MathsFractionsDividing Fractions – Part 1

Dividing Fractions – Part 1

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    • Division of Fractions
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about the multiplication of fractions. In this segment, we will learn about the division of fractions.

    How do we divide two fractions?

    To divide two fractions, find the reciprocal of the divisor fraction, multiply the dividend fraction with the reciprocal and simplify the expression to get the answer.

    For example,

    Q. Divide ?



    ?? .



    Here, the divisor is 1 and the dividend is 1


    4 2

    The reciprocal of 1 is 4


    4 1


    Now, multiply the dividend which is 2 with the above reciprocal.

    That is, 1 × 4

    2 1


    = .


    Next, simplify the expression by cancelling out the factors that are common in the numerator and denominator.

    Now, 2 is the common factor of 2 and 4.

    So, 1 ÷ 1 =

    2 4

    1 × 4

    2 1

    = 1×4


    = 2.


    Multiplication of Fractions

    • Find reciprocal of the divisor
    • Multiply dividend with reciprocal
    • Simplify
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