MathsSome Application Of Trigonometry For Class 10

Some Application Of Trigonometry For Class 10

CBSE Class 10 Maths Some Application of Trigonometry Notes

Some applications of trigonometry are:

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    1. Triangulation: This is the process of determining the location of a point by measuring the angles to it from two other points.

    2. Surveying: This is the process of measuring the distances and angles between points on the Earth’s surface in order to map out the landscape.

    3. Navigation: This is the process of plotting the course of a ship or aircraft by taking into account the angles and distances between various points.

    4. Astrology: This is the study of the positions of the planets and stars in order to predict the future.

    5. Climate Science: This is the study of the Earth’s climate and how it is changing over time. One of the methods used in climate science is to measure the angles between the sun, Earth, and other planets.

    Examples of Class 10 Chapter 9 – Some Applications of Trigonometry

    Some specific applications of trigonometry which can be found in real life are as follows:

    1. Triangulation: This is a process of using trigonometry to determine the location of a point in space, by measuring the angles between known points. This is used in surveying and navigation.

    2. Trigonometric Ratios in Architecture: The dimensions of many ancient architectural structures can be found using trigonometry. For example, the height of a pyramid can be calculated using the sin of the angle of its slope.

    3. Solving Physics Problems: Trigonometry is often used to solve problems in physics, such as problems involving projectile motion or waves.

    4. Music: The frequencies of musical notes can be calculated using trigonometry.

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