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    • Product of 3 Negative Integers
    • Product of 4 Negative Integers
    • Multiplication of Negative Integers
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learned about multiplying two negative integers. In this segment, we will learn about multiplying more than two negative integers

    Product of 3 negative integers

    We know that the product of two negative integers is a positive integer. Let us now find out what the product of three negative integers is.

    Here is an example:

    (-5) x (-2) x (-6)

    To find the solution, multiply two integers at a time. So, we have:

    (-5) x (-2) = 10

    Then multiply the product with the third integer. This gives:

    10 x (-6) = -60

    Based on this example, we can say that multiplying three negative integers gives a negative product.

    Product of 4 negative integers

    Let us now see the product of 4 negative integers. Look at this question

    (– 4) x (–3) x (–2) x (–1)

    As we did in the previous example, we will multiply two integers at a time. So, the above expression can be solved as follows:

    (– 4) x (–3) x (–2) x (–1) = 12 x (–2) x (–1)

    = (-24) x (-1)

    = 24

    We first multiplied, -4 and -3, which is 12.

    Then we multiplied 12 and -2, which is -24.

    And finally, we multiplied -24 and -1. This gave the final answer as 24.

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