The edge of a cube is equal to the radius of the sphere. If the rate at which the volume of the cube is increasing is equal to ‘λ., then the rate of increase of volume of the sphere, is  

The edge of a cube is equal to the radius of the sphere. If the rate at which the volume of the cube is increasing is equal to 'λ., then the rate of increase of volume of the sphere, is  

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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    Let r be the radius of the sphere. Let V1 and V2 be 

    the volumes of the sphere and the cube whose edge is r. Then,

    V1=43πr3 and  V2=r3

     dV1dt=4πr2drdt and dV2dt=3r2drdt

     dV1dt=4πr2drdt and λ=3r2drdt


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