ConvertLength Conversionkm to Feet Conversion

km to Feet Conversion


A kilometer is a metric unit of length that is equal to 1,000 meters or approximately 0.62137 miles. It is commonly utilized to measure long distances, such as the span between cities or the length of roads.

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    A foot is an imperial unit primarily used in the United States and a few other countries. It is equal to 12 inches or approximately 0.3048 meters. Feet are frequently employed to measure shorter distances or heights, such as the height of a person or the length of a room.

    How to convert kilometers to feet

    To convert kilometers to feet, the conversion factor is approximately 3,280.84. Hence, 1 kilometer is roughly equivalent to 3,280.84 feet.

    1km = 3280.84ft

    Distance d in feet is equal to distance d in kilometers times 3280.84 i.e.,

    d(ft) = d(km) × 3280.84


    Q. Convert 100 km to feet

    Ans. d(ft) = 100km × 3280.84 = 328084ft

    Q. Convert 2000 feet to km

    Ans. d(km) = 2000 × 1/3280.84 = 0.609ft

    Also Read

    Kilometers to feet conversion table

    Kilometers (km) Feet (ft)
    0.01 km 32.8084 ft
    0.1 km 328.084 ft
    1 km 3280.84 ft
    2 km 6561.68 ft
    3 km 9842.52 ft
    4 km 13123.36 ft
    5 km 16404.20 ft
    6 km 19685.04 ft
    7 km 22965.88 ft
    8 km 26246.72 ft
    9 km 29527.56 ft
    10 km 32808.4 ft

    Frequently Asked Questions on Km to Feet

    What is 1 km equal to in feet?

    1 kilometer is equal to approximately 3,280.84 feet.

    How many feet are 25 km?

    To convert kilometers to feet, you can multiply the number of kilometers by 3,280.84. Therefore, 25 kilometers would be equal to 82,021.33 feet.

    25 किमी कितने फुट होते हैं?

    25 किलोमीटर लगभग 82,021.33 फुट के बराबर होते हैं।

    What is 1 kilometer?

    1 kilometer is a unit of length in the metric system. It is equal to 1,000 meters or approximately 0.62137 miles.

    Convert 35000 feet to km?

    To convert 35,000 feet to kilometers, you need to divide the number of feet by the conversion factor of 3,280.84 since 1 kilometer is equal to 3,280.84 feet. Therefore, 35,000 feet is approximately equal to 10.668 kilometers.

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