The values of a  and b such that limx→0 x(1+acos⁡x)−bsin⁡xx3=1, are

The values of a  and b such that limx0x(1+acosx)bsinxx3=1, are

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D

    none of these

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    We have,

          limx0x(1+a cosx)b sinxx3=1limx0x1+a1x22!+x44!x66!+bxx33!+x55!x3=1limx0(1+ab)+x2b3!a2!+x4a4!b5!+x2=1  (i) 

    If 1+ab0, then LHS  as x0  while RHS =1


    From (i), we have

    limx0x2b3!a2!+x4a4!b5!+x2=1 b3!a2!=1b3a=6

    Solving 1 + a - b = 0 and b - 3 a = 6, we get a=52,b=32


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