MathsSimple EquationsLinear equationsSolution of a Linear Equation – Flowchart Method

Solution of a Linear Equation – Flowchart Method

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    • Coefficient of a Term
    • Equations
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment of the chapter ‘Simple Equations,’ we looked at the transpose method. In this segment, we will learn the Flowchart method.

    How to find the solution of an equation using the flowchart method?

    The method of solving linear equations with the help of boxes and arrows which collectively resembles a flowchart is known as the Flowchart method.

    Let us understand with the help of an equation 2? − 5 = 13, using the following steps, how to find the solution of an equation using the flowchart method:

    Step 1: Collect all the variables to the L.H.S. of the equation. In the first row, start by writing the variable in the first box without its coefficient. Here, the variable is x..

    Step 1

    Step 2: Place an arrow after the box. From left to right indicate the operation associated with the variable (follow the BODMAS rule). Continue this step until the L.H.S. of the equation is obtained in the last box.

    Step 2

    Step 3: In the second row, draw the same number of boxes and arrows. Make sure that the arrows are pointed to the opposite direction as that of the first row.

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