A small metal plate (work-function Wo) is kept at a distance d from a singly ionised fixed ion. A monochromatic light beam is incident on the metal plate and photoelectric are emitted. The maximum wavelength of light so that the photo-electrons may go round the ions along a circle is 

A small metal plate (work-function Wo) is kept at a distance d from a singly ionised fixed ion. A monochromatic light beam is incident on the metal plate and photoelectric are emitted. The maximum wavelength of light so that the photo-electrons may go round the ions along a circle is

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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    Here we have 
    mv2d=e24πε0d2 or v2=e24πε0md  .....(1) By Einstein's photoelectric equation hν=W0+12mv2=W0+12mv2 or, 2hc/λW0m=v2      ..... (2) From eqs. (1) and (2), we have 2hcλW0m=e24πε0md or hcλ=W0+e28πε0d or hcλ=8πε0W0d+e28πε0d or λ=8πε0hcd8πε0W0d+e2

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