A disc having uniform surface charge density +σ  in upper half and −σ in lower half is placed on a rough horizontal surface as shown in figure. A uniform electric field is set up as shown. If mass of disc is M and its radius is R, as well sufficient friction is present to prevent slipping, the acceleration of disc is

A disc having uniform surface charge density +σ  in upper half and σ in lower half is placed on a rough horizontal surface as shown in figure. A uniform electric field is set up as shown. If mass of disc is M and its radius is R, as well sufficient friction is present to prevent slipping, the acceleration of disc is

  1. A

    8σR2E09     M

  2. B

    9σR2E08     M

  3. C

    4σR2E03     M

  4. D

    3σR2E04     M

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    [Step 1]: Dipole moment

      σ=qAq=σAhemisphere=σπR22P=2aq=σπR222.4R3πdistance of com from surface either upwards or downwards, a=4R3π

    [Step 2]:  P=4R3σ3
    [Step 3]:  f=Ma
    [Step 4]:

      τEτf=IαPE0fR=Iα4R3σ3E0MaR=MR2α24R3σ3E0=MaR+MR2aR2For pure rolling, α=aR4R3σ3E0=3MRa2
    [Step 5]:  For pure rolling, α=aR
    [Step 6]: For pure rolling  a=89σE0R2M

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