PhysicsElectricity and CircuitsElectric current and its effects – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

Electric current and its effects – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

Table of Contents

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    • Introduction
      • Permanent Magnet
      • Temporary Magnet
      • Magnetism
      • Magnetisation
    • Magnetic Effect of Current
    • Summary
    • Did You Know?
    • What’s Next?

    In the last segment, we learnt about the electric fuse and its working. In this segment, we are going to learn about the magnetic effects of electric current.


    We have already learned about magnets in our earlier classes. Magnets can be classified into two types: Permanent and Temporary magnets.

    Permanent magnets:

    Retain their magnetism for a very long time.

    Temporary magnets:

    Retain their magnetism only for a short time or until kept under an external magnetic field. Ferromagnetic materials like an iron nail and an iron bar can be turned into temporary magnets.


    The magnet attracts magnetic objects like iron and attracts or repels other magnets. This property of magnets to attract or repel is called magnetism.


    This process through which any non-magnetic object acquires the property of magnetism is called magnetisation.

    One of the ways of magnetising objects is by using the electric current.

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