if the surface area of a cube is increasing at a rate of 3⋅6cm2/sec, retaining ifs shape, then the rate of change of its volume (in cm3 / sec), when the length of a side of the cube is 10 cm, is 

if the surface area of a cube is increasing at a rate of 36cm2/sec, retaining ifs shape, then the rate of change of its volume (in cm3 / sec), when the length of a side of the cube is 10 cm, is 

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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    Let the length an edge of the cube at any moment t

    be  x cm. Then, its surface area S and volume V are given by 

    S=6x2 and V=x3

     dSdt=12xdxdt and dVdt=3x2dxdt

     36=12×10dxdt and dVdt=3×102×dxdt

     dxdt=3100 and dVdt=300dxdt dVdt=300×3100=9.

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