MathsIntegersAddition of Integers – Part 1

Addition of Integers – Part 1

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    • Addition of 2 Positive Integers
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt how the plus and minus signs are used. In this segment, we will learn about the addition of two positive integers.

    Addition of two positive integers

    The sum of two positive integers is always positive.

    Let us understand this with the following examples using the number line:

    Q. You watched 4 episodes of a cartoon series yesterday. Today you watched 2 more episodes. How many episodes have you watched in all?


    You have watched 2 more episodes than what you watched yesterday. More means an increase, so the problem can be written as:

    2 more than 4 which is, 4 + 2.

    First, mark 4, which is 4 steps away from 0 towards the right.

    For ‘2 more’, move 2 steps to the right of 4.


    -6 -5 -4

    -3 -2 –

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6

    4+2 on the number line

    This leads to 6, which is the answer to the addition of 4 and 2.

    Q. What is 3 more than 5?


    Start at 5 on the number line.

    Since it is ‘3 more’, move 3 steps to the right of 5.

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