CivicsThe list of those who are eligible to vote is prepared much before the election and given to everyone commonly known as the [[1]].

The list of those who are eligible to vote is prepared much before the election and given to everyone commonly known as the [[1]].

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    The list of eligible voters is prepared before the election and given to everyone, commonly known as the voter's list. In a democratic election, the List of persons entitled to vote is compiled well before the election and distributed to everyone. This List is technically known as the Electoral Roll; however, it is generally referred to as the voters' List. This is a critical phase since it is related to the first condition of a democratic election. Everyone should have an equal chance to vote for their representatives. In our country, all individuals above 18 are eligible to vote in elections. Regardless of caste, creed, or gender, every person has the right to vote. The government is responsible for getting the names of all eligible voters on the Voter's List. As more people reach the voting age, their names are added to the rolls.
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