For the situation shown in the figure, pulleys are light and smooth. Pulleys C and D are fixed, but A and B are movable. Find the value of m (in kg) if m is in equilibrium. (take, m1 = 2 kg and m2 =1 kg)


For the situation shown in the figure, pulleys are light and smooth. Pulleys C and D are fixed, but A and B are movable. Find the value of m (in kg) if m is in equilibrium. (take, m1 = 2 kg and m2 =1 kg)

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    Let tension  of m2 is T and tension of  m1 is 2T

    Let acceleration of m1 is a and acceleration of  m2 is 2a

    For m2

    Tm2g=m2(2a)  T-1(10)=1(2a)......(i)

    Free body diagram (FBD) of m2

     For m1: m1g2T=m1(a)    2(10)-2T=2a ......(ii)

    Free body diagram (FBD) of m1

    From Eqs. (i)2 and (ii), we get

    2T-20=4a20-2T=2a  a=0m/s2 Or substituting in (1) T-10=2(0)T=10N 

    Free body diagram of m

     For m,2T=mg2(10)=m(10)m=2kg

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