ChemistryChemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Lattice energy of an ionic compound depends upon

Among the following, the electron-deficient compound is

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    Polarising action of Cd 2+ on anions is stronger than that of Ca 2+ because

    Which of the following have sp 3 d hybridisation of the central atom?

    Which of the following diatomic molecules would be stabilised by the removal of an electron?

    The type of bonding(s) present in NH 4 CI is(are):

    Find the number of chemical species among following that have d π – p π bonds in their structure N O 3 − ,    S O 3 ,   X e O 3 ,    H 3 P O 4 ,    C l O 4 − ,    C O 3 2 − ,   S O 4 2 − ,    ( C N ) 2 ,   X e O F 2

    Consider the following compounds in the liquid form : O 2 , HF, H 2 O, NH 3 , H 2 O 2 , CCl 4 , CHCl 3 , C 6 H 6 , C 6 H 5 Cl When a charged comb is brought near their flowing stream, how many of them show deflection as per the following figure?

    The bond angle around central atom is maximum for

    Based on VSEPR theory, the number of precise 90 ∘ , F − Br − F angles observed in BrF 5 is

    Each of the following options contains a set of four molecules. Identify the option (s) where all four molecules possesses permanent dipole moment at room temperature.

    According to molecular orbital theory

    Which of the following are tetrahedral structure?

    Molecular orbital theory is based on the principle of linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO). According to LCAO, when respective atomic orbitals of the atoms interact, they undergo constructive interference as well as destructive interference giving two type of molecular orbitals, i.e., bonding molecular orbital and antibonding molecular orbital of electrons. Electrons in these orbitals are filled according to aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund rule.

    According to VBT in XeF 2 . Xe used five sp 3 d hybridise orbital for molecule formation. Select CORRECT statement for XeF 2 .

    Total number of bonds in IF 7 which are at 72°, is:

    Total number of faces in SF 5 ⊕ ion polyhedron is

    In which species the hybrid state of central atom is / are sp 3 d?

    The VSEPR model considers double and triple bonds to have slightly greater repulsive effects than single bonds because of the repulsive effect of r electrons. Consider following molecule for given question CH 3 2 C = CH 2

    Consider PCl 5 . SF 4 and ClF 3 and select CORRECT statement(s)

    Number of lone pair(s) in COCl 2 molecule is

    Select correct statement for AB n L 2 A = central atom; L = lone pair of electron on A; n = number of monovalent atom B

    Write the number of pairs in which size of first element or ion is higher as compared to second out of following nine pairs. ( O , S ) , ( He , Ne ) , ( Kr , Ne ) , Na , Na + , Cl , Cl − , I − , Cl − , Li Aq + , Na Aq + , ( Li , Na ) , Li + , Na +

    Select TRUE statement about the molecule/structure as shown below

    AB 3 type polar molecules form when:

    KKσ 2 s 2 , σ ∗ 2 s 2 , { π 2 p y 2 ⋅ σ 2 p x 2 π 2 p z 2 above electronic distribution is observed in:

    Which of the following molecule (s) is/are having d π – p π bonding?

    Select the incorrect statement(s):

    Based on VSEPR theory, the number of accurate 90° between F-Br-F angles in BrF 5 is

    The hybridization of N in NO 2 + , NO 3 −   ​and NH 4 + respectively are:

    The ratio of number of lone pairs on the central atom of ClF 3 and XeF 4 is

    The diploe moment of is 1.5D. Then, the diploe moment of is (assume benzene ring is a regular hexagon)

    The correct orders regarding bond length:

    Pick up the correct statement

    The Lewis electron dot diagrams for CO 2 and SO 2 are given below The molecular geometry and polarity of the two substances are

    How would N-N bond distance or O-O bond distance change when N 2 changes to N 2 + and O 2 changes to O 2 + ?

    Find the number of molecules/species which have zero dipole moment along with the presence of non-bonding electron pair/s on the central atom. BF 3 , NH 3 , CHCl 3 , XeF 2 , PF 5 , XeO 4 , I 3 − , XeF 4 , SF 6

    In an experiment, ? grams of a compound X (gas/liquid/solid) taken in a container is loaded in a balance as shown in figure I below. In the presence of a magnetic field, the pan with X is either deflected upwards (figure II), or deflected downwards (figure III), depending on the compound X. Identify the correct statement(s)

    The figure below is the plot of potential energy versus internuclear distance (?) of H 2 molecule in the electronic ground state. What is the value of the net potential energy ?0 (as indicated in the figure) in kJ mol −1 , for ?=? 0 at which the electron-electron repulsion and the nucleus-nucleus repulsion energies are absent? As reference, the potential energy of H atom is taken as zero when its electron and the nucleus are infinitely far apart. Use Avogadro constant as 6.023 × 10 23 mol −1 .

    How many of the following underlined element are sp 3 hybridized. Cu NH 3 4 + 2 , PCl 3 , BCl 3 , Pt ( en ) 2 + 2 , Ni ( CO ) 4 , C S 2 , SO 2 2 – , S n Cl 2 , S nCl 4 , Hg Cl 2 , ClO 4 – , C 2 H 4 , C H 3 + , C H 3 – N H 4 + , C l F 3 , N O 3 – , C lO 3 – , P H 3 , Ni ( CN ) 4 2 – , PCl 5 C H 2 O , S F 6 , Cl 2 CO , I 3 – , H 2 S ,

    Total no of lone pairs in XeO 3 F 2 is 2x. Find the value of x.

    In PO 4 3 – the formal charge on each O-atom and P-O bond order respectively are .

    What is the bond order of carbon monoxide?

    COLUMN – I COLUMN – II a. sp 2 i. XeF 4 b. sp 3 ii. BF 3 c. sp 3 d iii. Br 3 ⊝ d. sp 3 d 2 iv. SO 4 2 −

    Metallic bonding is explained by

    Which property is not due to H-bonding?

    Which of the following has the highest percentage of ionic character in its bonding?

    The correct order of decreasing bond angles in H 2 S, NH 3 , BF 3 and SiH 4 is

    Which of the following can provide an electron pair for the formation of a coordinate covalent bond?

    The percentage of p-character in the orbitals forming p-p bonds in P 4 is

    The total number of electrons that take part in forming the bond in N 2 is

    The total number of lone pairs in the following structure

    A list of species having the formula XZ 4 is given below: XeF 4 , SF 4 , SiF 4 , BF 4 − , BrF 4 − , Cu NH 3 4 2 + , FeCl 4 2 − , CoCl 4 2 − and PtCl 4 2 − Defining shape on the basis of the location of X and Z atoms, the total number of species having a square planar shape is .. . . .

    Among the triatomic molecules/ions, BeCl 2 , N 3 − , N 2 O , NO 2 + , O 3 , SCl 2 , ICl 2 − , I 3 − and XeF 2 the total number of linear molecule(s)/ion(s) where the hybridization of the central atom does not have contribution from the d-orbital(s) is : [Atomic number : S = 16 , Cl = 17 , I = 53 and Xe = 54 ]

    In which species the hybrid state of central atom is / are sp 3 d?

    Which of the following pairs of species have identical shapes?

    Total number of planes in CH 4 which contain 3 atoms in a plane with carbon, is

    Select the number of orbitals which can produce ” π ” bond when overlap with an s-orbital :

    To draw the Lewis structure of covalent molecules/ions following steps are followed (i) identify the central atom in the given species. Generally, central atom is that atom which is less in number, usually electronegativity of central atom is less. Hydrogen is never a central atom. (i) Atoms which are directly attached with central atoms are called surrounding atoms. (ii) Arrange the surrounding atoms around central atoms and make a single bond between each pair of central and surrounding atoms. If by doing so the octet of surrounding atoms is not complete, then make double or triple bond to ensure that the octet of all the surrounding atoms is complete, keeping in mind the covalency of central atoms. Usually covalency of any element is the number of unpaired electrons either in ground or in excited state. (iv) Covalency of any of the second period element can never exceed four i.e., it can’t have more than eight electrons in its valency shell. However, covalency of 3rd and lower period elements can be less than, equal to or greater than four. (v) Represent the lone pair of electron particularly of central atom. (vi) If the given species is polyatomic ion then before making any bond between central atoms and surrounding atoms distribute the charge on surrounding atoms symmetrically as far as possible and then follow all the above mentioned steps

    Formal charge is the apparent electronic charge of each atom in a molecule based on the electron dot structure. Formal charge can be used to help in the assessment of resonance structure. Charge on the molecule or ion is equal to sum of all the formal charges. X= Number of valence electrons in a free atom Y= Number of unshared electrons on the atom Z= Number of bonds on the atom Formal charge = (X) -(Y)-(Z))

    Which of the following molecules or ions is/are linear?

    All the valency shell orbitals of central atom used for bonding in

    Two elements A and B have following electronic configuration A = 1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 2 3 p 6 4 s 2 B = 1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 2 3 p 3 It is expected that they form a compound A x B y then sum of x and y is : (Ignore charge only observe the value)

    Select molecule(s) in which all the π -orbitals are in same plane.

    All the given molecules have triangular faces. Find molecule(s) in which all the triangular faces are equilateral triangular faces :

    Molecule or ion in which both the lone pairs are opposite to each other

    The sum of σ and π -bonds are present in Phenol ?

    Correct statement regarding formal charge of various atoms in N ≡ N – O is

    Among LiCl , BeCl 2 , BCl 3 and CCl 4 , the covalent bond character varies as

    The species having pyramidal shape is

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