MathsSingular Matrix – Infinity Learn

Singular Matrix – Infinity Learn

Meaning of Singular Matrix

Singular Matrix – Infinity Learn: A singular matrix is a matrix that has at least one zero row or column. A matrix is singular if and only if its determinant is zero.

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    Singular Matrix - Infinity Learn

    What is the Singular Matrix?

    A singular matrix is a matrix that has at least one row or column with all zeros.

    Example of finding Singular Matrix

    A singular matrix is a matrix that is not invertible. This means that there is no matrix that can be found that will multiply the matrix to produce the identity matrix. To determine if a matrix is singular, you can use the determinant test. This test will determine if the determinant of the matrix is zero. If the determinant is zero, then the matrix is singular.


    The following table lists the properties of the OrderBy class.

    • Property Description Ascending Indicates whether the order of the results should be ascending (true) or descending (false). Default is ascending.
    • A singular matrix is a matrix whose determinant is zero. A singular matrix has at least one zero row or column. A singular matrix cannot be inverted, and it has no inverse matrix.


    The following table lists the methods of the OrderBy class.

    Steps to find the determinant (d) of a Matrixmatrix-

    1. First, identify the dimensions of the matrix. In this problem, the matrix has 3 rows and 3 columns, so the determinant will be a 3×3 matrix.

    2. Next, identify the matrix elements. In this problem, the matrix elements are:

    A =

    -1 2

    3 1

    The determinant will be the sum of the products of the elements on the main diagonal (across the top) and the elements below the main diagonal (down the left side).

    3. To calculate the determinant, use the following formula:

    d = |A| = |-1 2| + |3 1|

    d = 5

    How to know if a Matrix is Singular?

    A Matrix is Singular if its determinant is zero.

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