MathsAngle of Elevation

Angle of Elevation

Comparison Between Angle of Elevation and Angle of Depression

Angle of elevation is the angle formed between the horizontal line and the line of sight of an object. Angle of depression is the angle formed between the horizontal line and the line of sight of an object when the object is below the horizontal line.

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    The key difference between angle of elevation and angle of depression is that angle of elevation is the angle formed between the horizontal line and the line of sight of an object when the object is above the horizontal line, while angle of depression is the angle formed between the horizontal line and the line of sight of an object when the object is below the horizontal line.

    What is the Angle of Elevation?

    The angle of elevation is the angle between a horizontal line and the line of sight of an object that is elevated.

    Terms Related to Angle of Elevation

    and Depression

    Angle of elevation:

    The angle at which an observer views a target object.

    Angle of depression:

    The angle at which an observer views a target object below the horizontal.

    Line of Sight

    A line of sight is a straight line that connects two points.

    Angle of Elevation

    The angle of elevation is the angle between the horizontal line and an object that is projected upward.

    The angle of elevation is measured with a protractor.

    Formula for Angle of Elevation

    The angle of elevation is determined by the tangent of the angle of inclination multiplied by the height of the object.


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