MathsTriangles Questions – Classifications, Types and Similarity Criteria of Triangles

Triangles Questions – Classifications, Types and Similarity Criteria of Triangles

What is a Triangle?

A triangle is a three-sided polygon. It has three vertices and three angles. The sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

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    Triangles Questions

    Types of Triangles

    There are three types of triangles: equilateral, isosceles, and scalene.

    An equilateral triangle has three equal sides and three equal angles.

    An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles.

    A scalene triangle has three unequal sides and three unequal angles.

    Explain in Detail :

    The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible in the given time. Points are earned by landing the ball in the cups on the other player’s side of the table. The cups are worth different point values, as shown in the image below. The first player to reach the specified point value, or the player with the most points when time runs out, is the winner.

    In order to land the ball in a cup, the player must first bounce the ball off the table and then hit the cup with the ball. If the ball goes into the cup on the first bounce, the player earns the points for that cup. If the ball does not go into the cup on the first bounce, the ball is considered “dead” and cannot be used to score points.

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