MathsSquares and Square Roots – Important Properties

Squares and Square Roots – Important Properties

Squares and Square Roots: An Introduction

A square is a shape with four equal sides and four right angles. The length of each side is called a “side length.” The area of a square is the number of square units it takes to cover the square completely. The formula for the area of a square is A = s2, where “s” is the length of a side.

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    A square root is a number that, when multiplied by itself, equals the square of another number. The square root of a number is the positive number that is the root of that number. The square root of a number can be found using a calculator, or by using the square root symbol, √.

    Need of Square and Square Roots

    A square is a geometric figure with four sides of equal length and four angles of 90 degrees. A square root is a number that when multiplied by itself produces a square. For example, the square root of 9 is 3 because 3 multiplied by 3 equals 9.

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    The chapter 6 explains the different types of market structures that are prevalent in the economy. The four types of market structures that are discussed are perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Each type of market structure has its own unique set of characteristics that determines the level of competition and the pricing behavior of the firms operating in that market.

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