring when egg in humans is not fertilized IV. Uterus A B C D 1. II I IV III 2. I II IV III 3. I II III IV 4. I III II IV

    In a practical test, a student has to identify the organisms in which syngamy does not occur. In those organisms the female gamete undergoes development to form new organisms without fertilization. This phenomenon is called “X”. Identify the organisms and the phenomenon “X”.

    Meiocytes is observed in all except

    The given figure refers to which type of reproduction in yeast?

    A feature of reproduction that is common to Amoeba, Spirogyra and yeast is that

    Read the following statements and identify the correct statement w.r.t. the type of reproduction: (a) It is an elaborate, complex and slow process. (b) Offspring produced are not identical to the parents or amongst themselves.

    During asexual reproduction of yeast,

    Identify the correct function w.r.t spores: (a) Reproductive unit (b) Dispersal unit (c) Perennating unit (d) Photosynthetic units

    Terror of Bengal is an example of

    Identify A and B from the figure given below:

    Which of the following is the characteristic features of embryogenesis? (a) Zygote undergoes cell division. (b) Cell differentiation also take place. (c) Fusion of gametes occurs.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I (Organism) Column II (Chromosome number in gametes) A Apple i 8 B Potato ii 12 C Rice iii 24 D Onion iv 17

    Which of the following groups of plants do not use water as medium for transport of gametes for fertilisation? A. Algae B. Bryophytes C. Gymnosperms D. Angiosperms

    An sexual structure is shown in the given diagram. In which of the following organism, the given structure is found?

    Find out the correct order of vegetative propagules in following plants respectively – potato, ginger, Bryophyllum, water hyacinth.

    Which plant is generally called ‘terror of Bengal’?

    Which of the following animal is hermaphrodite?

    Select the CORRECT statements (i) In Volvox, sexual reproduction involves the fusion of one large, static male gamete and a smaller motile female gamete. (ii) In Spirogyra, fusing gametes are non-flagellated and dissimilar in size. (iii) In Ulothrix, fusing gametes are flagellated and similar in size. (iv) In Fucus, the female gamete is large and non-motile whereas male gamete is small and motile.

    Find out the mismatch

    If the stock contains 48 chromosomes and the scion contains 30 chromosomes, then how many chromosomes are present in the root and egg cell of the resultant plant, respectively?

    Which one of the following statements is incorrect ?

    Asexual reproductive structures found in Penicillium are

    Assertion (A) : Gametes formed in sexual reproduction are haploid in nature. Reason (R) : Meiocytes undergo meiosis to form gametes.

    Oestrus cycle is cyclic change in the activities of ovaries and accessory duct in non-primates during

    Cell division is the mode of reproduction in a. all Monerans b. ]Protists c. all members of Animalia d. all members of Plantae

    Which one of the following options shows two plants in which new plantlets arise from the same organ?

    Asexual reproduction is a method of reproduction in which participation of takes place.

    Select the correct sequence of events.

    Which one of the following flowers only once in its lifetime?

    Which among the following is unisexual species?

    In diploid organism the gamete producing cells are called a. gamete mother cells b. gametocytes c. spore cell

    Which of the following is not a vegetative propagule?

    The growth phase of an organism before attaining sexual maturity is referred to as a. juvenile phase b. pre- reproductive phase c. post-reproductive phase

    Choose the correct statement from the following.

    What is male gamete called in heterogametic condition? (a) Antherozoid (b) Sperm (c) Egg

    Choose the incorrect pair.

    Life begins in all sexually reproducing organism from a

    Zoospores are

    Offsets are produced by

    A multicellular, filamentous alga exhibits a type of sexual life cycle in which the meiotic division occurs after the formation of zygote. The adult filament of this alga has

    Hydra reproduces by a. budding b. fragmentation c. gemmule formation

    Clones are: (a) morphologically similar individuals. (b) genetically similar organisms. (c) morphologically dissimilar individuals

    If the parent body is haploid then the gametes are

    Internal fertilisation is the one in which syngamy

    Reproduction can be considered as: (a) a biological process (b) a cycle of birth, growth and death (c) a process that enables continuity of species.

    What is the fastest method to obtain clones.

    Asexual reproduction is common in a. single-celled organisms b. plants with relatively simple organisation c. animals with relatively simple organisation

    Diploid zygote is universal in all

    Single-celled animals are said to be immortal because

    Which of the following is a post-fertilisation event in flowering plants?

    The male gametes of rice plant have 12 chromosomes in their nucleus. The chromosome number in the female gamete, zygote and the cells of the seedling will be, respectively

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Which one of the followingis wrong about Chara?

    Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

    Which one of the following statements is not correct?

    Which one of the following generates new genetic combinations leading to variation?

    Match column I with column II and select the correct option using the codes given below. Column-I Column-II A. Pistils fused together (i) Gametogenesis B. Formation of gametes (ii) Pistillate C. Hyphae of higher Ascomycetes (iii) Syncarpous D. Unisexual female flower (iv) Dikaryotic

    In bryophytes and pteridophytes, transport of male gametes requires

    Offsets are produced by

    Match the List I with List II and choose the correct match. List – I List – II A) Encystation i) Sponges B) Zoospore formation ii) Amoeba C) Budding iii) Chlamydomonas D) Gemmules iv) Hydra

    In some plants, the female gamete develops into embryo without fertilisation. This phenomenon is known as

    Arrange the following organisms in correct sequence of increase in their approximate life span. A. Crow B. Crocodile C. Butterfly D. Parrot

    Choose the incorrect statements. I. Sexual reproduction brings about variations and genetic recombination in genes. II. All variations seen in organisms are due to sexual reproduction only. III. Asexual reproduction preserves genetic information. IV. By hybridization, only desired genes of parents are incorporated into the hybrid produced.

    Bulbils are vegetative propagules of the following organism.

    The diploid chromosome number of organism A is equal to the haploid chromosome number of B. A and B are respectively

    Choose the incorrect statement among the following.

    Fragmentation is a method of asexual reproduction and it not shown by the following organism.

    Choose the wrong match

    Vegetative propagule in Agave is termed as

    Special feature about Strobilanthus kunthiana (neelakuranji) is its flowering once in :

    Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

    Choose the mismatch among the following

    The term clone is not applicable to the following offspring

    The plant that flowers once in 12 years is

    Select the group of plants that show clear cut vegetative, reproductive, and senescent phases:

    Endosperm is not a post fertilization product in:

    How many times a bamboo plant flower in its life span?

    Transverse binary fission occurs in

    The asexual method of reproduction in which a multinucleate parent organism divides into many daughter individuals without division of nuclei is called

    Read the following statement: (A) The first cell produced by fertilization is known as zygote. (B) Monoecious animals are also called hermaphrodite (C) Plasmotomy is seen in Opalina and Pelomyxa. (D) Transverse binary fission is seen in Vorticella. Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

    Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding viviparous animals?

    All the organisms are dioecious except

    Mark the wrong statement:

    Which of the following is an incorrect statement ?

    Which of the following is correct w.r.t. all oviparous animals?

    Read the following statements : (A) Acellular protists like sporonzoans(e.g., Monocystis, Plasmodium, etc.) exhibit sporulation in their life cycles. (B) In Hydra, the external bud does not get separated from the mother and form a colony. C) In fresh water sponges like Spongilla, each gemmule gives rise to several offsprings. D) Genetically identical offsprings resulting from a single parent are considered as clones. Which of the above statements are correct ?

    When the plane of cytoplasmic division passes through any direction, the fission is called

    Which of the following is a mismatch w.r.t the maximum life span in years?

    Organisms exhibiting internal fertilization are

    Choose the option which includes animals arranged in the increasing order of their life span?

    The oestrous cycle is seen in all of the following, except

    Match the following Column I (Organism) Column II (Life Span) (a) Tortoise (i) 140 years (b) Parrot (ii) 60 years (c) Crocodile (iii) 15 years (d) Crow (iv) 100–150 years a b c d 1. iv ii i iii 2. iv i ii iii 3. iii ii i iv 4. ii iii i iv

    Match the following columns and select the correct option: Column I Column II a. Hydra i. Longitudinal binary fission b. Paramecium ii. Transverse binary fission c. Euglenoids iii. Encystation d. Amoeba iv. Bud formation

    Which of the following organisms is said to be immortal?

    The given vegetative propagule is

    Match the following Column I Column II a. Bryophyllum i. Rhizome b. Agave ii. Bulb c. Onion iii. Bulbil d. Ginger iv. Leaf bud

    The common horticultural method of plant propagation is

    Organisms possess no single mechanism of reproduction because of the large–scale diversity in

    Method of raising new plants from a small plant tissue with the help of tissue culture technique is called as

    Examine the figure and select the option which correctly labels the structures A, B and C. A B C

    Mass flowering in neelakuranji transforms large tracks of hilly areas into blue stretches, this plant

    Haploid organism forms its gametes by

    In how many of the following plants, interflowering period is found? Apple, Orange, Marigold, Carrot, Jackfruit, Mango, Bamboo Radish

    All are common features between Chara and Marchantia except

    Identify the gametes depicted in figures A, B and C.

    Chara is a A plant, where male sex organ is B and female sex organ is the C . Select the option that correctly fills in the blanks:

    In which of the following internal fertilization occurs?

    Transfer of non–motile male gametes through pollen tubes occurs in

    Plants like bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperm and angiosperms are similar in A. Medium used for transfer of male gametes B.Producing heterogametes C. Having internal fertilization D. Embryo formation

    Most vital event of sexual reproduction is

    The chromosome number in meiocyte of Ophioglossum (a fern) is

    Which of the flowing is/are pre–fertilization events(s)? A. Gametogenesis B. Gamete transfer C. Syngamy D. Embryogenesis

    Mark the odd one out w.r.t zygote

    In flowering plants

    All the following are characteristics of Chara except:

    Match the following List – I List – II A) Unisexual animal I) Earthworm B) Bisexual animal II) Chara C) Unisexual plant III) Cockroach D) Bisexual plant IV) Marchantia

    A multicellular organism that reproduces asexually by budding is

    Clones are

    The approximate life span of a crocodile is

    The approximate life span of a parrot is

    Sexual reproduction is characterized by

    Asexual reproduction is common among all except

    Name an organism where cell division is itself a mode of reproduction?

    Cell division is synonymous with reproduction in

    Binary fission is seen in

    The approximate life span of the organism shown in the given diagram is

    Match column-I (Organism) with column-II (reproductive structure). Column-I Column-II (A) Penicillium (p) Conidia (B) Hydra (q) Exogenous bud (C) Sponge (r) Gemmules (Endogenous buds) (D) Paramecium (s) Binary fission A B C D 1 p q r s 2 s p r q 3 p r s q 4 s p s r

    Identify the units of vegetative propagation seen in plants. (a) Runners and rhizomes (b) Suckers and bulbs (c) Stem tubers and offsets

    In plants, the units of vegetative propagation are capable of giving rise to new offspring. These structures are called

    Select the incorrect statement.

    Which is the incorrect statement about water hyacinth?

    Match Column-I (Structure) with Column-II (Name of structure and its parent plant). Column-I Column-II A. p. Bulbil of Agave B. q. Leaf buds of Bryophyllum C. r. Offset of water hyacinth (Terror of Bengal) A B C 1 q p r 2 p q r 3 r q p 4 q r p

    Vegetative propagules of Agave is

    Sexual reproduction when compared to asexual reproduction is a (A) Slow process (B) Fast process (C) Simple process (D) Complex process

    Which of these statement is true about Strobilanthus kunthiana ? a. The plant flowered during September to October 2006 b. Its mass flowering transforms large tracks of hilly areas in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu into blue streches c. It flowers once in 12 years.

    Which of the following plant flowers once in 12 years?

    Which of the following flowers only once in its lifetime?

    The diagram shows:

    In animals, the juvenile phase is followed by what changes prior to active reproductive behaviour? (a) Morphological changes (b) Physiological changes (c) Genetic changes

    Oestrous cycle does not occurs in

    Which of these statements is false about the diagram?

    Pre-fertilisation events include

    Gametes are generally

    How many of the total number of organisms given below which are monoecious? Cucurbits, Coconut, Papaya, Date palm, Chara , Marchantia

    Select the incorrect statement.

    Monoecious plants means (A) only male flowers are present in the plant. (B) only female flowers are present in the plant. (C) bisexual flowers are present in the plants. (D) separate male and female flowers are present in the same plant.

    Antheridiophore is present in

    Meiocyte of which organism contains maximum number of chromosomes?

    Meiocyte of cat contains how many chromosomes?

    Water is usually a medium for gamete transfer in (a) bryophytes (b) algae (c) pteridophytes.

    The most critical event in sexual reproduction is

    Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma is known as

    Parthenogenesis is shown by (a) rotifers (b) honeybees (c) some lizards (d) turkey

    Match column-I with column-II. Column-I (Organisms) Column-II (Chromosome number in meiocyte) (A) Housefly (p) 12 (B) Apple (q) 34 (C) Rice (r) 24 (D) Rat (s) 42 (E) Onion (t) 16 A B C D E 1 p q r s t 2 q r p s t 3 t s r q p 4 r q p s t

    Which of these statements is false about the diagram?

    External fertilization is seen in all of these except

    Which of these characteristics belong to organisms showing internal fertilisation? (a) Egg is formed inside the female body where they fuse with the male gamete. (b) Male gamete is mostly motile. (c) Number of eggs produced is less in number.

    The following are oviparous except

    After fertilization all the parts of flower generally withers and falls off except

    Life in all organisms starts from

    Embryonal protection and care are better in

    Development of embryo from zygote is

    Gametes in haploid organisms are produced by

    The chances of survival of the younger ones is greatest in all organisms with

    After fertilisation in angiosperms, ovule develops into

    Which of these statements is true about Chara ?

    The progenitor of the next generation inside the mature seed is known as

    Identify the ploidy of the following parts of flowering plants. (a) Ovary (b) Anther (c) Egg (d) Pollen (e) Male gamete (f) Zygote a b c d e f 1. 2n 2n n n n 2n 2. 2n 3n n n 2n 2n 3. 2n n n n 2n 2n 4. 2n 2n n 2n n 2n

    Identify A, B and C in the diagram. A B C 1. Heterogametes of Chlamydomonas Homogametes of Fucus Heterogametes of Homo sapiens 2. Homogametes of Chara Heterogametes of Fucus Heterogametes of Homo sapiens 3. Homogametes of Cladophora Heterogametes of Ulothrix Heterogametes of Homo sapiens 4. Isogametes of Cladophora Heterogametes of Fucus Heterogametes of Homo sapiens

    Adventitious buds arise from the notches present at margins of leaves in

    Select the correct statement from the following. (A) In flowering plants, the zygote is formed inside the ovule. (B) In reptiles and birds, the fertilized eggs covered by hard calcareous shell are laid in a safe place in environment. (C) In organisms belonging to fungi and algae, the zygote develops a thick wall and this makes the zygote vulnerable to dessication and damage. (D) During embryogenesis, zygote undergoes cell division and cell differentiation.

    Rhizomes are present in

    Assertion: Asexual as well as sexual modes of reproduction are exhibited by the higher plants. Reason: Only sexual mode of reproduction is present in most of the animals.

    Assertion: In sexual reproduction the offspring is not identical to parents or amongst themselves. Reason: Sexual reproduction involves fusion of male and female gametes.

    Identify A, B and C in the figure. A B C 1. Zoospores of Chlamydomonas Conidia of Penicillium Buds in Hydra 2. Zoospores of Chlamydomonas Conidia of Yeast Buds in Hydra 3. Conidia of Penicillium Zoospores of Chlamydomonas Buds in Hydra 4. Zoospores of Chlamydomonas Ascospores of Penicillium Buds in Hydra

    Bulbils are vegetative propagules in

    Assertion: Humans are called continuous breeders. Reason: Climatic changes do not alter the activity and size of reproductive organs in primates.

    Assertion: Zygote is the vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms. Reason: Most vital events of sexual reproduction is the fusion of gametes.

    Assertion: In flowering plant after fertilisation, ovary develops into seeds. Reason: Ovules mature into fruits.

    Assertion: Plants are described as monoecious or dioecious Reason: Flowers may be bisexual or unisexual.

    Assertion : In angiosperms the ovule develops into a seed after fertilization. Reason: Fertilization is not usually essential for the formation of fruit.

    Rhizomes are vegetative propagules of

    Among the following choose the plant in which the calyx does not fall off and remains with the fruit even after fertilization

    Cell division is itself a mode of reproduction in:

    Find the incorrect match.

    A plant was introduced into our country for its beautiful flowers and peculiar shape of its leaves. But it has become a menacing aquatic weed that depletes oxygen and leads to the death of fishes. Identify this plant and also its vegetative propagules.

    In Chara ,

    Menstrual cycle is not shown by


    The most common asexual reproductive structures formed in algae is

    Which of the following is correct ?

    ‘Terror of Bengal’

    In protists and monerans,

    In lower organisms like algae and fungi a shift from asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction occurs before the onset of adverse condition. This is to

    Which of the following correctly depicts the natural and artificial method of vegetative propagation ? Natural method Artificial method 1. Bulb Grafting 2. Rhizome Tuber 3. Layering Bulbil 4. Tissue culture Offset

    The vegetative propagation means

    Which of the following gives rise to clones of bacteria?

    Which of the following is not used for vegetative propagation ?

    The period of growth in plants before attaining the sexual maturity is called (a) juvenile phase (b) vegetative phase (c) gametic phase

    Which is not a monoecious plant?

    A diploid animal body produces A gametes and a haploid plant body produces B gametes. A B 1 haploid haploid 2 haploid diploid 3 diploid haploid 4 diploid diploid

    Red the following statements : (i) Organisms exhibiting external fertilization show great synchrony between the sexes and release a large number of gametes (ii) A major disadvantage of external fertilization is that the offspring are extremely vulnerable to predators (iii) In gymnosperms male gametes reach egg with the help of water as a medium (iv) Zygote is a vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms of one generation and the next. (v) Every sexually reproducing organisms begin their life as a single-celled zygote Which of the above statements are correct ?

    Select the odd one out w.r.t. fertilization :

    Which of the following organisms requires a medium through which male gametes move ?

    Choose the incorrect statement for external fertilisation.

    Which of the following is true for budding but not for binary fission ? (a) Parent cell has its identity (b) Cytoplasm forms an outgrowth (protuberance) prior to division of nucleus (c) Cell division is equal

    Which of the following can propagate by leaf buds ?

    Consider the following statements. Statement A: Algae and fungi reproduces asexually only. Statement B: Algae and fungi lacks sexual reproduction. Select the correct option.

    Sexual reproduction involves

    Some organisms are capable of asexual or sexual reproduction. Under favourable conditions, reproduction proceeds asexually. When conditions become more stressful reproduction switches to a sexual mode. Why?

    Which of the following statements is true about water hyacinth ?

    Chromosome number in gamete of onion is

    Flagellated motile spores are called

    In Agave , vegetative reproduction occurs through

    After fertilization the ovary develops into

    Layering is used in vegetative propagation of

    Which type of binary fission occurs in Paramecium ?

    Gemmule formation occurs in

    Read the following statements about ‘Terror of Bengal” and select the correct ones. (i) ‘Terror of Bengal’ is the name given to water hyacinth ( Eichhornia ), an alga (ii) Eichhornia was accidentally introduced in India. (iii) Eichhornia drains oxygen from the water which leads to death of fishes

    In grafting stock and scion ought to be joined

    Vegetative propagation in Pistia occurs by

    The chromosomal number in the meiocytes of housefly is

    Meiosis takes place in

    Choose the correct pair. 1 Coconut, cucurbit Dioecious 2 Honey bee, Rotifers Parthenogenesis 3 Ornithorhynchus , whale Viviparity 4 Frog, peacock External fertilisation

    Select the incorrect match out of the following.

    In ginger vegetative propagation occurs through

    Which one of the following statements is not correct ?

    Which is used to maintain genetic traits of a green plant

    Offsets are produced by

    Assertion : Protandry and protogyny ensure cross fertilisation in some animals. Reason : Cross fertilisation introduces variation in progeny.

    Which of the following flowers only once in its lifetime ?

    Choose the correct sequence of increase in chromosome number of various organisms.

    Gametes of the following organism involved in sexual reproduction can not be identified as male and female.

    From the list given below identify the bisexual organisms. a. Earthworm b. Sponge c. Cockroach d. Petunia e. Vallisneria

    Match Column I with Column II Column-I Column-II a. Zoospores i. Hydra b. Conidia ii. Sponges c. Gemmules iii. Penicillium d. Buds iv. Chlamydomonas

    Arrange the following organisms w.r.t to increasing order of their life span. (a) Crocodile (b) Parrot (c) May fly (d) Crow

    Life span is:

    Father of Indian plant embryology is:

    Unicellular organisms are immortal because:

    Find the correct option

    Identify the correct statements regarding asexual reproduction. (a) Involves fusion of gametes (b) Offspring is identical to each other. (c) A single individual is involved in the production of offspring.

    Statement A: In Protists and Monerans, cell division itself is a mode of reproduction. Statement B: Asexual reproduction is common among higher animals.

    Select the correct statement:

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Binary fission is observed in:

    Lateral branch which originates from the basal and underground portion of the main axis and initially grows horizontally in the soil and eventually becomes oblique into sub-aerial leafy shoot is:

    Asexual reproduction results in formation of:

    All are the properties of conidiospores except that they are:

    In angiosperms the beginning of reproductive phase is marked by:

    Identify the biennial monocarpic plant.

    Identify the correct statement regarding senescent phase (a) It is a post-reproductive phase. (b) It involves structural and functional improvement of the body. (c) Accumulation of waste metabolites take place within the body.

    For which category of plants clear cut distinction between the three phases is absent?

    Estrous cycle:

    Identify the correct statements regarding menstrual cycle. (a) The cycle of events starting from one menstruation till the next one is called menstrual cycle. (b) It is found in female primates (c) The menstrual flow results due to breakdown of endometrial lining of the uterus and its blood vessels

    The phase that involves structural and functional deterioration of body is called:

    What is true about seasonal breeders?

    Examine the diagram and choose the correct statement.

    Sexual reproduction is characterized by:

    Heterogametes are commonly observed in all except:

    Identify the pre-fertilization events. (a) Gametogenesis (b) Pollination (c) Syngamy (d) Embryogenesis

    Statement A: The gamete in a haploid organism is formed by equational division. Statement B: Diploid gametes are produced if the parent body is diploid.

    Which of the following statement is true regarding gametes? (a) They possess only one set of chromosomes (b) The cells that undergo meiosis are called gametes (c) In fungi meiosis occur to produce the haploid gametes

    Identify the plants having bisexual flower from the examples given below.

    In several fungi and plants, the bisexual condition is denoted by the terms:

    Match column I with column II Column I Column II a. Staminate i. Unisexual plant b. Pistillate ii. Unisexual male flower c. Heterothallic and dioecious iii. Morphologically similar gametes d. Isogametes iv. Unisexual female flower a b c d 1. iv ii i iii 2. ii iv i iii 3. ii i iv iii 4. i iv ii iii

    In majority of organisms:

    Match the following: Name of organism Chromosome number of meiocyte a. Fruit fly i. 380 b. Maize ii. 8 c. Ophioglossum iii. 20 d. Butterfly iv. 1260 a b c d 1. iii ii iv i 2. ii iii iv i 3. ii iii i iv 4. ii iv iii i

    The male and female sex organs are borne on stalked upright receptacles called:

    In seeded plants the carrier of male gametes to stigma is:

    Syngamy results in:

    Statement A: In majority of algae and fishes fertilization is external. Statement B: External fertilization shows great synchrony between the sexes.

    Zygote that develops a thick wall that is resistant to desiccation and damage is called:

    Vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms of one generation and the next is:

    Match Column I with Column II: Pre-fertilization structure Post fertilization structure a. Ovary i. Endosperm b. Ovule ii. Pericarp c. Ovary wall iii. Fruit d. Central cell iv. Seed a b c d 1. iii iv ii i 2. ii i iv iii 3. iii ii i iv 4. i iv iii ii

    Which of the following cell act as a meiocyte?

    The process of development of embryo from the zygote is called:

    All are the characteristics of viviparous organisms except

    Identify the correct statement:

    Identify the correct statement.

    Statement A: Reproduction ensures the continuity of species generation after generation Statement B: Life spans of organisms are not necessarily correlated with their sizes

    Chlamydomonas asexually reproduces mainly by

    In Agave , vegetative propagation takes place by means of

    What is common between bulb and stem tuber?

    Site of origin of the new plantlets in the plants is:

    Read the following statements and identify the correct ones: (a) Sexual reproduction is mostly biparental. (b) Sexual reproduction involves meiosis and syngamy (c) During sexual reproduction, the offspring developed generally has half the number of chromosomes as compared to the parent.

    The period during which all organisms must reach a certain stage of growth and maturity in their life, before they can reproduce sexually is called

    The vegetative propagule of Agave is:

    The process in which female gamete undergoes development to form new organisms without fertilization is:

    Identify the correct statements regarding the major disadvantage of external fertilization: (a) The offspring are extremely vulnerable to predators threatening their survival up to adulthood. (b) The sperms may not meet the egg. (c) A large quantity of gametes is wasted.

    Which of the following is a post-fertilization event in flowering plants? (a) Transfer of pollen grains (b) Embryo development (c) Microsporogenesis (d) Fruit formation

    Ophioglossum has 630 chromosomes in its gametes. Calculate the number of chromosomes present in root cells of this organism.

    Which organism is having the least life span amongst the following?

    Which is the wrongly matched pair?

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II a. Rose i. 22 years b. Cow ii. 3-7 months c. Tortoise iii. 100-150 years d. Rice iv. More than 5 years

    Identify the correct statement regarding zoospores. (a) Thin walled. (b) Produced under unfavourable condition. (c) Motile spores. (d) Commonly found in Chlamydomonas and aquatic fungi.

    Which of the following plant is monocarpic ?

    Identify the organism that can undergo asexual reproduction by both fragmentation as well as budding.

    Which among the following has monoecious set of plants?

    Match the columns w.r.t. plants and their reproductive structure. Column-I Column-I a. Chlamydomonas (i) Conidia b. Penicillium (ii) Rhizome c. Eichhornia (iii) Zoospore d. Ginger (iv) Offset

    Number of chromosomes present in the meiocyte of house fly is

    All the following are disadvantages of asexual reproduction, except

    Observe the diagram given below and identify a and b.

    Syngamy can occur outside the body of the organism in :

    Which of the following is correct?

    Out of the following animals, how many show the oestrous cycle? Lizard, Lion, Goat, Rat, Human, Apes, Monkeys

    Which of the following plant can be propagated by leaf and bulbils respectively?

    Flowers meant for sexual reproduction can be involved in asexual or vegetative reproduction in

    Given below is a diagram of gametes produced by a particular organism. Identify the organism.

    Read the following statements and choose the correct ones. (a) In algae and fungi, both gametes are mostly non-motile. (b) In most of the organisms, fertilization is external (c) In most of higher organisms, female gamete is stationary.

    What is the term for the development of an egg without fertilization to form an embryo?

    Which of the following organism show budding? (a) Yeast (b) Hydra (c) Sponges

    Select in the INCORRECT statement about external fertilization.

    The chromosome number in meiocyte of cat is

    When female gamete undergoes development to form new organisms without fertilisation, this phenomenon is called

    Select the correct match.

    Life span of butterfly is

    Which of the following is a correct statement?

    Asexual reproduction is common among

    Read the following statements and choose the correct option. Statement-A : Under unfavourable conditions, Amoeba shows encystation. Statement-B : Amoeba divides by multiple fission on return of favourable conditions.

    Shell is not present around the eggs of

    The chief advantage of encystment of an amoeba is

    Asexual reproduction involves

    Cell division is mode of reproduction in a. amoeba b. bacteria c. yeast

    Which amongst the following is a disadvantage of asexual reproduction?

    A method in which roots are induced on the stem/branch, while it is still attached to the parent plant is called

    The formation of gametes in diploid animals during sexual reproduction occurs by

    External fertilisation takes place in

    ln angiosperms, gamete transfer takes place via

    Formation of a sporophyte directly from gametophyte without meiosis and syngamy is known as

    Male drones in honeybee are produced by

    Sexual reproduction results in a. evolution b. variation c. survival

    Asexual reproduction is related to a. amphimixis b. budding c. vegetative propagation

    Gemmae are means of vegetative reproduction in

    Asexual reproduction through budding occurs in

    Binary fission is a regular mode of reproduction in

    Bulbils are employed for multiplication of

    Corm is used as a means of vegetative multiplication in

    Asexual reproduction involves

    Development of embryo without fertilisation is called

    Fusion of two dissimilar gametes is known as

    Fusion of gametes is known as

    Multiple fission occurs in

    Which of the following is a post-fertilisation event in flowering plants?

    Vegetative propagation by runner takes place in

    Sexual reproduction involves two parents, each of which contributes

    Which of the following is not a process of asexual reproduction?

    Binary fission is a mode of

    Appearance of vegetative propagules from the nodes of plants such as sugarcane and ginger is mainly because

    Budding and fission are processes used by

    Amoeba and yeast reproduce asexually by fission and budding respectively, because they are

    There is no natural death in single-celled organisms like Amoeba and bacteria because

    Choose the correct statement amongst the following.

    Identify the incorrect statement

    There are various types of reproduction. The type of reproduction adopted by an organism depends on

    The term ‘clone’ cannot be applied to offspring formed by sexual reproduction because

    A multicellular, filamentous alga exhibits a type of sexual life cycle in which the meiotic division occurs after the formation of zygote. The adult filament of this alga has

    Match the following Columns. Column I Column II A. Budding (i) Breaking of multicellular animal into two or more parts B. Multiple fission (ii) Formation of gemmule C. Gemmulation (iii) An unequal division of organism in which individual arises as an out growth from the parent D. Fragmentation (iv) Division of nucleus followed by division of cytoplasm which give rise to many daughter cells A B C D 1 i ii iii iv 2 iii iv ii i 3 i iii iv ii 4 ii iv iii i

    Match the following Columns. Column I Column II A. Binary fission (i) Yeast B. Budding (ii) Amoeba C. Cutting (iii) Mango D. Grafting (iv) Raspberry A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 ii iv i iii 3 ii i iv iii 4 i iii iv ii

    Assertion : An embryo is formed after some mitotic divisions by the product formed after syngamy. Reason : An embryo is the first cell of sporophytic generation.

    Assertion : Asexual reproduction requires only female animals. Reason : Male animals are not capable for asexual reproduction.

    Assertion : Bacteria divide by mitotic division. Reason : Meiosis occurs in Rhizobium .

    Which one of the following generates new genetic combination leading to variation

    Which one of the following statements is incorrect ?

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Gemmule formation is a common mode of reproduction in

    Strobilanthus kunthiana is also called

    Reproduction in Amoeba is carried out through

    The term ‘clone’ cannot be applied to offspring formed by sexual reproduction because

    Arrange the organisms shown below in the increasing order of their lifespans. Parrot Crocodile Crow

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