PhysicsLightThe Working of a Pinhole Camera

The Working of a Pinhole Camera

Table of Contents

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    • Pinhole Camera and Non-Luminous Objects
    • Working of Pinhole Camera
    • Changing the Position of the Pinhole camera
    • Changing the Size of the Pinhole
    • Did You Know?
    • What’s Next?

    In our previous segment, we learned how to construct a pinhole camera.

    In this segment, we will learn the working of a pinhole camera and how to capture images of non-luminous objects using one.

    How to capture images of non-luminous objects?

    The pinhole camera we looked at previously was constructed to capture the image of luminous objects, like the Sun. But for non-luminous objects like a distant tree or a pillar, we have to construct the pinhole camera in a different way.

    The pinhole camera is now a rectangular box with a pinhole on one side and a translucent paper fixed as a screen on the other side, from where we will observe the image.

    Pinhole camera

    How does a pinhole camera work?

    Suppose we are observing a distant tree with this pinhole camera. What we obtain on the screen is an inverted image of the tree.

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