MathsRatio to Percentage

Ratio to Percentage

Ratio to Percentage Conversion

A ratio is a comparison of two quantities, usually expressed as a fraction. To convert a ratio to a percentage, divide the ratio by 100.

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    A ratio is a comparison of two quantities, typically expressed as a fraction. The quantity on the top of the fraction is the numerator, and the quantity on the bottom of the fraction is the denominator.


    Percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. It is written using the percent sign (%). For example, 45% is written as 45⁄ 100 or 0.45.

    To find a percentage, divide the number by 100 and add a percent sign. For example, to find 25% of 80, divide 25 by 100 and add a percent sign to get 0.25.

    How to Convert Ratio to Percentage

    To convert a ratio to a percentage, divide the ratio by 100.

    Ratio To Percentage Formula

    The ratio to percentage formula is used to convert a ratio to a percentage.

    \(Percentage = {Ratio \over 100}\)


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