MathsGrouping of Data – Definition, Advantages and Examples

Grouping of Data – Definition, Advantages and Examples

What is Grouping Data?

Grouping data is the process of organizing data into related sets. This can be done in a number of ways, including by category, by attribute, or by value. Grouping data can be helpful for data analysis and for understanding patterns in data.

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    What are the Advantages of Grouping Data?

    There are a few benefits to grouping data. One is that it can help you see patterns and relationships in the data that you might not have noticed if it was all just jumbled together. Another is that it can help you find outliers in the data more easily. When the data is grouped, you can see how each group behaves as a whole and look for unusual data points within each group. This can help you identify potential problems or errors in your data.



    This histogram shows the distribution of ages in a sample of 1,000 people.

    The most common age group is 20-29 years old, with about 330 people in that group. The next most common group is 30-39 years old, with about 260 people in that group. The least common age group is 0-9 years old, with only 10 people in that group.

    Questions to be Solved:

    1. What is the probability that a randomly selected person has a blood type of A+?

    There is a 1 in 4 chance that a randomly selected person has a blood type of A+.

    Example 1.

    The mass of 40 students in a class is given below. The measurement of the weight will be in kgs.

    55, 70, 57, 73, 55, 59, 64, 72, 60, 48, 58, 54, 69, 51, 63, 78, 75, 64, 65, 57, 71, 78, 76, 62, 49, 66, 62, 76, 61, 63, 63, 76, 52, 76, 71, 61, 53, 56, 67, 71

    State the frequency distribution table for the grouped data?


    Given that,

    The weight of 40 students in a class are 55, 70, 57, 73, 55, 59, 64, 72, 60, 48, 58, 54, 69, 51, 63, 78, 75, 64, 65, 57, 71, 78, 76, 62, 49, 66, 62, 76, 61, 63, 63, 76, 52, 76, 71, 61, 53, 56, 67, 71

    The ascending order of the students weight is 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 61, 62, 62, 63, 63, 63, 64, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 71, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 76, 76, 76, 78, 78

    The range = 78 – 48 = 30

    The intervals should separate the scale into equal parts. We could choose intervals of 5. We then begin the scale with 45 and end with 79.

    Frequency Distribution Table for Grouped Data is

    45 – 49 2
    50 – 54 4
    55 – 59 7
    60 – 64 10
    65 – 69 4
    70 – 74 6
    75 – 79 7
    Total 40
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