Chemical Reactions and EquationsIntroduction to Chemical and Physical Changes

Introduction to Chemical and Physical Changes

Introduction to Chemical and Physical Changes

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    Table of Contents

    • Physical Changes
    • Chemical Changes
    • Chemical Reaction
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the first segment, of the chapter Chemical reactions and equations, we will study the physical and chemical changes.

    What are Physical changes?

    A physical change is a process in which the substance experiences change in its Physical Properties like shape, size, appearance, or state.

    There’s no change in the internal structure or molecular composition.

    For example, the conversion of water into ice.

    What are Chemical changes?

    A chemical change is a process in which there is the formation of New Substances.

    The atoms of one or more substances are rearranged or combined to form a new substance. For example, the burning of a paper.

    What is a Chemical reaction?

    A chemical reaction is a process in which Chemical Changes occur for the production of new substances.


    Physical Changes Process in which the substance experiences change in its physical properties
    Chemical Changes Process in which there is the formation of new substances
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