Chemistry QuestionsChemistry – Biomolecules Questions for CBSE Class 12th

Chemistry – Biomolecules Questions for CBSE Class 12th

Regarding amylopectin, incorrect statement is

Statement I ; Most naturally occuring amino acids have D-configuration Statement II ; Most naturally occuring carbohydrates have L-configuration

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    The structure, H 2 N – CH CH 3 – COOH represents the formula of

    Incorrect statement about polysaccharides is

    The disease Beri beri is due to the deficiency of

    D – ( + ) -Glucose ⟶ 5 CH 3 CO 2 O D – ( + ) -glucose pentaacetate. Which statement is true about glucose pentaacetate?

    Regarding amino acids some statements are given. Incorrect statement about them is

    Sucrose on hydrolysis gives :

    Deficiency of which vitamin causes osteomalacia?

    the given peptide is named as

    Glucose   Conc . HNO 3 X ;      Glucose    Ag ( NH 3 ) 2 + Y ;     X and Y respectively ar

    Which one of the following essential amino acid contains an aromatic ring in its structure (single letter symbols of amino acids are given)

    Glucose cannot react with

    α -D-glucose and β -D-glucose are not… each other

    The following structure represents

    Glycyl alanine is correctly represented as

    Number of aldo hexoses possible are

    Glucose H 2 O / H + HCN / OH –   A HI + rep P / ∆ B ; The compound ‘B’ in the process is

    Correct statements among the following are A) Glucose and Fructose are enantiomers B) Glucose and Galactose are epimers C) Glucose and Mannose are epimers D) α – Glucose and β – Glucose are enantiomers

    You are provided with three different amino acids to construct a dipeptide chain. How many different dipeptide chains can be constructed ?

    Identify the incorrect statement about hormones

    Statement I ; α – helical structure is stabilized by inter molecular hydrogen bonding Statement II ; β – pleated structure is stabilized by intra molecular hydrogen bonding

    Identify the incorrect statement from the following

    The nitrogen base given below is

    Identify incorrect statement about hormones

    The following structure represents

    Which of the following statements in not correct?

    Number of chiral carbons in β -D-(+) glucose is:

    Reagarding the structure of sucrose, the correct statement is

    Incorrect statement among the following is

    True statement regarding amylose and amylopectin is

    Which of the following compounds can form a zwitter ion?

    The central dogma of molecular genetics states that the genetic information flows from

    Which of the following statement is not true about glucose?

    Statement–I:– Fructose is a reducing sugar. Statement–II:– Fructose is a ketose.

    A Nucleoside contains

    the relative configuration of the above compound is

    2-amino-6-oxopurine is

    Correct statement among the following is

    The configuration of Fructose and Glucose is same at

    Pernicious anaemia is due to the the deficiency of

    False statement about the biomolecules from the following statements is

    From the following compounds how many can give positive Fehling’s test A) Acetone B) Benzaldehyde C) Fructose D) Formic acid

    Glucose X n – hexane ; ‘X’ in the reaction is

    One mole glucose reacts with ‘X’ moles of acetic anhydride. ‘X’ is equal to

    When glucose is oxidized with conc nitric acid,the product obtained is

    Maltose is a disaccharide involving a glycosidic linkage between

    Sucrose is a disaccharide involving a glycosidic linkage between

    Number of essential and non essential amino acids respectively are

    A) Alanine B) Isoleucine C) Methionine D) Arginine E) Glutamic acid Essential amino acids in the above list are

    Statement I ; Histidine is a basic amino acid Statement II ; In the structure of Histidine there are more number of basic groups than acid groups

    Statement I ; Valine is a neutral amino acid Statement II ; In the structure of Valine there is one – NH 2 group and one – COOH group

    Which one of the following amino acid contains a primary alcohol group in its structure

    Regarding α – amino acids, correct statements are A) They are the building blocks of proteins B) Solubility of amino acid at its isoelectric point is minimum C) Separation of amino acids is easy at their isoelectric point D) The basic group of amino acids in aqueous solution is – NH 2 group

    Statement I ; Glucose probably is the most abundant organic compound on earth Statement II ; Commercially glucose is obtained by hydrolysis of starch by boiling it with dilute sulphuric acid at 293 K and 2-3 atm

    Statement I ; Carbohydrates having D-configuration are always dextro rotatory Statement II ; D-(+)-glucose and L-(-)-glucose are a pair of enantiomers

    Lactose on hydrolysis gives a pair of

    Lactose is a disaccharide involving a glycosidic linkage between

    False statement about lactose is

    Statement I ; Amylose is water insoluble Statement II ; Amylopectin is water soluble

    You are provided with two different amino acids to construct a tripeptide chain. How many different tripeptide chains can be constructed ?

    Regarding cellulose, correct statements are A) It is a linear polysaccharide B) It is most abundant organic compound in plant kingdom C) It is rigid D) It is a predominant constituent of cell wall of plant cells E) It involves in C 1 – C 4 glycosidic linkage between α – glucose units

    Regarding glycogen, false statement is

    Regarding Amylopectin, false statement is

    The nitrogen base not present in RNA is

    During the denaturation of proteins, the structure which remains intact is

    Incorrect statement about tertiary structure of protein is

    Regarding globular proteins, incorrect statement is

    Consider the following nitrogen base It is a complimentary base of

    Regarding denaturation of protein, false statement

    Statement I ; Insulin is a hyperglycemic factor Statement II ; Glucagon is a hypoglycemic factor

    Improper functioning of adrenal cortex causes

    Deficiency of pyridoxine leads to

    The helical structure or a secondary structure of proteins is stabilized by:

    The hormone that helps in conversion of glucose to glycogen is:

    Which of the following structure represents the peptide chain?

    2-amino propanoic acid is

    General formula of α – amino acids is H 2 N – CH R – COOH . If -R is – CH 2 4 – NH 2 then the amino acid is

    All the following are essential amino acids except(one letter symbols of amino acids are given)

    All the following are non essential amino acids except

    Glucose b )    H 3 O + a )    HCN A Δ HI + RedP B ; The compound ‘B’ is

    Number of amino acid residues in a tetrapeptide are

    Which of the following is a basic, essential amino acid

    General formula of α – amino acids is H 2 N – CH R – COOH . If -R is – CH 2 4 – NH 2 then the amino acid is

    The building blocks of proteins are

    Identify the following structure

    Number of primary alcohol groups in Glucose is/are

    Regarding Amylose, false statement is

    Regarding cellulose, correct statements are A) It is a branched polysaccharide B) It is most abundant organic compound in plant kingdom C) It is rigid D) It is a predominant constituent of cell wall of plant cells E) It involves in C 1 – C 4 glycosidic linkage between α – glucose units

    Statement I ; Insulin is a hypoglycemic factor Statement II ; Glucagon is a hyperglycemic factor

    All the following are essential Amino acids except

    Lactose involves a glycosidic linkage between

    Statement-I : – Starch is a non-reducing sugar Statement- II : – Fructose is a reducing sugar

    Correct structure of gluconic acid is

    α –D-glucopyranose and β –D–glucopyranose can be called as all the following except

    Statement-I : – Amino acids are soluble in water. Statement-II : Amino acids are amorphous solids.

    The main forces that stabilize the 2 o and 3 o structures of a protein are. (A) Hydrogen bonds (B) Bisulphide linkages (C) Vanderwaals forces (D) Electrostatic forces

    False statement among the following is

    Column – I (Vitamin) Column – II (Deficiency disease) (I) B 2 A) Scurvy (II) B 1 B) Rickets (III) D C) Cheilosis (IV) C D) Beriberi E) Pernicious anemia Correct match is

    “X” is the sugar moiety present in DNA. Number of hydroxy groups present in a molecule of X when “X” is in free state.

    Statement-I : – Glucagon is a hyperglycemic factor Statement-II:– Addison’s disease is characterised by increased susceptibility to stress

    Number of chiral carbon atoms present in open chain structure of glucose and fructose respectively.

    Glucose is the most important monosaccharide which plays a vital role in bio chemical processes. Strucure and properties of Glucose have a lot of significance. Glucose cannot react with

    The relative configuration for the molecule is

    Which of the following has germicidal properties

    D(+) -glucose reacts with hydroxyl amine and yields an oxime. The structure of the oxime would be

    Which of the following hormones is produced under the conditions of stress which stimulate glycogenolysis in the liver of human beings?

    The correct statement regarding RNA and DNA, respectively is

    In a protein molecule various amino acids are linked together by

    Which one given below is a non-reducing sugar?

    The non-essential amino acid among the following is

    In DNA, the linkages between different nitrogenous bases are

    The correct corresponding order of names of four aldoses with configuration given below respectively,is

    Wrong match is

    Which of the following is a basic amino acid?

    Which of the following statements is not correct?

    Which structure(s) of proteins remain(s) intact during denaturation process?

    The polymer that is used as a substitute for wool in making commercial fibres is

    Optical activity is one of characteristic property exhibited by carbohydrates. All the following are Laevorotatory except

    Which one of the following cannot reduce [ Ag ( NH 3 ) 2 ] +

    Starch is composed of Amylose and Amylopectin. Amylose constitutes about % of starch

    The difference between amylose and amylopectin is

    Polysaccharides and Disaccharides contain glycosidic linkages. False statement regarding them is

    During denaturation of proteins the structure remaining intact is

    The letter ‘D’ in D – glucose signifies :

    Which of the following amino acid is not optically active?

    Amylopectin is a component of starch.False statement about Amylopectin is

    Statement I : No acidic amino acid is essential amino acid Statement II : All basic amino acids are essential amino acids

    The given disaccharide correctly represents

    Statement I : Most common secondary structure of protein is β −   pleated structure Statement II : Quaternary structure of protein is the spatial arrangement of various polypeptide chains with one another.

    Correct statements among the following are A) Glycine is optically inactive B) Alanine can form Zwitter ion C) Most of the naturally occuring amino acids belong to D–series D) Cystine and methionine contain sulphur.

    Number of chiral centres in open chain glucose and glucose hemiacetal respectively are

    The vitamin which is also called as Anti hemorrhage is

    Regarding Glucose, false statement is

    Presence of primary alcohol group in glucose is indicated by its reaction with – ‘X’. Presence of aldehyde group in glucose is indicated by its reaction with ‘Y’. ‘X’ & ‘Y’ respectively are

    Presence of five hydroxyl groups in glucose is indicated by its reaction with

    The nitrogen base present RNA but not in DNA is

    Starch on complete hydrolysis gives A. Cellulose on complete hydrolysis gives B. A and B are

    Condensation of α – amino acids lead to the formation of polypeptides and proteins. Number of peptide bonds in a tetrapeptide are

    Shape of polypeptide chain is explained by

    The following structure represents,

    Statement I ; All hormones are proteins Statement II ; All receptor sites of hormones are proteins

    Correct statement among the following is

    Nuceic acids are composed of Nitrogen bases, sugar and phosphoric acid. The correct relation between the sugars, ribose and deoxy ribose is that they are

    Evidence for the presence of straight chain of carbon atoms in glucose is shown by its reaction with

    The above structure represents the disaccharide

    Proteins and polypeptides are formed by the condensation of α-amino acids. The correct representation of the dipeptide, glycyl alanine is

    Examine the following structure, It represents the formula of

    Some statements about enzymes are given below. Correct statements among these are (A) They have low molar mass (B) They are essentially fibrous proteins (C) They form colloidal sols with water (D) Many of them have been obtained in pure amorphous state from living cells

    Identify the compound from the structure given below

    Statement-I: α -D(+) -glucopyranose and β -D(+)-glucopyranose are enantiomers. Statement-II: Melting point of β -D(+)-glucopyranose is higher than that of α -D(+) -glucopyranose.

    Regarding polysaccharides, incorrect statement is

    Statement 1: Ammoniacal silver nitrate converts glucose to gluconic acid and metallic silver is precipitated. Statement 2: Glucose acts as a weak reducing agent.

    False statement among the following is

    Presence of aldehyde group in glucose is indicated by its reaction with A) Br 2 / H 2 O B) Tollen ‘ s reagent C) Fehling ‘ s reagent D) conc . HNO 3

    Presence of straight chain of six carbon atoms in glucose is indicated by its reaction with

    Number of chiral carbons in open chain fructose are

    Number of chiral carbons in cyclic form of fructose are

    Glucose and galactose are a pair of

    Sucrose is a non reducing sugar because

    Regarding invert sugar, incorrect statement is

    Which one of the following is a non reducing sugar

    Statement I ; Melting point of α – D-glucose is greater than that of β – D-glucose Statement II ; Open chain glucose contains four secondary alcohol groups in its structure

    From the following statements, identify the false statement regarding α – amino acids

    Statement I ; Fructose gives positive Tollen’s test Statement II ; Fructose is a reducing sugar

    Glucose and fructose have the same configuration at

    Statement I ; Fructose is a reducing sugar Statement II ; Fructose is a ketose

    Which one of the following is an essential basic amino acid

    Statement-I : Glucose pentaacetate cannot react with hydroxyl amine Statement-II: Glucaric acid(Gluco saccharic acid) is a monocarboxylic acid.

    The only optically inactive amino acid is

    The common or commercial name of 2-amino ethanoic acid is

    Which of the following does not contain – NH 2 group in its structure

    Statement I ; Tryptophan contains a heterocyclic ring fused to homocyclic ring in its structure Statement II ; Histidine contains a heterocyclic ring in its structure

    Statement I ; Amino acids are soluble in water Statement II ; Amino acids are cystalline solids

    Statement I ; Amino acids exist as Zwitter ions Statement II ; Amino acids are crystalline solids

    Statement I ; Amino acids are insoluble in water Statement II ; Amino acids are amorphous solids

    Statement I ; Insulin is a protein Statement II ; Insulin contains 101 amino acid residues in its structure

    Statement I ; All proteins are poly peptides Statement II ; All poly peptides are proteins

    The amino group of glycine condenses with the carboxylic acid group of phenyl alanine to form a dipeptide which is called as

    Consider three amino acids A, B and C. How many tripeptides are possible without repeating any of the amino acid in the chain.

    Number of – NH 2 groups in proline is/are

    Regarding starch, correct statement is

    Number of monosaccharides that are known to occur in nature are

    Statement I ; Aldo triose is optically active Statement II ; Keto triose is optically inactive

    Sucrose on hydrolysis gives a pair of

    In amylopectin, branching occurs between

    Statement I ; Starch gives blue colour with iodine Statement II ; Starch is highly soluble in water

    Starch on hydrolysis gives ‘X’. Cellulose on hydrolysis gives ‘Y’. The compounds ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are

    You are provided with 20 different amino acids to construct a polypeptide chain containing 100 amino acid residues. How many different polypeptide chains can be constructed ?

    Regarding fibrous proteins, incorrect statement is

    Regarding secondary structure of proteins, correct statements are A) It refers to shape of polypeptide chain B) It arises due to regular folding of the backbone of polypeptide C) It is stabilized by hydrogen bonding D) Most common secondary structure of protein is β – pleated structure

    Statement I ; Primary structure of protein tells about the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain Statement II ; Quaternary structure of proteins tells about shape of polypeptide chain

    Spatial arragement of of polypeptide chains with respect to each other represents

    Which one of the following is not an amino acid hormone

    The nitrogen base not present in DNA is

    Which one of the following hormones modulate inflammatory reactions and are involved in the reactions to stress

    Number of double bonds between carbon atoms in a molecule of Guanine is/are

    The nitrogen base given below is

    Number of sigma bonds and pi bonds in a molecule of cytosine are respectively

    The following structure represents

    A nucleoside contains

    Glucose has four chiral carbon atoms in its open chain structure. The absolute configuration in three of the chiral carbon atoms is ‘R’ whereas it is ‘S’ configuration at the other . The carbon atom with ‘S’ configuration is

    Nucleotide contains

    In the structure of nucleic acids, A phosphodiester linkage is formed between —– and ——- positions of ribose sugar moities

    Regarding the structure of nucleic acids, incorrect statement is

    False statement regarding nucleic acids is

    Statement I ; Epinephrine and Norepinephrine mediate responses to external stimuli Statement II ; Progesterone participates in the control of menstrual cycle

    Incorrect statement among the following is

    Regarding Addison’s disease, false statement is

    Ribose and Deoxy ribose are a pair of

    The disease scurvy is due to the deficiency of

    Regarding open chain structure of Fructose, false statement is

    Sucrose on hydrolysis gives

    Hydrolysis of sucrose is called

    The two forms of D-glucopyranose obtained from solution of D-glucose are known as

    Glucose and fructose can be distinguished by

    The following carbohydrate is a/an

    The number of chiral carbons in β -D (+)-glucose is

    Starch is changed into disaccharides in presence of

    Animal starch is the name given for:

    Which carbohydrate is used in silvering of mirrors?

    Which is used for making rayon (artificial silk)?

    Glucose reacts with methyl alcohol to give

    The total number of C-atoms β -D fructofuranose are:

    Gums are

    Common table sugar is more formally described as:

    Which does not contain carbohydrate?

    Cellulose is a:

    Lactose has the same molecular formula as:

    Dextrins C 6 H 10 O 5 n are used in:

    Dihydroxy acetone CH 2 OH · CO · CH 2 OH has the general formula of carbohydrate but not included in this class because:

    The reaction of glucose with red P + HI is called:

    The sugar present in honey is:

    A solution of D-glucose in water rotates the plane polarized light:

    The intermediate compound in the conversion of starch to glucose is:

    Which of the following enzymes are used to convert starch into alcohol?

    Acetone may be obtained from starch by the action of:

    Glucose on reduction with Na/Hg and water gives:

    Epimers are pair of diastereoisomeric aldoses which differ only in configuration at position:

    The charring product formed when C 6 H 12 O 6 is heated with conc. H 2 SO 4 is due to:

    When glucose is heated with nitric acid, the product is:

    Which statement about ribose is incorrect?

    The polysaccharide used in the manufacture of paper is:

    Lactose is made of:

    When sucrose is heated with concentrated nitric acid the product is:

    A nanopeptide contains …… peptide linkages.

    The change in optical rotation with time of freshly prepared solutions of sugar is known as:

    To become a carbohydrate, a compound must contain at least:

    Which one of the following metal ions is essential inside the cell for the metabolism of glucose/synthesis of proteins?

    Which of the following α -amino acids is not optically active?

    Biuret test is not given by:

    The name of the dipeptide

    A certain compound gives negative test with ninhydrin and positive test with Benedict’s solution, the compound is:

    Lysine is least soluble in water in the pH range:

    Which of the following is a heterocyclic amino acid?

    Peptides are formed by the joining of amino acids through amide linkage. Which of the following statement is not true in this respect?

    Which of the following statements is true for protein synthesis (translation)?

    Consider the following compounds. (I) Glycine (II) Sulphanilic acid (III) Anthranilic acid Which can form dipolar (Zwitter) ion?

    A mixture contains three amino acids A (pH = 3.2), B (pH = 5.7) and C (pH = 9.7). When it is subjected to electrophoresis at pH 7 .7 , in which direction will each component of the mixture move?

    The pK a 1 and pK a 2 of an amino acid are 2.3 and 9.7 respectively. The isoelectric point of the amino acid is:

    Which one of the given proteins transports oxygen in the blood stream?

    The force of attraction between the neighbouring peptide chains is

    Which of the following is not considered a part of the tertiary structure of Proteins?

    Which amino acid has no asymmetric carbon?

    The most important contribution to the stability of a protein conformation appears to be the

    Which of the following bases is not present in DNA?

    Vitamin C is:

    Which of the following statements is not true?

    Which of the following is not a fat soluble vitamin?

    The pair in which both the species have iron is:

    DNA multiplication is called:

    The segment of DNA which acts as the instrumental manual for the synthesis of the protein is:

    The anti-sterility or anti-reproductory vitamin is:

    Vitamin B 1 is chemically known as:

    The hormone that helps in conversion of glucose to glycogen is:

    DNA and RNA are chiral molecule due to the presence of:

    Statement 1: A solution of sucrose in water is dextrorotatory. But on hydrolysis in the presence of a little hydrochloric acid, it becomes laevorotatory. Statement 2: Sucrose on hydrolysis gives unequal amounts of glucose and fructose. As a result of this, change in sign of rotation is observed.

    Statement 1: Carboxypeptidase is an exopeptidase. Statement 2: It cleaves the N-terminal bond.

    Statement 1: Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar. Statement 2: It has glycosidic linkage.

    Statement 1: Maltose is a reducing sugar which gives two moles of D-glucose on hydrolysis. Statement 2: Maltose has 1,4- β -glycosidic linkage.

    Statement 1: Glucose reacts with phenyl hydrazine and Fehling’s solution but not with NaHSO 3 . Statement 2: NaHSO 3 cannot break the ring structure.

    Statement 1: In the iodometric titration, starch is used as an indicator. Statement 2: Starch is a polysaccharide.

    Statement 1: Cellulose is not digested by human beings. Statement 2: Cellulose is a polymer of α -D glucose.

    Statement 1: Vitamin C cannot stored in our body. Statement 2: Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin.

    Statement 1: Honey mainly contains invert sugar. Statement 2: Bees supply the enryme invertase.

    Deficiency of Calciferol leads to

    All the following vitamins can be stored in body except

    Chemical name of vitamin B 6 is

    Statement 1: Alpha ( α )-amino acids exist as internal salt in solution as they have amino and carboxylic acid groups in near vicinity. Statement 2: H + ion given by carboxylic group (–COOH) is captured by amino group (–NH 2 ) having lone pair of electrons.

    Consider the structure given below. The compound is

    Statement 1: Millon’s test is a test for identification of proteins. Statement 2: Millon’s reagent is a solution of mercurous nitrate in nitric acid containing little nitrous acid.

    Statement 1: All enzymes are proteins but all proteins are not enzymes. Statement 2: Keratin is an enzyme.

    Statement 1: Proteins are made up of α -amino acids. Statement 2: During denaturation, secondary and tertiary structures of proteins are destroyed.

    The set of reactions in a cell which help in degradation of bigger molecules is called

    Which of the following is true about vitamins?

    (+)-Glucose and (-)-Fructose can be differentiated by

    What will happen when D-(+)-glucose is treated with methanolic HCI followed by Tollen’s reagent?

    Which of the nitrogen of histidine is first protonated?

    Which is true acidic character of hydroxyl groups of sugars and hydroxyl group of an alcohol?

    An electric current is passed through an aqueous solution (buffered at pH = 6.0) of a alanine (p H = 6.0) and arginine (p H = 10.2). The two amino acids can be separated because

    Anomers are those stereoisomers which differ in the configuration at

    In osazone formation, glucose reacts with three molecules of phenylhydrazine. Which statement is true regarding this?

    An organic compound consumes 4 moles of periodic acid to from following compounds per mole of the starting compound HCHO, 3HCOOH and CHOCOOH. The organic compound is

    α -amino acids are

    Which functional group participates in disulphide bond formation in proteins?

    A sequence of how many nucleotides in messenger RNA makes a codon for amino acid?

    The correct statement in respect of protein haemoglobin is:

    Shape of polypeptide is given by

    Which one of the following is a non essential amino acid.

    Glucose cannot react with

    The following reagent react with glucose to form ester

    The nitrogen base present DNA but not in RNA is

    All the following reagents react with carbonyl group of glucose except

    The pyrimidine base/bases present in RNA are

    Starch on complete hydrolysis gives A. Maltose on complete hydrolysis gives B. A and B are

    Sucrose on complete hydrolysis gives X and Y. Lactose on complete hydrolysis gives B and C. If Y and C are not glucose units then X and B are

    Sucrose on complete hydrolysis gives X and Y. Maltose on complete hydrolysis gives X. Then Y is

    Regarding amino acids some statements are given. Incorrect statement about them is

    Regarding amino acids some statements are given. Correct statement about them is

    Regarding amino acids some statements are given. Correct statement about them is

    The disease Scurvy is due to the the deficiency of

    The disease Cheilosis,digestive disorders and burning sensation of skin is due to the the deficiency of

    Among the following, choose the incorrect statement.

    The structure, H 2 N – CH CH 2 C 6 H 5 – COOH represents the formula of

    Overall folding of polypeptide chain gives

    Non essential amino acids of the following are A) Tryptophan B) Tyrosine C) Phenyl alanine D) Glutamic acid

    Regarding naturally occuring Fructose, incorrect statement is

    Structure of protein is complicated and requires a detailed study.False statement regarding structure of proteins is

    Statement-I: Amino acids are soluble in water Statement-II: A dipeptide contains two amino acid residues.

    Statement-I: Amino acids are insoluble in water Statement-II: A dipeptide contains three amino acid residues and two peptide bonds.

    Statement-I: Amino acids are insoluble in water Statement-II: A dipeptide contains two amino acid residues.

    Correct statements among the following are A) Nucleoside contains sugar, base and phosphate B) Deoxy ribose is an isomer of ribose C) Insulin is a peptide hormone D) Activity of enzyme is optimum at p H = 1

    Incorrect statements among the following are A) Nucleoside contains sugar and base. B) Deoxy ribose is functional isomer ribose C) Insulin is an amino acid hormone D) Activity of enzyme is optimum at p H = 7

    Statement-I: Amylopectin is less branched than glycogen. Statement-II: Cellulose is a rigid branched polysaccharide.

    Statement-I: Amylopectin is less branched than glycogen. Statement-II: Cellulose is a rigid branched polysaccharide.

    Identify incorrect statements from the following. A) Sucrose is a reducing sugar B) Amylose is a branched polysaccharide C) All polypeptides are proteins D) All vitamins are water soluble

    Identify incorrect statements from the following. A) Fructose is a reducing sugar B) Amylose is a linear polysaccharide C) All proteins are polypeptides D) All vitamins are water insoluble

    Number of 1° alcohol groups in fructose is/are

    Number of 2° alcohol groups in fructose is/are

    From the following compounds how many can give positive Fehling’s test A) Sucrose B) Benzaldehyde C) Fructose D) Formic acid

    Regarding polysaccharides, correct statement is

    Glucose gives gluconic acid when it reacts with A) Br 2 / H 2 O B) Tollen ‘ s reagent C) Fehling ‘ s reagent D) conc . HNO 3

    Glucose gives glucaric acid when it reacts with A) Br 2 / H 2 O B) Tollen ‘ s reagent C) Fehling ‘ s reagent D) conc . HNO 3

    Identify the incorrect statement about hormones

    Statement I ; α – helical structure is stabilized by intra molecular hydrogen bonding Statement II ; β – pleated structure is stabilized by intra molecular hydrogen bonding

    Statement I ; α – helical structure is stabilized by intra molecular hydrogen bonding Statement II ; β – pleated structure is stabilized by intra molecular hydrogen bonding

    Statement I ; α – helical structure is stabilized by inter molecular hydrogen bonding Statement II ; β – pleated structure is stabilized by inter molecular hydrogen bonding

    During the denaturation of proteins, the structure which is affected is

    Identify the incorrect statement from the following

    Statement I ; All hormones are not proteins Statement II ; All receptor sites of hormones are proteins

    Which one of the following is an essential non basic amino acid

    One mole of glucose reacts with ‘X’ moles of acetic anhydride. Number of chiral centres in glucose hemiacetal is/are ‘Y’. Number of carboxylic acid groups in glucaric acid is/are ‘Z’. Correct relation between X, Y. Z is A) X-Y=0 B) X+Y-Z=8 C) (X × Z)-Y=5 D) X-Y+Z=1

    Which one of the following is a non essential neutral amino acid?

    Which one of the following contains a -CONH 2 group in its structure ?

    Which one of the following contains a -CH 2 OH group in its structure ?

    Statement I ; Fructose gives positive Tollen’s test Statement II ; Fructose is a non reducing sugar

    Statement I ; Fructose does not give positive Tollen’s test Statement II ; Fructose is a reducing sugar

    Statement-I: α -D(+) -glucopyranose and β -D(+)-glucopyranose are anomers. Statement-II: Melting point of β -D(+)-glucopyranose is lesser than that of α -D(+) -glucopyranose.

    Statement-I: α -D(+) -glucopyranose and β -D(+)-glucopyranose are anomers. Statement-II: Melting point of β -D(+)-glucopyranose is lesser than that of α -D(+) -glucopyranose.

    Statement I ; Starch gives positive Tollen’s test Statement II ; Starch is a non reducing sugar

    Statement-I: α -D(+) -glucopyranose and β -D(+)-glucopyranose are C-2 epimers. Statement-II: Melting point of β -D(+)-glucopyranose is lesser than that of α -D(+) -glucopyranose.

    Statement I ; Starch does not give positive Tollen’s test Statement II ; Starch is a non reducing non sugar

    Glucose and Mannose are a pair of

    Statement I ; Starch does not give positive Tollen’s test Statement II ; Starch is a non reducing non sugar

    A) Alanine B) Isoleucine C) Methionine D) Arginine E) Glutamic acid Essential amino acids containing sulphur atom are

    Statement I ; Valine is a acidic amino acid Statement II ; In the structure of Valine there is one – NH 2 group and two – COOH groups

    Regarding cellulose, correct statements are A) It is a linear polysaccharide B) It is most abundant organic compound in plant kingdom C) It is rigid D) It is a predominant constituent of cell wall of plant cells E) It involves in C 1 – C 4 glycosidic linkage between β – glucose units

    Regarding cellulose, correct statements are A) It is a linear polysaccharide B) It is most abundant organic compound in plant kingdom C) It is soft D) It is a predominant constituent of cell wall of plant cells E) It involves in C 1 – C 6 glycosidic linkage between β – glucose units

    Among the following statements, which is not true for (+) Lactose?

    Which one of the following contains a -CH 2 SH group in its structure ?

    Regarding cellulose, incorrect statements are A) It is a branched polysaccharide B) It is most abundant organic compound in plant kingdom C) It is rigid D) It is a predominant constituent of cell wall of plant cells E) It involves in C 1 – C 6 glycosidic linkage between β – glucose units

    One mole of glucose reacts with ‘X’ moles of acetic anhydride. Number of chiral centres in glucose hemiacetal is/are ‘Y’. Number of carboxylic acid groups in glucaric acid is/are ‘Z’. Value of X, Y. Z respectively is

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