MathsKilolitre | Kiloliter – Units, Solved Examples and FAQs

Kilolitre | Kiloliter – Units, Solved Examples and FAQs

What is a Kilolitre?

A kilolitre is a unit of volume measurement that is equal to 1,000 litres. This unit is most commonly used in the context of measuring liquid volumes, such as in cases of storing or transporting liquids.

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    What is Volume?

    Volume is the amount of space an object occupies. It is measured in cubic units, such as cubic meters, cubic feet, or cubic inches.

    Units of Length

    A unit of length is a standard measure of distance. There are a number of different units of length, but the most common are the inch, foot, and yard.

    Table of Unit Conversions


    1 nanometer (nm) = 10-9 meter
    1 micrometer (μm) = 10-6 meter
    1 millimeter (mm) = 10-3 meter
    1 centimeter (cm) = 10-2 meter
    1 meter (m) = 100 centimeters
    1 kilometer (km) = 1000 meters


    1 nanometer (nm) = 10-9 meter
    1 micrometer (μm) = 10-6 meter
    1 millimeter (mm) = 10-3 meter
    1 centimeter (cm) = 10-2 meter
    1 meter (m) = 100 centimeters
    1 hectare (ha) = 10,000 meters


    1 nanometer (nm) = 10-9 meter
    1 micrometer (μm) = 10-6 meter
    1 millimeter (mm) = 10-3 meter
    1 centimeter (cm) = 10-2 meter
    1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters
    1 cubic meter (m3) = 1000 liters

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