MathsSimple EquationsLinear EquationsClass 7 Solution of a Linear Equation – Transpose method

Class 7 Solution of a Linear Equation – Transpose method

Solving Linear Equations by Transposition method

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    What is Transpose of a term?

    Transpose of a term means transferring the term from its place to the opposite side in an equation. The following transpositions keep the overall value of the equation unchanged:

    • If a term is added on one side of an equation, then it is subtracted when transposed to the other side.

    Steps for Transposition method

    • For example obtain the linear equation.
    • Identify the variables and constants terms.
    • Simplify the L.H.S. and R.H.S.
    • Remove brackets.
    • Transpose all terms containing variable on L.H.S. and constant terms on R.H.S.
    • Simplify L.H.S. and R.H.S. in the simplest form so that each side contains just one term.
    • Solve the equation obtained in step (5) by dividing both sides by the coefficient of the variable on LHS.

    Solved Examples for Transpose method

    Question: 10? + 3 = 43.


    Here, 3 can be transposed from L.H.S. to the R.H.S. as follows:

    10? = 43 − 3

    • If a term is subtracted on one side of an equation, then it is added when transposed to the other side.

    Question: For example, ? − 10 = 4

    Solution: Here, 10 can be transposed from L.H.S. to the R.H.S. as follows:

    ? = 4 + 10

    • If a term is multiplied on one side of an equation, then it is divided when transposed to the other side.

    Question: For example, 16? = 32.

    Solution: Here, 16 can be transposed from L.H.S. to the R.H.S. as follows:

    ? = 32


    • If a term is divided on one side of an equation, then it is multiplied when transposed to

    the other side.

    Also Read: Solution of a Linear Equation – Inverse Method

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