Figure shows a cyclic process ABCDBEA. performed on an ideal cycle. lf If PA = 2 atm, PB = 5 atm and Pc = 6 atm. VE-VA= 20 litre, find the work done by the gas in the complete, process (l atm. pressure = 1×105 Pa)

Figure shows a cyclic process ABCDBEA. performed on an ideal cycle. lf If PA = 2 atm, PB = 5 atm and Pc = 6 atm. VE-VA= 20 litre, find the work done by the gas in the complete, process (l atm. pressure = 1×105 Pa)

  1. A

    2.67 kJ

  2. B

    1.33 kJ

  3. C

    3.45 kJ

  4. D

    4.25 kJ

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    The complete cyclic process can be visualized as made up of two cycles, i.e., cycle AEBA (clockwise) and cycle BDCB (counter-clockwise).
    Work done by the gas during the cycle AEBA should be positive,

    W1 = area of the loop in the P-V diagram

          = 12(base)(altitude) = 12(VE-VA)(PB-PA)

           = 12(20×10-3m3)(5-2)×105 Nm-2 = 3kJ

    Work done by the gas the cycle BDCB should be negative,

    W2 = -(area of loop BDCB)

    Now evidently, triangles ABE and BCD are similar, the corresponding angles being equal (i.e.,

     <EBA = <DBC, <EAB = <BCD

    (VE-VA)(PB-PA)  = (VC-VD)(PC- PB) 20(5-2) = (VC-VD)(6-5)

    (VC-VD) = 203litre

    W2 = 12×203×10-3×1×105 = -0.33 kJ

     Total work done by the gas

         W = W1+W2 = 3 kJ -0.33 kJ = 2.67 kJ

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