MathsBrackets – Types, Uses, BODMAS Rule, , and FAQs

Brackets – Types, Uses, BODMAS Rule, , and FAQs

What are Brackets?

In mathematics and most scientific writing, brackets [ ] are used to enclose explanatory or qualifying material, to set off interpolated material, or to indicate the scope of an equation. They are also used to indicate the order of operations in mathematical expressions. In British English, brackets are called parentheses, and in American English they are called brackets.

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    Types of Brackets

    There are three types of brackets: square brackets, curly brackets, and parentheses.

    Square brackets are used to enclose a word or phrase that is being added to a quote. For example: “I love [my cat],” said Sarah.

    Curly brackets are used to enclose a word or phrase that is being replaced in a quote. For example: “I love {my cat},” said Sarah.

    Parentheses are used to enclose a word or phrase that is being added as a clarification. For example: I love (my cat), said Sarah.


    Parentheses are used to set off a clause or phrase that is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. They are also used to clarify the meaning of a sentence.

    Square Brackets

    Square brackets are used to enclose a word or phrase that is inserted into a text.


    The cat [that is black] sat on the mat.

    Curly Brackets (also known as Braces)

    Curly brackets ({}) are used in mathematics to group terms together. In computer programming, they are used to enclose a block of code.

    Angle Brackets

    In HTML, angle brackets are used to identify tags

    What is the Use of Brackets?

    Brackets are used in a variety of ways, the most common of which is to indicate an omission or change in the text of a quotation. For example, the text “I have a [dog]” might be changed to “I have a dog” to indicate that the speaker is not talking about a specific dog, but any dog in general.

    BODMAS Rule

    BODMAS is an acronym for the order of operations that are typically followed when solving mathematical equations and expressions. The acronym stands for:

    Order of operations: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

    Basic Problems on Brackets and their Application:

    1. What are brackets?

    Brackets are symbols that are used to group mathematical operations together. They can also be used to clarify the order of operations.

    2. What is the order of operations?

    The order of operations is the order in which mathematical operations should be performed. This order is: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

    3. What is the purpose of brackets?

    The purpose of brackets is to group mathematical operations together and to clarify the order of operations.

    4. When should brackets be used?

    Brackets should be used when there is a need to group mathematical operations together or to clarify the order of operations.

    5. What is the difference between parentheses and brackets?

    Parentheses are used to group operations within a single expression, while brackets are used to group operations between two expressions.

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