MathsFactors of 215

Factors of 215

What are the Factors of 215?

The factors of 215 are 1, 5, 43 and 215.

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    Prime Factorization of 215 :

    215 can be written as the product of its prime factors as follows:

    215 =5*43


    Fun facts about the number 215:

    There are 215 fun facts about the number 215!

    1. 215 is the smallest composite number that is the sum of two distinct primes.

    2. 215 is a twin prime with 213.

    3. 215 is a centered hexagonal number.

    4. 215 is a pentagonal number.

    5. 215 is astronomical object designation for a star in the constellation Aquila.

    6. 215 is a military MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) code for a U.S. Army Combat Medic.

    7. 215 is the area code for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.


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