MathsTriangles and PropertiesTrianglesAngle Sum Property – Example

Angle Sum Property – Example

Table of Contents

  • Example
  • What’s Next?

In the previous segment, we proved the angle sum property of a triangle. In this segment, we will look at an example that applies property.

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    Angle Sum Property of Triangle – Example

    Q. For the given regular polygon, find the sum of its interior angles.


    The given figure is a regular polygon, that is, all its sides are equal and all its angles are also equal to each other. The polygon has 6 interior angles.

    The polygon is made up of two triangles: △ACE and △BDF.

    The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180?.

    ∴ In Δ???, ∠? + ∠? + ∠? = 180

    and in Δ???, ∠? + ∠? + ∠? = 180


    sum of interior angles of polygon = ∠? + ∠? + ∠? + ∠? + ∠? + ∠?

    = (∠? + ∠? + ∠?) + (∠? + ∠? + ∠?)

    = 180 + 180

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