Consider the reactions :(i) CH32CH−CH2Br⟶C2H5OH CH32CH−CH2OC2H5+HBr (ii) CH32CH−CH2Br⟶C2H5O− CH32CH−CH2OC2H5+Br−The mechanisms of reactions (i) and (ii) are respectively : 

Consider the reactions :
The mechanisms of reactions (i) and (ii) are respectively : 

  1. A

    SN1 and SN2

  2. B

    SN1 and SN1

  3. C

    SN2 and SN2

  4. D

    SN2 and SN1

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    • First reaction is SN1 reaction because, C2H5OH, is a polar protic solvent and a weak nucleophile. Moreover, in SN1 reaction, rearrangement takes place to form a more stable carbocation.
    • Second reaction is SN2 reaction because, C2H5Ois a strong nucleophile and the reaction proceeds with the formation of transition state.
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