Find the ratio in which the yz-plane divides the line segment formed by joining the points (- 2, 4,7) and (3, – 5, 8).

Find the ratio in which the yz-plane divides the line segment formed by joining the points (- 2, 4,7) and (3, - 5, 8).

  1. A

    externally 2:3

  2. B

    internally 2:3

  3. C

    internally 3 :2

  4. D

    externally 3: 2

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    The given points are A(-2,4,7 ) and B(3,- 5, 8). Let the point P (0, y, z) in yz-plane divides AB in the ratio k:1, then

    r-coordinate of point P=mx2+nx1m+n

    k×3+1×(2)k+1=0[x-coordinate of p is zero]

            3k2    =0k=23        k:1    =2:3

    yz-plane divides the segment internally in the ratio 2:3. 

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