Acid Bases and SaltNeutralisation in Daily Life – Part 1

Neutralisation in Daily Life – Part 1

Table of Contents

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    • Neutralisation in Everyday life
      • Treatment of Industrial Waste
      • Agriculture
    • Summary
    • Did You Know?
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learned about Neutralisation, In this segment, we will look at the simple examples of neutralisation reactions.

    How does neutralisation work in everyday life?

    Treatment of Industrial Waste

    Industrial waste is usually disposed of in water bodies. This waste is acidic and thus harms the life forms present in the water. But if industrial waste is treated with an alkali before disposal, it gets neutralised. Thus making it almost harmless for the life forms present in water.


    Crops need neutral soil to grow. They cannot tolerate too acidic or too alkaline soil. Chemicals added as part of agricultural practices affect the soil, making it acidic or basic.

    If the soil is too acidic, then adding bases such as quick lime (calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) to the soil, helps in neutralising it. Similarly, organic compounds that release acids are added to basic soil.

    Neutralisation reactions in these cases make the soil favourable for farming.


    Neutralisation Reaction

    An acid and an alkali when combined, produce salt and water, usually along with the liberation of heat.

    Applications of Neutralisation Reaction

    • The acidic industrial waste can be treated with an alkali to neutralise it before discharging it into a water body.
    • Neutralisation reactions help in getting the soil back to the favourable conditions for farming.
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