MathsConstruction of Perpendicular Lines

Construction of Perpendicular Lines

Explain in Detail :Steps for Construction of Perpendicular Lines

To construct perpendicular lines, you will need a straight edge, such as a ruler, and a compass.

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    1. Draw a line on your paper. This will be your baseline.

    2. Using your ruler, measure and mark off equal distances along the baseline. These will be your points of intersection.

    3. With your compass, draw circles at each of the points of intersection.

    4. Connect the points of intersection with straight lines. You have now created perpendicular lines.

    Constructing a Perpendicular Line Through a Point on the Line

    Given a point on a line and the line itself, the perpendicular line can be constructed by using a straight edge and compass.

    Draw a straight line segment from the given point to the line. With the compass set to the length of the line segment, draw a perpendicular line from the given point to the line.

    Construction of Perpendicular Lines with Example

    A perpendicular line is a line that is perpendicular to a given line.

    The following steps can be used to construct a perpendicular line:

    1. Draw a line segment.

    2. Place a ruler at one end of the line segment and extend it until it intersects the line segment.

    3. Draw a perpendicular line to the line segment at the point of intersection.

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