MathsInverse Tan – Formula, Explanation and FAQs

Inverse Tan – Formula, Explanation and FAQs

Tan Inverse

The inverse of tan is the cotangent. The cotangent is the reciprocal of the tangent. To find the cotangent of a given angle, use the inverse cotangent function.

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    Tan Inverse Formula

    The Tan inverse function is used to calculate the angle of a tangent line given the length of the line. The function takes a single input, the length of the line, and outputs the angle of the line.

    The Derivative of Tan Inverse

    The derivative of tan inverse is the derivative of the inverse tangent function. The derivative is equal to the reciprocal of the derivative of the tangent function.


    Graph of Tan Inverse x

    The inverse of tan is x = arcsin(tan(x)). As you can see from the graph, the inverse is a function that goes from 0 to π/2.

    Integration of Tan Inverse x

    To integrate Tan Inverse x, we use the Integration by Parts Formula.

    Integration by Parts Formula:

    , where u and v are functions, and dv is a derivative of v.

    We take the derivative of Tan Inverse x, and set it equal to zero.

    , where C is a constant.

    We integrate both sides of the equation.

    , where C is a constant.

    How Can You Relate Tan Inverse Infinity With Other Trigonometric Equations?

    Tan inverse infinity is related to other trigonometric equations in that it is the inverse of tan x. It is also related to the other trigonometric functions in that it can be used to solve problems involving angles and their corresponding trigonometric values.

    What are The Different Properties of Inverse Tan?

    Inverse tan has the following properties:

    1. Inverse tan is a function that takes a real number as input and outputs a real number.

    2. Inverse tan is a one-to-one function, which means that for any two real numbers x and y, there exists only one unique real number z such that tan inverse (z) = y.

    3. Inverse tan is a surjective function, which means that for every real number y there exists at least one real number x such that tan inverse (x) = y.

    4. Inverse tan is a continuous function, which means that it has no breaks or discontinuities in its graph.

    How Will You Give Value For tan-1 Infinity?

    There is no definitive answer to this question as the value of tan-1 infinity will vary depending on the individual’s interpretation. In some cases, it may be seen as having infinite value as it is an undefined mathematical concept. In other cases, it may be seen as having little to no value at all.

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